Talk:Kent Hovind

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Kent Hovind page.



This page reads more like a Wikipedia article on the subject. There appear to be some quotes buried in the text, and they should be the focus here, with the remaining text stripped out. Otherwise, this page should probably be deleted. ~ UDScott 11:39, 21 July 2006 (UTC)Reply

User:C56C has replaced the encyclopedic article with a substantial quote article. As a result… This article was preserved after a vote for its deletion. See its archived VfD entry for details. ~ Jeff Q (talk) 15:49, 5 August 2006 (UTC)Reply



There is a group of people who say the 'Protocols' are a real plan for world government, but written up as a Jewish plot ( to hide the *real* conspirators, you see). Hovind appears to have been reading literature put out by some of these people.

Now, the 'Protocols' are a notorious hoax (one of many discreditings is the book 'A Lie and a Libel'). People who put any credence in them for any reason are deluded. But this particular take on them I do not think is anti-Semitic, when you look at it, just loopy. I would recommend that the reference to Hovind's quote as 'anti-Semitic' be changed to 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'. It is odd, I admit, as the two things are usualy the same, but the facts seem to support this change.

Someone advise me: can I change it myself without starting an edit war?

Seems to me like you're right. I renamed the section as "Conspiracy". This OK? Muad 01:20, 31 March 2011 (UTC)Reply
This illustrates why the standard format of people articles calls for quotes to be sorted chronologically. One reason this article has a cleanup tag is because the interpretive topic headings should be removed. ~ Ningauble 20:27, 31 March 2011 (UTC)Reply

Misc. quotes (need better citations, some are dead links, others undated)



  • "...and the federal government is supposed to be the servant to the state government, states are supposed to be supreme, states' rights. Which goes into a long story of the wrong side winning the civil war, right? What was the civil war, it was Abe Lincoln's war, it wasn't the civil war..."
    • "Redeeming the Straw Man", Christian Science Evangelism tape.
  • "There was a book written called The Protocols of Zion [sic]. Now, it was written by the rich guys, but they said, “If this book ever gets found we want to blame it on the Jews.” So they called it Protocols of Zion [sic]. But it’s actually the plan of how to control the world. It’s about seventy some pages, you can, I don’t think you can print it off my website but you can get it in a lot of places. And some people saying, “Hovind, Hovind mentions The Protocols of Zion [sic]. That means he is anti Jewish.” No, I’m not anti Jewish, okay. I love the Jews. But The Protocols of Zion [sic] was written to explain how to control the world, I mean, it lays it all out. But it’s really carefully done so that if it is ever discovered the Jews take the blame for it. Interesting. Well, read the book and see what you think.
  • In 2005 Hovind claimed, "Spanish conquistadors" in 1571 found drawings of dinosaurs on stones, and "on them you will see people doing brain and heart surgery as well as every known dinosaur clearly depicted. Several hundred of them show humans and dinosaurs together."

  • "Evolutionism is a religious world view that is not supported by science, Scripture, popular opinion, or common sense. The exclusive teaching of this dangerous, mind-altering philosophy in tax supported schools, parks, museums, etc. is a clear violation of the First Amendment."
    • "Seminar Notebook" Text on the back.
  • "The purpose of the environmental movement is to establish control over the people."
    • Online Seminar 5B II Db, 1999.
  • "They banned DDT, not because it was necessarily bad, but because it was a great way to help the population control [banning DDT permits more human deaths from insect-born diseases, like malaria]."
    • Online Seminar 5B II Db, 1999.
  • "[.....] most of the environmental hype [regarding global warming] is really to help bring about Karl Marx's dream (nightmare) of a Communist world." [by reduction, and ultimately elimination of private property rights]
  • During a debate with Farrell Till, Hovind made the following claim about Donald Johanson: "[He] found the leg bones of Lucy a mile and a half away from the head bones. The leg bones were 200 feet deeper in a deeper layer of strata. I would like to know how fast the train was going that hit that chimpanzee."
  • "As for the flood carving Grand Canyon, why don’t they explain to us why the top of the Canyon is 4,000ft higher than where the river (Colorado River) enters the canyon? Why don’t they explain to us how rivers miraculously flowed up-hill for millions of years to finally cut the groove deep enough so they could flow downhill?"
    • "Scientific American, Giving Up?"[3]
  • "The whiter the bread, the quicker you’re dead" because white bread lacks vitamin E and lecithin.
    • "Hovind Seminar at Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia", May 1999.
  • "Satan is seeing to it that well meaning parents are destroying their children's immune system by putting over 22 viruses into their system before they are two."
  • "My take on what happened with the moon landing was [......] they suspect [sic] that on impact that the cameras would be damaged because back in 1969 cameras weren't, you know, like they are today, as good. So they had a studio set up at CBS to mimic the moon landing. And sure enough the cameras broke and so they flipped, you know, the CBS studio on. And what you saw of the footage of the '69 moon landing was actually at CBS studio."
    • "Creation Evolution and Dinosaurs session #5 Q&A", 1:55, January 2002.
  • "They [the New World Order] want to reduce the population [to 500 million] and their target date is May 5th of 2000. […..] The demons who call themselves spirit guides have told them. “You know, you have to reduce the population by May 5th.” Because May 5th is Karl Marx’s birthday, you know, enter the Age of Aquarius. […..] I suspect they may use Y2K as an excuse to create some little problems here, we shall have to wait and see."
  • "Here are the folks that are involved in this New World Order: The United Nations [….] the World Council of Churches […..] the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers […..] the International Monetary Fund […..] the Club of Rome, the communists, the socialists, the National Education Association […..] the NOW organisation, the ACLU, the Masonic Lodge."
  • "New World Order, coming to a city near you. They are starting next month in South America, putting microchips in people. That's the plan. America is slated for this fall. Put microchips in the palm of the right hand."
  • "[.....] this New World Order has plans to reduce the population by May 5 of the year 2000 [.....] down to one half billion very soon."
    • Online Seminar 5B II Db, 1999.
  • "Is the NAFTA a stepping stone toward the New World Order? Absolutely!"
    • "Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution Chapter 6", 1996, (a transcript of Kent Hovind's early sermons).
  • "The bad guys who would like to have a one world government have learned a simple technique - you create a crisis and then the people will call for you to come solve the crisis. That’s why the Oklahoma City Bombing took place. They wanted to get the anti-terrorist bill passed through Congress. […..] Whenever there is a crisis like the Twin Towers getting blown up, you had just better look behind the scenes to see what is really happening. Why is this going on? There’s a reason for it, okay, it’s all part of a plan. […..] [American] Civil War was intentionally done, World War Two, the Great Depression, all these things are planned ahead of time and they are orchestrated to […..] cause a particular response amongst the people."
  • When asked by the Judge were he lives, Hovind replied "I live in the church of Jesus Christ, which is located all over the world. I have no residence."
    • Pensacola News Journal, July 17, 2006.[4]

-10:29, 12 July 2015 (UTC)



i removed the images due to obvious trolling. -- 00:43, 5 July 2016 (UTC)Reply