Talk:Video game

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  • "Life is a video game. No matter how good you get, you are always zapped in the end"
  • "All your base are belong to us."
    • "Cats," from an unprofessional translation of the Japanese video game Zero Wing (see engrish)
  • "Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock and roll."
  • "I recently learned something quite interesting about video games. Many young people have developed incredible hand, eye, and brain coordination in playing these games. The air force believes these kids will be our outstanding pilots should they fly our jets."
  • "All games are about realizing a fantasy, whether it be the fantasy of being a courageous war hero, or the fantasy of being a future space adventurer, or, in the case of some Japanese games, the fantasy of possessing eight prehensile dicks."
  • "All you need to know is this. There are two kinds of games: games that I stop playing because I've been bored or frustrated into a state approaching rigor mortis, and games that I stop playing because I've just noticed I should have had dinner two hours ago."
  • "Games, or should I say the potential for games, has only gotten better as technology advances in direct proportion to the worsening of your memory. When the gaming kids of today become the hairy, winding twenty-somethings of the future, they'll be declaring that Halo 3 was miles better than a game of interstellar bum pirates on the astral thought planes of the universal overmind and they'll be just as wrong then as you are now."