The Grey (film)

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The Grey is a 2011 American thriller and survival film about a number of oil-men stranded in Alaska after a plane crash, who are forced to survive using little more than their wits, as a pack of gray wolves stalk them amidst mercilessly cold weather.

Directed by Joe Carnahan. Written by Ian MacKenzie Jeffers and Joe Carnahan, based on Jeffer's short story "Ghost Walker".
Live or Die on This Day

John Ottway

  • A job at the end of the world. A salaried killer for a big petroleum company. I don't know why I did half the things I've done, but I know this is where I belong, surrounded by my own. Ex-cons, fugitives, drifters, assholes. Men unfit for mankind.
  • My dad was not without love... but a cliched Irish motherfucker when he wanted to be. Drinker, brawler, all that stuff. Never shed a tear. Saw weakness everywhere. But he had this thing for poems... poetry. Reading them, quoting them. Probably thought it rounded him off, you know. His way of apologizing, I guess. And there was one that hung over the desk in his den. It was only when I was a lot older, I realized he had written it. It was untitled, four lines. I read it at his funeral. "Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."
  • We're going to get a large branch and sharpen the end of it, and we're going to shove it up this thing's ass. Then we're going to eat it.
  • I'm going to start beating the shit out of you in the next five seconds.
  • Do something. Do something. You phony prick fraudulent motherfucker. Do something! Come on! Prove it! Fuck faith! Earn it! Show me something real! I need it now. Not later. Now! Show me and I'll believe in you until the day I die. I swear. I'm calling on you. I'm calling on you! [receives no response] Fuck it. I'll do it myself.
  • [stumbling upon the wolves' den] The den. It's their fucking den.
  • There's not a second that goes by when I'm not thinking of you in some way. I want to see your face, feel your hands in mine, feel you against me. But I know that will never be. You left me, and I can't get you back. I move like I imagine the damned do, cursed. And I feel like it's only a matter of time. I don't know why I'm writing this. I don't know what can come of it. I know I can't get you back. I don't know why this has happened to us. I feel like it's me. Bad luck. Poison. And I've stopped doing this world any real good.

John Diaz

  • You fuckin' guys with your rules and your orders and bullshit. Where are we? Look around! This is fuck city. Population five and dwindling.
  • So this is what its come down to boys? This MacGyver bullshit? Ok, alright, I appreciate a good laugh as much as the next guy.
  • Fate didn't give a fuck. Dead is dead.

Todd Flannery

  • Hey, guys, don't do that put your head between your knees crap if this plane crashes.

Jerome Talget


Jackson Burke


Duke Chavis

  • Oh fuck man
  • come on, man
  • Help, hang on in a minute
  • we’re fucking went down
  • Oh my god, Oh my god That guy’s cut in half
  • My head is fucked my leg is fucked! Awww fuck!
  • It's good? Then i'm fucking fabulous!!!
  • I don’t know man, I can’t tell
  • Don’t go, don’t leave me, where are you going

Dwayne Hernandez

  • Look at That
  • No, It's a True Story
  • Whoa, I'm gonna be sick, fuck me

Luke Lewenden

  • Hi, How are you
  • That reminds me of My Childhood
  • I'm Playing with you man
  • Fuck, What was That
  • fucking guy, man! is he planning on flying out of this shit any time or what
  • we’re going on here
  • Tell the pilot, Go & Tell them what's going on Here

Simon Cimoski

  • shut up. Man

David Calfskin


Chris Oxendine

  • Shut Up, Shut The Fuck Up
  • I Can't move, man

Jack Daniels


Pete Hendrick

  • Is that it? You're just gonna sit there? Is that what you want?


Ottway Listen pal, i don't want to talk, you need some quiet because of the head back, ok
Lewenden: That Reminds me of my childhood
Hernandez: No, It's a True Story
Lewenden: I'm playing With you, man
Hernandez: Whoa, I'm gonna be sick, fuck me
Lewenden : Fuck, what was that
Hendrick : Shit, Whoa
Flannery: Hey, guys, don't do that put your head between your knees crap if this plane crashes.
Oxendine: Shut Up
Calfskin: Shut the fuck up
Diaz: Shut the fuck up, Flannery!
Burke: Why would you even say that?
Flannery: No, I saw it on the Discovery Channel. People have their spines up to their skulls because they're bent over like fucking retards.
Diaz: Shut the fuck up! the fuck out!
Lewenden: You're being a fucking dick! Who's friends with this guy
Oxendine: Stop Fuckin sayin
Hernandez: Whoever's closest, just fucking hit him
Lewenden: fucking guy, man! is he planning on flying out of this shit any time or what?
Cimoski: Shut Up, man
Ottway: Put that back. Put it Back! We're not looting dead bodies for swag.
Diaz: You got lucky today Ottway. You should be lying there with them. Don't push it.
Ottway: I'm not going to say it again.
Diaz: Motherfucker take a big step back!
Ottway: I'm going to start beating the shit out of you in the next five seconds. And you're going to swallow a lot of blood for a fucking billfold.

Ottway: [after bitten by a wolf] Maybe I'll turn into a wolfman now.
Flannery: Wait! That shit's not real, right? I mean you can't.
Diaz: Asswipe, what do you think? Really.
Flannery: I don't know, man, maybe like rabies or whatever. I didn't think the motherfucker was gonna grow claws and teeth and shit.

Chavis: Somebody help me! help me! oh! Somebody help me! aaah, help. somebody help me
Ottway: I've Got You. I've got you
Chavis: oh, we're fucking went down, Oh My God! Oh My God! that guy's cut in half
Ottway: [trying to calm him] It's good. It's good that it hurts.
Chavis: It's good?
Ottway: It's good, yeah.
Chavis: Oh well then I'm fuckin' fabulous.
Ottway: You're Bleeding everywhere else.
Chavis: I don't know man, i can't tell
Ottway: I'll Get you some cover
Chavis: Don't go, don't leave me, where are you going

Hendrick: Is that it? You're just gonna sit there? Is that what you want?
Diaz: Yeah.
Hendrick: After what we survived?
Diaz: That's exactly why. What I got waiting for me back there? I'm gonna sit on a drill all day. Get drunk all night. That's my life. Turn around and look at that. [motions to the mountains] I feel like that's all for me. How do I beat that. When will it ever be better? I can't explain it.

Hendrick: I've get you some help
Lewenden: It's the way too much blood, I can't loose all this blood
Flannery: Help Him, Ottway Help him
Lewenden: this can't be all coming outside, to lose blood, this is the way too much blood. Ottway. Help me okay. something's wrong. something's really. i'm really wrong here okay, i don't feel right, i just don't. Ottway, okay, this doesn't
Ottway: Listen, listen. You're gonna die. That's what's happening. It's okay.
Lewenden: No. No. No. No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on!
Ottway: It's okay.
Lewenden: Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Ottway: It's okay.
Lewenden: Hold on.
Ottway: It's okay. It's okay. Look at me. Keep looking at me. It's all right. It's all right. Look at me. Keep looking at me. It's all right. It'll slide over you. It'll start to feel warm. Nice and warm. Let it move over you. It's all right.
Lewenden: What?
Ottway: Let your thoughts go. All the good things. All the good things. Yeah? Who do you love? Who do you love, Luke?
Lewenden: My girl Rosie.
Ottway: Is she your daughter?
Lewenden: She's six.
Ottway: Let her take you, then. Let her take you.
Flannery: did he just fucking die? he just fucking died didn't he


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