Time Out with Britney Spears

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Time Out with Britney Spears (1999) is Britney Spears' first video album.



"Growing Up"

[first lines]
Britney Spears: That's my real name. My name is Britney Jean Spears. [laughs] A country name... [shows a picture of Britney Spears as a very young child and a camera snapshot sound is heard four times before the picture disappears] Well, I grew up in a really, really small town. It's called Kentwood, and it's like an hour away from New Orleans and we're in Louisiana. I'm a southern girl, and I'm used to caged-in food and, um... blues music, and... I love where I come from, because my neighborhood... I have, like... all my friends all around me, and like... every day, in the summer time, it was so convenient because we would, uh, all go to one person's house and play video games, and just... um... do slipper... you know... slip and s... slide, and go-karts; we just had so much fun. I had a wonderful childhood. Um, the population of my hometown is, like, twelve hundred people, so it's, like, really small. It's really, really small. Literally, you don't have to lock your doors where I'm from, and it's just, you know, it's, like, a nice home feeling, so... Was I popular in high school? Um, I don't think so. I mean... I mean, to a certain extent, I mean, I had my friends that were, um... Actually, I left school, kind of, when you started getting, like, you know, of a popular crowd, like in high school, 'cause, like, I was in the ninth grade, and that's when, you know, you started going to homecomings and proms and stuff like that. And that's right when I started... Um, right when this elder guy has me to a homecoming, I thought I was everything, you know, not that I was popular then, or whatever. But then, after that, you know, I left and I started singing and I started doing... doing my career, but, um, I wouldn't say I was a nerd or a dork, but I wouldn't say I was, like, the cheerleader or popular person, 'cause I wasn't a cheerleader. I was always, really, doing my own thing. I was always, like, reading books and stuff like that.

Britney Spears: When I was little, I always... I didn't say, you know, "I'm gonna be a superstar", or this is what I was gonna do, but I was always doing shows, like...like...I...my friends would come over, and we'd make these big shows, and I was so serious about it! You know, and I was the director, and...like... we would do stuff like that all the time, and then, you know, when I grew out of that stage, then I just got really involved with just listening to music all the time.

Britney Spears: When I was in the ninth grade, that's when I, um, it was in the middle of the year, and, um, I decided I wanted to sing again, and it was really weird that my entertainment lawyer from New York had called me up, and he was like "Come to New York!", so I had to fly to New York by myself for the day, which is a big deal when you're, you know, like 15. So I flew to New York, and, um, I sang for several different record labels. And, um, it was just really, really nerve-wracking, because it was like all these people just staring there, looking at you, saying "Well, I wonder what she could do," you know. And then, after that day was over with, it was like "Whew, thank goodness," and I flew out that, you know, that same day. Yeah, and I totally remember that day, cause I had shoes on, were like this tall, and I wasn't used to walking in New York. And my man... um... Larry, the person I was with was wys-- You know, they walk so fast and I was like "Oh my God!" I remember when I got home that night. I was just like "Rub my feet, mom!" Anyways, but, um... yeah, that's when I left.

Making Music Videos

Britney Spears: [talking about the production of the music video for "...Baby One More Time"] Okay, this is my first video I ever shot. And, um, it was really really hectic and nerve-wracking because it was my first video and I was... I was really nervous about how the end results were gonna turn out.
Britney Spears: [on the production of the music video for "Sometimes"] "Sometimes" was a lot more laid back, I thought, because you're at this, you know, we're at a beach house, and we were located on this beautiful beach, and... it was just really laid back. I mean, even the first day when we did the dancing, we did the dance number like four or five times and we were finished, like "Oh goodness!", and then the next day, it was just all beauty shot, so, that process was like really mellow and really laid back, but it was a pretty video. Well, so far, they've used a lot of ideas on all the videos, which is really cool, because you actually get to see that on TV, and it's like, you know, it's really cool to see what your idea has come, you know, turns out to be like. But, um, I love the whole process, and, um, I've... I've worked with Nigel Dick on all my videos so far, and he's just really, really cool to work with, because he's really mellow and he's really open minded to what I want and, what... you know, I know he wants a good video and I take that in... to consideration and the results always turn out really cool.

Britney Spears: [about the production of the music video for "You Drive Me Crazy"] I had so much fun making my video, "Crazy". And actually, MTV... they got to come on the set, and just like, like, do a whole "behind the scenes" thing, and like check everything out.