Wayne's World 2

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Wayne's World 2 is a 1993 comedy film starring Mike Myers and Dana Carvey as hosts of a cable access television show from Aurora, Illinois. Based of a popular sketch on NBC's Saturday Night Live and is the sequel to Wayne's World, the movie depicts friends Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar as they try to organize a Woodstock-style concert called Waynestock.

Wayne Campbell

  • I know all seven animal styles: The crane, the stag, the horse, the tiger, the bat, the rat, the monkey, the Beatle [imitates Ringo Starr]. I will take you.

Garth Algar

  • [Telling Wayne what people might say if he mentions Jim Morrison on the show] Look, there's Garth, and his friend Wayne...the psychopath.

Del Preston

  • [At Mikita's, the doughnut shop] And there I am in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at three o' clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&M's to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door and mentions there's a little sweetshop on the edge of town. So, we go, and - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby breaking into this little sweetshop right? Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. Well I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son, that's a different story altogether... I had to beat them to death with their own shoes... Nasty business really... But sure enough, I got the M&M's and Ozzy went on stage and did a GREAT show." [everyone in donut shop claps]


[Wayne, Garth, and their crew are at the drive-thru at Stan Mikita's, where there's a sign next to the speaker-phone that says, "If we get your order wrong, you don't have to pay."]
Wayne: Um, I'd like...ruelers...urger..ucks, and a Mikkita...cup. And then, I think I'd like a large...ream. [Everyone in the car quietly snicker to one another]
Garth: Yes, and could I please have a...elly...oughnut...ra...berry and a o...ge drink?
Employee: What?
Wayne: Oh, I'm sorry, and a...igger...oken.
Employee: Well, let me try to recap the order: A crawler, two Sugar Pucks, a Stanley Cup, a large coffee with cream, a raspberry jelly doughnut, an orange drink, and a box of Five Holes.
Wayne: ...Yeah.
Employee: Thank you, drive around, please.

Wayne: [enters gas station] Where's the First Presbyterian Church on Gordon Street?
Bad Actor: Uh...
Wayne: Gordon Street, Gordon Street!
Bad Actor: Uh, Gordon Street! Oh yeah, Gordon Street! Uh, I once knew a girl who lived on Gordon Street. But that was a long time ago. When I was young.
Wayne: [looks at camera] Do we have to put up with this? I mean, can't we get a better actor? I know it's a small part, but I think we can do better than this.
[director comes in and replaces actor with Charlton Heston]
Good Actor: Gordon Street? Ah, yes, Gordon Street. I once knew a girl who lived on Gordon Street. Long time ago, when I was a young man. Not a day passes I don't think of her and the promise that I made which I will always keep. That one perfect day on Gordon Street. That's uh, five blocks up, two over.
Wayne: [choking back tears] Thank you.

[Wayne and Garth meet Aerosmith]
Wayne & Garth: Uhhh....[Goes to their knees and start bowing] We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
Steven Tyler: Hey, you're worthy, you're worthy! Get up!

[Del Preston lays out the Waynestock stage, but goes off-topic]
Del Preston: In the event of capture, I will distribute cyanide capsules which are to be placed under the tongue like so: [puts one under his tongue] Any questions?
Garth: I have a question: When exactly did you become a nutbar? [snickers with Wayne]

[Wayne argues with Jeff Wong in Cantonese]
Wayne: With all respect, Jeff. In our culture, women are allowed to make their own decisions.
Jeff Wong: How dare you speak to me in such an insolent tone. You have left me no choice but to fight you!
Wayne: If we were to fight, I think it would better if we were dubbed and not in subtitles!
Jeff: [dubbed in English] Very well. If that is your custom, prepare to die.

Wayne: Excuse me, what are you guys doing here in the middle of the street?
Chicken-man: Well, I'm putting these chickens in crates, and stacking them right here. Jim's job is to make sure we always have plenty of watermelons.
Wayne: Oh, so you're selling watermelons.
Jim: No, no sir. We just have to make sure we have plenty of them stacked at all times, just like with these here chickens.
Garth: What do these guys do?
Chicken-man: Well, their job is to walk back and forth with this big plate-glass window every couple of minutes.
Garth: That's weird.
Wayne: Yeah, you've got to wonder if this is gonna pay off later on.

[Wayne has finally found himself at the First Presbyterian Church and runs on top to finally catch Cassandra about to marry Bobby Cahn.]
Wayne: Oh Jesus God no. [knocks loudly on the window glass that catches Cassandra's attention, as well as everybody else] Cassandra! Cassandra!
Jeff: What an asshole.
[As Wayne continues to call out Cassandra's name, her father, along with Bobby and the minister mouths "Son of a Bitch" at Wayne.]
Cassandra: WAYNE!



Notable cameos

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