Wikiquote:Quote of the day

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Quote of the day is a section on the Main Page where a notable quotation is displayed. See Guidelines for an explanation of the selection process.

Current version of this section on the Main Page:

  The infirmity of human intelligence is short sight. In too many cases, the wiseacres are dunces of a sort, who lose sight of the simplicity of things, and stifle and obscure it with formulae and trivialities. It is the small things that one learns from books, not the great ones.
And even while they are saying that they do not wish for war they are doing all they can to perpetuate it. They nourish national vanity and the love of supremacy by force. "We alone," they say, each behind his shelter, "we alone are the guardians of courage and loyalty, of ability and good taste!" Out of the greatness and richness of a country they make something like a consuming disease. Out of patriotism — which can be respected as long as it remains in the domain of sentiment and art on exactly the same footing as the sense of family and local pride, all equally sacred — out of patriotism they make a Utopian and impracticable idea, unbalancing the world, a sort of cancer which drains all the living force, spreads everywhere and crushes life, a contagious cancer which culminates either in the crash of war or in the exhaustion and suffocation of armed peace.
They pervert the most admirable of moral principles. How many are the crimes of which they have made virtues merely by dowering them with the word "national"? They distort even truth itself. For the truth which is eternally the same they substitute each their national truth. So many nations, so many truths; and thus they falsify and twist the truth.
~ Henri Barbusse ~

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The process of choosing which quotations are displayed on specific days is currently handled by Kalki, the director of this set of pages. If you have any suggestions, requests, questions, or complaints, then please post them on the discussion page. Since June 2005, "Quote of the day" proposals have been made at pages for each month which have sections for each date, and final selections usually reflect the result of rankings made there.

Any registered user is invited to make proposals, or to rank each candidate on these pages:

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

You might also check Quote of the Day (complete list) to see if your suggestion has already been featured in the past.

If you're reading Wikiquote after 00:00 UTC, and notice the quote of the day on the Main Page has not been updated, you can make the update happen by clicking here to purge the main page cache.

Maintenance instructions

Running example: Valentine's Day 2020

  1. Update the suggestions/archive page.
    1. From QOTD by month, navigate to the suggestions/archive page for the month of interest, for example Wikiquote:Quote_of_the_day/February.
    2. Navigate to the section for the date of interest. At the bottom of the section on the date of interest, click on "Rank or add further suggestions…" to open the suggestions/archive page for the date of interest, for example February_14.
    3. Choose from among the previous suggestions or select any quotation of your preference.
    4. Edit the suggestions/archive page for the date of interest. At the bottom of the "Quotes of the day from previous years" section, add an entry for the year of interest prefixed with a wiki markup semicolon, for example ";2020". If you choose from among the previous suggestions, move the quote up from the "Suggestions" section, preserving credit to the nominator of the suggestion. If you select a quote not among the previous suggestions, credit yourself. Preview and save the page.