William Vickrey

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William Spencer Vickrey (21 June 1914 – 11 October 1996) was a Canadian-born professor of economics and with James Mirrlees the winner of the 1996 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.


  • Market Anti-Inflation Plans
    In such a context, it should be clear that balancing a nominal budget will solve nothing, and attempting to achieve such a spurious balance will produce much mischief.
    • William Spencer Vickrey et al. Full Employment and Price Stability: The Macroeconomic Vision of William S. Vickrey. p. 4

Quotes about William Vickrey

  • WILLIAM VICKREY DIED on October 11, 1996, three days after the announcement that the 1996 Bank of Sweden prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel was being awarded to him and to Professor James Mirrlees of Cambridge “for their fundamental contributions to the economic theory of incentives under asymmetric information.” Vickrey was eighty-two years old and had been a member of the National Academy of Sciences since April 1996. The press release from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences refers specifically to his work in the mid-forties on income taxation, then in the early sixties on auctions. With characteristic independence, Vickrey reacted by privileging instead his work of the late thirties on cumulative averaging of income for tax purposes and his then current concern with unemployment. Early insights, lifetime dedication, and late recognition are unmistakable traits of a truly remarkable career devoted to economics in the service of the public sector.
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