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Leonard Mandel

From Wikiquote

Leonard Mandel (May 9, 1927February 9, 2001) was an American physicist that contributed to the development of theoretical and experimental modern optics and is widely considered one of the founding fathers of the field of quantum optics. With Emil Wolf he published the highly regarded book Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics. He was the Lee DuBridge Professor Emeritus of Physics and Optics at the University of Rochester.


  • Concepts like these can seem remote, until you explain with analogies taken from everyday life. But unfortunately some ideas do not lend themselves to familiar analogies.
  • We are trying to understand the implications of quantum mechanics. The subject is very old, but we are still learning.
    • as quoted by John Hogan, in Quantum Philosophy, Scientific American (July 1992)
  • It's kind of interesting to show that the strange features of quantum mechanics are actually observed. We still don't totally understand what it means.
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