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Michael Malone

From Wikiquote

Michael Malone (April 25, 1942August 19, 2022) was an American author and television writer, born in Durham, North Carolina.


  • I think the greatest taboos in America are faith and failure.
    • The Guardian (London, July 7, 1989)
  • There is nothing more profoundly serious than real comedy, which is an affirmation of human communion, redemption and grace.
    • January Magazine (January 2002).
  • As Gloria Steinem said about Ginger Rogers: She was doing everything Fred Astaire was doing, just doing it backwards in high heels. Well, Southern women are doing and enduring what other women have to do and endure, but (at least until recently) they had to do it in heels and hats and white gloves and makeup and a sweet smile, with maybe a glass of bourbon and a cigarette to get them through the magnolia part of being a steel magnolia.
    • January Magazine (January 2002).
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