Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow

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For other uses of "Pirates of the Caribbean", see Pirates of the Caribbean.

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow is a video game developed by 7 Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks for the PlayStation 2 and Microsoft Windows. Featuring the voice of Johnny Depp, who portrayed Captain Jack Sparrow in the movies. The game references Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, but in exaggerated scenery due to it being a tale told by Jack Sparrow at the gallows.

Captain Jack Sparrow[edit]

  • Now we pause to appreciate the beginning of the raid proper. First we will unlock the main gate...then lower the flag and replace it with a Jolly Roger. That's the signal to our rickett-ridden crew, and they'd best be watching for it. Ready, lad? Yo ho!
  • Nassau. Lovely town. So much to see and do. But I'd picked a rueful time to visit, for the eve of my arrival the town came under siege by Black Smoke James—named for the cloud of black smoke he created to baffle his enemies. He was desirous to appoint himself magistrate of the island—a detail of grave concern to the man who a priori held the position.
  • The situation was grim. The not-very-often heroic Will Turner had handed himself over as Barbossa's prisoner. While I was marooned once again on Rum Island. This time with the lady Elizabeth at me side, which improved the view dramatically. Nevertheless, we've no hope of escape.
  • With haste we returned to Isla de Muerta; our goal to rescue the ungrateful Will Turner from the villainous pirate Barbossa and his wretched crew.


  • ...last piece that went astray, we have returned. Save for this. 881 we found but despaired of ever finding the last. We've paid the blood sacrifice owed the heathen gods. And now, 'tis only her blood must yet be paid. Begun by blood, by blood undone!
  • Enough! Bo'sun, get down there and finish this.


Will Turner: Jack, your name is synonymous with 'weasel'.
Jack Sparrow: Then how did I ever talk you into this?
Will Turner: That is a mystery indeed.

Alberto Chaves: And for these crimes, you have been sentenced, on this day, to be hanged by the neck until dead.
Jack Sparrow: Define 'dead'. Where did you get all that?
Alberto Chaves: The crimes of Captain Sparrow are notorious. Among our many sources, we have a detailed account of your recent criminal activities in the town of Port Royal.
Jack Sparrow: "Criminal activities"? Nonsense. Port Royal would've been burnt to cinders if it were not for my heroic interventions.
Will Turner: "Heroic intervenions"?

Jack Sparrow: Will, lead her back to the ship! I'll keep these scallywags at bay with the point of me blade.
Barbossa: We can but humbly surrender to your dashing bravery and superior swordmanship.
Jack Sparrow: Well, then. That certainly makes things easier.
Will Turner: Have you gone mad? Your account couldn't be further from the truth. Elizabeth escaped on her own. It was you taken captive by Barbossa aboard the Black Pearl.
Jack Sparrow: Yes, of course. So helpful to have you by my side, correcting my inaccuracy.

Barbossa: Oh, 'tis an honor indeed to have you back aboard me ship.
Jack Sparrow: My ship.
Barbossa: Jack Sparrow—
Jack Sparrow: Captain.
Barbossa: The man who vanished from under the eyes of seven agents of the East India Company. The man who sunk a French war galleon with naught but his cutlass and a diving bell.
Jack Sparrow: The man who sacked Nassau Port without firing a shot. Mustn't leave that one out.
Barbossa: I've often wondered just how you managed to pull off such a trick.
Jack Sparrow: Ah, therein lies a tale.

Jack Sparrow: Uh, hello, Black.
Black Smoke James: And who might you be? Think you're a clever scalawag, to dare address Black Smoke James so?

Jack Sparrow: Let's not forget all that I've gained. This town belongs to me now, savvy?
Black Smoke James: Oh it does, does it? Well being on account of who you was pretending to be when you made the deal, and seeing as who I am - that being the man you was pretending to be- I'm inclined to differ.

Elizabeth Swann: Jack!
Black Smoke James: "Ye bloomin' cowards and fools. Have ye not yet noticed ye've wandered onto the deck of the King George's Amnesty? This be my ship...and I'm not looking to add any more crew."

Barbossa: Ye spin a lovely yarn, Jack. Would if a word of it be true.
Bo'sun: Captain, we're coming up on the Interceptor.
Barbossa: Take him back to his cell.

Barbossa: So what now, gentlemen? Are we to be three immortals locked in an epic battle until judgment day and the trumpets sound? Hmm?"
Jack Sparrow: Or you could surrender.

Will Turner: If this wasn't happening, I'd swear you're making it up.
Jack Sparrow: It's the life of a pirate, mate. Best get used to it.


  • His adventures are famous. His exploits are legendary. But you won't know Jack until you become him.
  • This summer. Experience the thrill. Live the adventure. Become the legend.


External links[edit]