Template:Cite newspaper The Times

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This is a citation template for citing entries from The Times newspaper, the newspaper of record of the United Kingdom. The format follows the format used in the The Times Index. The Times Index goes back to 1785 and the other newspaper templates Cite newspaper and Cite news.


All parameters are required.

Horizontal format
{{Cite newspaper The Times |articlename= |author= |section= |day_of_week= |date= |page_number= |issue= |column= }}
Vertical format
{{Cite newspaper The Times

Example usage[edit]

{{Cite newspaper The Times
|articlename=The spelling of Kenya
|author=J.H. Reynolds
|section=Letters to the editor
|date=Feb 08 1932


The spelling of Kenya, J.H. Reynolds (Letters to the editor) The Times, Mon, Feb 08 1932; pg. 8; Issue 46051; col B


article name
This is the title of the article
Give the author name including the first name or initials
The section in which the article appears, e.g news, business, sport, letters to the editor etc.
Ideally give this in the short form Mon, Tue etc.
The full date the article was published
The page the article begins on, or a range such as 8-9
The issue number of the newspaper
The column the article begins on, the first column is a, the second is b and so on