Abdullah Hashem

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Abdullah Hashem in 2022

Abdullah Hashem (born 1983), also known as Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq, is an Egyptian-American religious leader and founder of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light (AROPL).


Hashem, Abdullah (2022). The Goal of the Wise: The Gospel of the Riser of the family of Mohammed Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq. The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. ISBN 978-1-7392629-0-7. 
  • I remember 14 years ago, I fell into prostration to God and submitted myself and said:

"O Lord, show me who You are, and what path You wish for me to follow,
and I shall follow You no matter where You are, no matter who You are.
If You be Krishna, I shall worship and follow You,
if You be Buddha, I shall be a Buddhist,
if Judaism is the truth, then let me be a Jew,
if Jesus is Lord and Savior, then I will worship You.
If Mohammed be the truth, then I am a Muslim.
If You are Ali, I will worship Ali or whoever You may be.
Whoever You may be and wherever You may be,
I am there, just show me the way."
I traveled then from America to Egypt,
and I walked the sands that surrounded the Pyramids looking for God.
I sailed the Nile and the Red Sea,
and I traveled to Kuwait and the Emirates,
I saw the tallest towers and walked into the mosques looking for God.
I traveled to Lebanon and climbed its mountains and sat where Jesus (PBUH) sat in its caves.

  • p. 568

External links[edit]

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