Abed-nego Bandim

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Abed-nego Bandim (born 12 February 1977) is a Ghanaian politician who is a member of the National Democratic Congress. He is the member of parliament for the Bunkpurugu (Nyankpanduri District) in the North East Region of Ghana.


  • "I am calling on all Christians to unite and kick against the promotion of LGBQT+ activities by the government and I want to assure the good people of Ghana that we the minority of parliament will vote in support of the passage of the bill,”.
  • “The facts on the ground is that when the NIA’s Prof Ken Attafuah and his staff appeared before parliament, they made it clear to us that they did not have the capacity in terms of finances, and in terms of logistics, and in terms of human capacity to embark on a mass registration to give cards to Ghanaians to enable them to register their SIM card. They said that the Ministry of Finance has not, up to date, released funds for them to acquire equipment that will enable them to embark on a mass registration. As a result, they are not able to open registration centers at vantage points as part particularly in district capitals, in order to allow people to acquire the Ghana Card that is what it is it is not because the people have acquired the US Ghana cards and have refused to go and register. It is simply because they have not been able to get their Ghana Cards.”
  • “Our women must be given the opportunity to show their political capabilities by focusing on supporting and assisting every activity geared towards increasing their representation in Parliament especially,”
  • “Gender-based violence is a human rights violation which undermines a person’s self-esteem that can lead to mental health issues and as Ghana joins the rest of the international community to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day, it is essential that the government in partnership with Civil Society Organisations work to expand security for wom­en and girls to enable them live meaningful lives,”
  • “When women are living safe, fulfilled and productive lives, they can reach their full potential and contribute their knowledge and skills to the workforce while raising happier and healthier children, so let us continue to empower women and celebrate their strength, contributions and achievements in our society while protecting them,”
  • “I can promise our women, the NDC will change one of its major ambitions of creating an enabling environment for young girls to live their best lives since women empowerment remains a big deal for the party when it assumes the reins of government,”
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