Adenike Osofisan

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Adenike Osofisan (born 11 March 1950) is a Nigerian professor of Computer science, who specializes in data mining and knowledge management. She is the first Nigerian woman to hold a Ph.D. in Computer science, a feat she accomplished in 1989. In 2006, she became a full professor at University of Ibadan, a promotion that made her the first African woman to become a Computer Science professor.


  • There are many things that make Lord’s Schools unique. They give the students holistic education and teach them the fear of the Lord. The children are trained to be good citizens of Nigeria. They also have a cattle ranch, poultry, farm, among others.
    • [1] Professor Adenike talked on Lord's School in 2019.
  • As for Kudirat too, the heroine of democracy, I felt so highly elated that I am being honoured along with those two heroines. I feel proud about it.
    • [2] Professor Osofisan in an exclusive chat on the honor given to her in 2019.
  • A lot of people get it wrong. The facilities available today are more than what was available in our days. During our time, General Science was only introduced in our final year. However, today, even from primary school, children are exposed to computing, science and the like.
    • [3] Professor Adenike compared Standard of Education then and now in 2019.
  • I don’t know. Well, I was happy. You know that kind of feeling, a couple of mixed feelings. I was very happy and joyful. At the same time, I just wished my dad was still alive to witness it.
    • [4] Professor Adenike expressed how she felt when she was inducted into Nigerian Women Hall of Fame in 2019.
  • I was called Iron Lady for being a successful woman.
    • [5] Professor Osofisan in punch news in 2019.
  • There is no invention that doesn’t bring good and bad. However, it depends on which aspect you want to adopt.
    • [6] Professor Adenike on effect of social media in the upbringing of children in 2019.
  • To train a student in the university is a lot of money. We play too much politics with education, and as long as you play politics with education, things will not go well. That is the truth.
    • [7] Professor Adenike give advice on improvement of education in 2019.

Quotes about Adenike Osofian

  • Prof Adenike Osofisan is a pioneer and role model in the field of computer science. She has taught computer science at the University of Ibadan for well over two decades now and she has successfully supervised many PhD candidates in her discipline.
    • [8] The Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, UI, Professor Abel Idowu Olayinka acknowledged Adenike Osofisan in 2019.
  • Some academics had been honoured with one of the annual national awards and the NNOM. So, it would not be unusual if apart from the annual award l had recommended, if Professor (Mrs) Osofisan is also considered for the NNOM award.
    • [9] Suggestion on how Professor Adenike should be given the national award in 2020.
  • But of all of our old man’s offspring Nike is the first among equals in brilliancy and academic achievements.
    • [10] One of the sibling to Professor Adenike speak on her brilliancy in 2020.
  • This is more than the fact that she was the first female graduate and pioneer woman professor of computer science in Nigeria.
    • [11] Professor Adenike was applauded in 2020.
  • But also because as stated in my earlier articles on her, she is an inventor and an academic who had brought honour to the country.
    • [12] Alhaji Saka, an author praises Professor Adenike in 2020.
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