Akosua Adomako Ampofo

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Josephine Akosua Adomako Ampofo is a Ghanaian academic who is a professor of Gender Studies and African Studies at the University of Ghana. She is feminist activist-scholar, and a strong advocate for social justice.


  • We should let the children learn about our history so that when someone speaks an untruth about the country, they can defend with the facts.
  • History should be a compulsory subject for all. If you do not know your history, you will not know your identity and the future. [1] Akosua Adomako Ampofo Interview on History as a compulsory subject.
  • For what does it profit a man (and in this case by "man" I do mean a couple of biological and social males) if he is considered to be a superstar but does not invest in his intellectual DNA? [2]

"How to Decolonize Academia; Interview with Prof. Akosua Adomako Ampofo"

  • If you’re not careful, a movement can lose its edge. Other people can appropriate it for their own careers, It becomes devalued.
  • All of us have capacity that can be built. We teach because we are building capacity we’re not the 'super knowers' but we do have certain experience, e.g how to do a survey or write a paper for publication and present it within 15 minutes. But the way in which capacity building is seen is very technocratic and Eurocentric in the sense that people all over the world have some of these 'hard skills', but they do them differently we may write differently, for example, but the standard for a journal article, supposedly international, is really Eurocentric.
  • step to the side or to the back. Allow the people for whom this is life and death to take the lead. We all live on this planet, need each other’s support.
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