Anatoly Shariy

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Anatoly Shariy in 2018

Anatoly Anatolyevich Shariy (born August 20, 1978) is a Ukrainian journalist, videoblogger and politician. Ukrainian media commonly refer to him as "pro-Russian" and "anti-Ukrainian", labels he denies and has started defamation lawsuits over. In June 2019 he founded a party, Party of Shariy, which participated in that year's parliamentary election.


  • The danger is that sometimes skinheads want to join the movement, [our] movement has nothing to do with that… They [homosexual people] should sit and be happy that they are not getting killed. (…) From their side should be respect; on my part there is nothing to respect them for, [they are] sick people.
  • Not so long ago, I got into an argument with one of the readers, who is also my friend. She ardently defends the rights of gays and lesbians, whom I, in her words, “unjustly insulted” in many articles."What do you care about them ?!" - once again, like hundreds of commentators on articles before her, the girl asked. And for the umpteenth time, like hundreds of commentators, I answered - I don't care about them. I do not distinguish them from the dog shit on the side of the road, I do not care about them, but I do care about my children and the future of the territory with which my life is connected...
  • In Iran, after the 1979 Islamic revolution, over 4,000 lesbians and homosexuals were sentenced to death. The clerical regime also executed many women for extramarital sex. [...] I believe that in Iran with prostitution, pedophilia and rape the situation is hundreds of times better than in our extremely cultured and civilized country.
  • Unpleasant information came to me that in Kyiv, the inhabitants of Western Ukraine suddenly began to tell the people of Kyiv how they should behave, how they have to love Ukraine, how they need to sing the anthem, walk with the flag. I have several friends from Western Ukraine, I respect these people, I am proud of friendship with them, these are quite sane people. I ask my appeal to the irresponsible women not to consider him chauvinism and racism and something else. In fact, until the 39th year you were nobody. You were instead of oxen, you were like marmots on their holes dug in the mountains. Or buried, you were dug in the 39th. Do you understand? The regions of Kyiv, Zaporizhzhya, Poltava have something to hate Stalin. You do not, you have to put Stalin a golden monument in one of your villages. And you have to pray at this monument in fact, because you saw civilization in the 39th year. You started to wipe your ass in the 39th. When they tell me they served soups to the Poles, I say this is impossible. They served soups to farm laborers of the Poles. Because no one would have allowed them to the Poles. You did not have land. You... I am Ukrainian, and you are not Ukrainians. You second... there, second... well, I don’t say second grade, no, you are just half-breeds. Three-timers, foursquads. You are half fucking Poles, half you are Hungarians, half you the devil knows what you are really. Do not tell the people of Kyiv how they should behave, how they need to love the country, love their flag. Because it is not your flag. You have no flag. You are not Ukrainians.
  • On March 24, Anatoly Shariy published a post with a spontaneous confession about his old statements[1][2]
It's funny when the Office of the President tries to throw in my statements that were made 11 years ago (generously sprinkled with fakes, fabricated at quick fix) about gays or Roma. Like, look, he's a Nazi, what's more, he's a real fascist. I never apologized for those statements. Because I 'apologized' with a couple hundred quality Nazi investigations, not with idle chatter. I 'apologized' when I covered the smashing of a camp or the murder of a Romani man in a train station. In a few years I have become the Nazi's number one enemy, and I am quite satisfied with that. As for gay people. I'm just a guy from Karavaevka. I spent my childhood in the Soviet Union. I had never seen these gays in my life, I had never been to Europe, and I was sure they would attack me with obscene suggestions as soon as I stepped off the ladder. As a Christian I will always stand by my opinion, but I must say that I have never had a problem with a gay man in my life. [...] I've been living in a different world for 10 years. And for a long time I have demonstrated by deeds, not by talking, how you can change yourself in your head, in your priorities, in your goals, and even in your appearance, and, of course, in your attitude toward certain things. Thus Zelensky's employees, who are quite lacking in intelligence, do not understand that they, once again, create a plus instead of a mythical minus for me. I was able to transcend this and become cleaner, calmer and more humane. I personally always remember Saul, who persecuted the first Christians, imprisoning them, and then went blind and had an epiphany. And he became Paul, the apostle. Shariy is fully apologetic about his past. He digested it some time ago and moved on. And has gone very far in 11 years. This is quite noticeable by the barely audible bark sounding deaf somewhere dozens of miles behind him".
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