Another 48 Hrs.

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Another 48 Hrs. is a 1990 action-comedy film and a sequel to the 1982 film 48 Hrs. It was directed by Walter Hill and stars Eddie Murphy, Nick Nolte, Brion James, Andrew Divoff and Ed O'Ross.

Reggie Hammond

  • Let me tell you something, Jack. If shit was worth something, poor people would be born with no asshole.
  • When you've been in prison as long as I have, you remember every story about pussy you ever heard.

Richard "Cherry" Ganz

  • [realizing Jack is still alive] No fucking way!


Reggie: How much of my money did you spend?
Jack: Oh, about 25 grand. You said I could buy a new car.
Reggie: So where is it?
Jack: This is the new car!
Reggie: This looks like the same piece-of-shit sky blue Cadillac you had before!
Jack: Yeah. I bought the same make, model, year, color, everything the same. That's the way I like it. I get attached to things, Reggie!

Jack: You got framed. That's what every convict says!
Reggie: Well, what about you, man? They never found that bad guy's gun out at the racetrack!
Jack: That's different.
Reggie: How's it different?
Jack: I'm a cop, you're a crook.
Reggie: Oh, get the fuck out of here! Just because I'm a convict, everything that comes out of my mouth is a goddamn lie?
Jack: That's right.
Reggie: So it's just Screw Reggie Hammond?
Jack: That's right!

Reggie: They blew up my car! They blew up my car! They blew up my car!
Jack: It's a damn shame.
Reggie: They blew up my goddamn car and all you have to say is it's a damn shame?
Jack: No car, no money, you're having a bad day!

Ben: Christ, you really toasted that guy, Jack.
Jack: Ah, goddamn it. I didn't TOAST the guy! I just SHOT him! For Christ's sakes, don't say I TOASTED him, Ben!

[while Jack is being beat up by barroom toughs, Reggie fires a gun into the air. Everyone stops, and Jack collapses to the floor]
Reggie: All right, knock this shit off! I HAVE BEEN HAVING A VERY BAD DAY! I just got out of jail this morning! Already I've been shot at, I was on a bus that flipped over 17 times, bitch tried to stab me in the bathroom, and somebody blew up my Porsche! I am in a BAD goddamn mood! Now I usually don't jump in when somebody's getting beat down, but this man Jack Cates is going to help me straighten out the rest of my day! And I suggest you all back up, and let us go about our business!
Barroom Fighter: Because you got a gun?
Reggie: No, because I have a gun and I'll pop a cap in your ass!

[Kehoe is holding Reggie hostage, using him as a human shield]
Ben: Jack, we can work this out! Just let me out of here!
Jack: You're a disgrace, Ben. Nothing worse than a bad cop.
Reggie: Hey, Jack! Thank you for a very pleasant day! Okay, I got no car, I got no money, and I'm going to fucking end the day off with this goddamn dope man's Uzi by my temple! Thank you, Jack! Look, this is Jack's day. Why don't you just let Jack shoot me? Save your bullet! Jack, why don't you shoot me? Shoot me, Jack!
[Jack shoots Reggie in the shoulder, Stunned, Reggie collapses to the floor, and Jack shoots Ben dead]


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