Botulinum toxin

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Administering Botox to a patient (C.E.2020)

Quotes about botulinum toxin or Botox.

  • - One more thing. I want you to be the bridesmaid. What do you think?
    – The same thing you think about Botox: painful and unnecessary. (Sex and the City)
  • I have always resisted Botox. But I literally made this last year and I have to say, I love it. OK, so I did it. (Rene Russo)
  • My youth counselor injects Botox into my face, neck and belly button. (The Simpsons)
  • Let me tell you something, the only feeling Botox gives you is that of being part of a satanic cult! I only used it once and it wrecked my face for four months. One day I looked in the mirror and tried to raise my eyebrow and said: Oh, there you are, angry daughter of Satan... Never again! (Stevie Nicks)
  • Better an hour of sleep or spent making love than Botox. Wrinkles are better than cat eyes. You have to accept getting old, the important thing is to be able to desire, at any age you can be willing to change. (Inès de la Fressange)

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