Charles P. Mattocks

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Charles Porter Mattocks (October 11, 1840 – May 16, 1910) was a Medal of Honor recipient and officer in the 17th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment. He was a prisoner of war for 9 months. After the American Civil War, he served as a lawyer, judge and member of the Maine House of Representatives.


  • Considering the fact that the armies of the Northern and Southern States participated in the hardest fought battles of the nineteenth century, and the additional fact that Maine is the only State which has placed two regiments of different arms of the service at the head of the list in each of these aims, it seems but fitting that, as we proudly look back upon Maine's record in the great struggle for national life, we should be reminded of the career of a Maine soldier, who did much to render famous in the war the name of his native State.
    • Read before the Maine Historical Society February 14, 1901, at Third Series, Vol. I. Maine Historical Society (1904). Retrieved on 10 April 2018.

Quotes about Charles P. Mattocks

  • Judge Mattocks has been very successful since he became the head of the Probate Court, largely owing to his disposition of impartiality, and earnest desire to promote the best interests of all parties concerned. As a public speaker, General Mattocks stands in the front rank.
  • General Mattocks was a sound lawyer; careful and conscientious as a counsellor, able and forcible at the Bar, brilliant as a public speaker. His personality always made a strong impression. Genuine and generous as a man; faithful and warm-hearted; broad-minded and judicious as a citizen, frank and fearless for the right as he saw it, he was an example of true manhood
  • The President of the United States of America, in the name of Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Major Charles Porter Mattocks, United States Army, for extraordinary heroism on 6 April 1865, while serving with 17th Maine Infantry, in action at Deatonsville (Sailor's Creek), Virginia. Major Mattocks displayed extraordinary gallantry in leading a charge of his regiment which resulted in the capture of a large number of prisoners and a stand of colors.
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