Cyanzayire Aloysie

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Aloysie Cyanzayire (born in 1964) is a Rwandan female lawyer who became the president of the Supreme Court of Rwanda. Cyanzayire Aloysie was born on February 11, 1964 in Ruhango district, Southern province. Cyanzayire is the eldest of seven sons in his family. Cyanzaire is married with three children.


  • In whatever I do, I aim to do it to the best of my ability. I use all my strength when accomplishing a task. All jobs are supposed to be respected and it’s important to achieve anything you aim at. Every job is valuable
  • All jobs are challenging. But the greatest challenge when dealing with people, especially if you are a leader trying to manage them. Instilling team work can be challenging because we all have a different way of seeing things given our different backgrounds and mentality. In most cases the way you would want things to run will not be an easy thing. All you have to do is to try to understand everyone and also try talking to them about reaching your target; you have to work as a team collectively.
  • Any job accomplished by a man can also be accomplished by a woman, especially those that don’t require excessive use of physical strength. We have seen girls excelling in school. A boy can come in first place and a girl comes in second and vice-versa. If that is possible in school, why should it be hard in professional work? We are all pillars of the nation.
  • "Nyundo was the first science school for girls and we were the pioneers. When you offer science subjects, there are high chances for anyone to do any course. With my science background, I went on to attain a Bachelors Degree in Law at the National University of Rwanda"
  • We have to work together as men and women to uplift our nation. It’s just like a family; if one spouse works hard and the other does nothing then the family will achieve nothing. But a couple that works hard is prosperous.
  • As a first born you have to be responsible and act exemplary at all times. You not only guide them but always have to watch over them. Sometimes you stop being a sister and become a parent. I’m happy that my siblings have not disappointed or failed me in anyway,
  • When we get a case, we carry out thorough investigation and research to avoid any injustice. There is nothing as bad as unfair judgment. You have to use your conscience in difficult cases. But if it turns out that you were wrong, it’s important to always apologise and amend the damage you caused. We are human and are bound to make mistakes. When you realise you made a mistake, it’s important to correct them.
