Downton Abbey: A New Era

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Downton Abbey: A New Era is a 2022 historical drama film based upon the Downton Abbey television series. It was released in the United Kingdom in April 2022 by Universal Pictures and in the United States on May 2022 by Focus Features. The film contains two main storylines: the Crawley family's investigation of their matriach, the Dowager Countess, surprise reception of a southern French villa, and the filming of a silent movie within the Downton family home.

Directed by Simon Curtis. Written by Julian Fellowes.
For character descriptions, click here.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham

  • [regarding filming a movie at the Downton home] I think it's a horrible idea! Actresses plastered in make-up, and actors just plastered, scrambling over our things. We'd have to keep counting the spoons in the pantry.
  • [to Cora, sobbing] My God. To lose my mother and my name. Must I lose you, too? I can't bear it.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess

  • [to Mary] Women like us fall into two categories: dragons and fools. You must make sure they think of you as a dragon.
[on the filmmaking process]
  • I'd rather earn my living down a mine.
  • I watched some of it. I'd rather eat pebbles.
  • Stop that noise. I can't hear myself die. [The Dowager's last words]

Lady Mary Crawley

  • With the money, we can bring the house up to snuff to match what we've spent on the estate. And enter the 1930s with our heads held high.
  • You don't need me to tell you that marriage is a novel, not a short story. Full of plot twists along the way.

Mr. Carson


Mr. Molesley

  • It's more than that. For me, Hollywood is the ultimate dream factory. And I need dreams as much as the next man.

Isobel Merton, Lady Merton

  • Filming must be the slowest occupation known to man. It makes a glacier look impatient.


Lady Mary Talbot: You never thought to turn it down?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Do I look as if I'd turn down a villa in the South of France?

Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham: Is everything all right with Henry?
Lady Mary Talbot: He's in love with cars. He's in love with speed. He's in love with adventure. He's also in love with me, I think. But I don't seem to cancel out the other three.
Edith Pelham, Marchioness of Hexham: And you thought you would.
Lady Mary Talbot: I suppose I did.

Mrs. Hughes: Mr. Barrow, your path in life is a hard one. Most people in your position choose to hide behind appearances that will allow them to avoid persecution and rejection. He's surely not to be blamed for it.
Mr. Barrow: It... It isn't what I want, Mrs. Hughes.
Mrs. Hughes: Then you're a brave man. But you're also destined to be a lonely one. Unless you're very fortunate.

Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: Apparently, they're making the wrong sort of film.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Is there a right sort?
Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: Well, all I know is it seems the public only want films that talk.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: I should have thought the best thing about films is that you can't hear them. [Isobel giggles] Be even better if you couldn't see them, either. [both women laugh heartedly]

Mr. Bates: Do you envy (Sibbie), Miss Baxter?
Miss Baxter: I'm not a big believer in envy, Mr. Bates. I know what I want, and I can live without a villa in the South of France.
Mr. Carson: What do you want, Miss Baxter?
Mr. Bates: Oh, come now, Mr. Carson. We all know what Miss Baxter wants. Her affections are very firmly engaged.
Miss Baxter: Not... engaged.
Mr. Bates: Not engaged in that way, perhaps, but thoroughly taken.
Mr. Carson: Are we discussing Mr. Molesley?
Miss Baxter: We are.
Mr. Carson: But suppose he never steps up to the mark?
Miss Baxter: Then I will be a spinster
Mr. Carson: And you'd never marry anyone else?
Miss Baxter: It took me long enough to find him.

[discussing the new 'talkie' film script]
Mr. Molesley: Am I bound by the plot synopsis? For instance, when she finally casts him off, might it not be better with a big romantic climax?
Jack Barber: I don't understand.
Mr. Molesley: Well, Bill Benson's about to throw away his life on the tables. [gestures dramatically, painting the scene] Alone... hollow and... without hope. But then suddenly he lifts his face and sees Anne standing there, tall, serene, graceful, her eyes shining with unshed tears. On an impulse, he snatches back his money. Rien ne va plus! (No more bets.) The wheel spins. [imitates the roulette ball slowly coming to a stop] And every last thing he owns would have gone. But no, her love, her beauty, have saved him. She takes his hand, and they walk away. Together. The End.
Lady Mary Crawley: [incredibly moved] I think I'm going to cry.
Jack Barber: [equally moved] Mr. Molesley, please finish the script however you think best and bring it to me.

Lady Mary Crawley: George should be in bed, or at least on his way there.
Jack Barber: Do you have other children?
Lady Mary Crawley: A daughter, Caroline, with my second husband. George's father was killed in a car accident seven years ago, on the day George was born. He held the baby in his arms and died on the way home.
Jack Barber: My God. What was he like?
Lady Mary Crawley: He was perfect, really. As handsome as a prince in a fairy tale. Moral, strong, full of dreams, determined to do his bit.
Jack Barber: Do you miss him?
Lady Mary Crawley: Of course. Although I sometimes wonder what life would have made of him if he'd lived.

Guy Dexter Please, call me "Guy".
Mr. Barrow: What's your real name?
Guy Dexter: Quentin. Quentin Sidebotham. (pronounced 'side-bottom')
Mr. Barrow: ... That was a good decision.

Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: You must have wondered why I asked you to go through my papers.
Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: I did rather.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: When I think about that world of long ago, when I... I was a girl in my first crinoline... [grows thoughtful] In those moments, I feel... as if I've been transported to a different planet.
Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: And so you have been. Like every human being who lives long enough.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: And I have. Lived long enough. [laughs]
Isobel Merton, Lady Merton: [in good humor] I didn't mean it like that.

[The Dowager Countess is on her deathbed.]
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Is there anything you want?
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: Whatever I have wanted, dearest boy, you have given me long before now and many times over.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Dear Mama, I hope I haven't been a disappointment. You were always so much cleverer than me.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: True. But don't let that come between us now. You are far kinder than I have ever been. [looks to Cora] Cora, I owe you an apology. I didn't think you'd last the course.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I know.
Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess: But I was wrong. Now that's something you haven't heard me say until now.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: It was worth waiting for.

Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: You'll be burying me one day, and I'm glad to see it'll be done well.
Cora Crawley, Lady Grantham: I suppose the point is individual Crawleys come and go, but the family lives on. Mama (Violet) knew that and believed in it.
Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham: Didn't she just.


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