Freedom and slavery

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The Liberation of Slaves (Pedro Américo, C.E.1889)

Quotes on 'freedom and slavery.

Quotes about freedom and slavery:


It is unworthy to live free who gives others the will to enslave him. (Vincenzo Gioberti)

  • The inhabitants of the southern colonies are more strongly attached to freedom than those of the northern. Such were all the ancient states, such were our Gothic ancestors, such were the Poles of our era, and such will be all slave masters who are not slaves themselves. In these peoples the pride of the empire is combined with the spirit of liberty, strengthens it or renders it invincible. (Edmund Burke)
  • The real slave, the real slave defends the master, not fights him. Because the slave is not so much the one who has the chain on his foot as the one who is no longer able to imagine freedom. (Silvano Agosti)
  • The slave who does not organize his own rebellion does not deserve compassion for his fate. This slave is responsible for his misfortune if he harbors any illusions when the master promises him freedom. Freedom can only be won by struggle. (Thomas Sankara)
  • While freedom comes at a high price, slavery costs even more. (Volodymyr Zelensky)
  • They tell me: if you find a slave asleep, don't wake him up, maybe he's dreaming of freedom. And I answer: if you find a slave asleep, wake him up and tell him about freedom. (Khalil Gibran)
  • In today's world, freedom is meant license, while true freedom consists in a calm self-control. Licensing only leads to slavery. (Fyodor Dostoevsky)

No one is more a slave than he who believes he is free without being free. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) It is necessary for the free man to take the liberty of being a slave from time to time. (Jules Renard) The freedom of the free man is the cause of the great oppression of the slaves [...]. And since they constitute the largest part of the population, no person endowed with humanity will desire freedom in a country where this institution has been established. (Adam Smith)

  • Freedom with harm is more valuable than slavery with profit.
  • Better broad beans in freedom than capons in slavery.
  • All freemen are rich, and all slaves are poor.

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