Georgina Campbell

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Georgina Campbell (born 12 June 1992) is an English actress and model. She won the 2015 BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for Murdered by My Boyfriend (2014). Her other television credits include Flowers (2016), Broadchurch (2017), the Black Mirror episode "Hang the DJ" (2017), and Krypton (2018). She starred in the films Barbarian (2022) and Bird Box Barcelona (2023).


  • I've not been discriminated against, but I can see it happen. And not just race but gender and sexuality, too. It's stereotyping, lazy casting, which is an issue: that people can't see outside the box.
  • People who are in abusive relationships often don't realise it, but it slowly seems to build until you're trapped.
  • You just never see people of different ethnicities in period dramas.
  • Sometimes, with portrayals of domestic violence, the women involved are just victims with no personality, just completely trodden-down. But people continue to live their normal lives: they go out; they continue to have arguments with their partners, even if there is always the fear of where that might end up.
  • I'm not really into destiny, but it's funny - I bumped into a woman who told me about an audition, and now I have a BAFTA.
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