Halloweentown II: Kalabar's Revenge

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Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge is a 2001 Disney Channel Original Movie released for the holiday of Halloween. It is the second installment in the Halloweentown series.


Gwen: [after hearing that Kalabar is Kal's father] So Alex is what? Some actor he hired?
Dylan: Sophie has a theory.
Sophie: I think he's a golem.
Gwen: A golem?
Sophie: Made of frogs.

Gwen: [after seeing Alex catch a fly with his tongue and eat it] Oh that's not normal! You're... not human!
Alex: Well nobody's perfect.
Gwen: You... golem! [zaps Alex into a pile of frogs]
Dylan: Does anybody know where we can find a swamp?

Marnie: You tricked me.
Kal: You'll get over it. And, hey, I still need a date to the costume party.
Marnie: Forget the party, I want to know why…
[She puts on a thought look on her face as if saying, "Wait a minute". A memory, from Marnie's point of view, shows him giving her the rose]
Marnie: Kalabar.
Aggie: What did you say, dear?
Marnie: The rose.
[The memory shows the rose near her. In a flashback, Kalabar hands the same rose over to Gwen]
Flashback Gwen: You always did let your magic do the talking.
[In the present]
Marnie: I should've known when he gave me the rose.
[She looks up at him]
Marnie: Kal. You're Kalabar's son.
Kal: And I guess I've inherited my father's attraction to the Cromwell witches.
Aggie: I didn't know Kalabar had a child.
Kal: He didn't want people to know. Dad and I didn't always agree, but he was the only one that stood in the way of the Cromwell's domination of Halloweentown.
Aggie: That's absurd, Cromwells dominate no one.
Kal: Then, why'd you let the mortals take charge of the Earth while we had to hide like rats in another dimension?
Aggie: [chuckles] We all voted to create our own world so everyone could live in peace.
Kal: And when my father tried to bring the creatures of Halloweentown back as rulers of the human race, you Cromwells brought everyone against him, and then you destroyed him!
Marnie: So, that's what this is about. Revenge.
Kal: Just say the word, and I'll open up the portal.
Marnie: Say what word?
Kal: Stop doing everything that your mother tells you, and I can show you things that Aggie could not teach you in 1,000,000 years.
[Aggie chuckles]
Marnie: I'm not interested in your kind of magic. All you do is destroy.
Kal: Oh, the Gray Spell's just the first act, Marnie. The finale will come at midnight in the mortal world.
Marnie: What finale?

Aggie: So this world wide web I've heard about...
Marnie: Mhmm?
Aggie: Does it involve spiders?
Marnie: Grandma, I think it's time we started your training.
Aggie: Oh goody!

Marnie: Where's the time travel spell?
Gort: It's lost.
Marnie: Well that's okay, right? Because everything lost just ends up here.
Gort: Things that are lost somewhere else end up here. Things that are lost here go 'poof'!

Kal: I don't care how strong you think you are, BUT YOU COULD NEVER BEAT ME!
Marnie: Your only power was the power to keep us apart, Kal. And now, you don't have that power anymore.
[Kal seethes]
Marnie: We don't have to hate each other, just give me back Aggie's spellbooks.
Kal: Dad was right. You're the enemy and YOU ALWAYS WILL BE!
Marnie: You told me you make your own decisions. Don't let your father's hate decide for you now!
Kal: Go ahead.
[Kal reveals the spell books. Black electric vines cover them]
Kal: Take the books. I'd like to watch. Is good stronger than evil? Let's find out.
Marnie: I'm not afraid of you. I may feel sorry for you, and I'd like to help you. But I am not afraid of you.

