Harry F. Ward

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Harry Frederick Ward Jr. (October 15, 1873 - December 9, 1966) was an English-born American Methodist minister and political activist who identified himself with the movement for Christian socialism.



The New Social Order (1920)

  • In the United States, ... there prevails a simple faith that the formulae of the democratic state will solve all the social problems of humanity, even though their application be limited and hindered by an autocratic economic order.
    • pp. v-vi
  • It is disgracefully true that the organizations that have embodied the teachings of the Jewish and Christian scriptures have at times taught contentment with injustice and inequality, have urged the people to endure their lot in submission, have at times allied themselves with the forces of repression. But the spirit and ideal of their faith has ever broken through the forms that confined and distorted it.
    • p. 22
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