Hawaii Five-O (1968 TV series, season 2)

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Seasons: 1 2 | Main

Hawaii Five-O (1968–1980) was an American television series, that aired on CBS, about a fictional Hawaiian state police unit run by Detective Steve McGarrett.

Bored, She Hung Herself [2.16]

Warren: Come on home with me.
Wanda: No.
Warren: Look, I promise that I won't interfere with your lifestyle... within reason, that is.
Wanda: It's dear father, fair and life is problem.
Warren: The boy is going to destroy you.

Wanda: So help me Don, if you start chanting, I'll kick you.
Don: Peace. [chanting the Hare Krishna mantra]
Wanda: [yelling] I've ask you not to do that! You wanna know why... because I've had it! The whole mystic bit, the chanting, the hanging incense from the ceiling, the stopping from the heartbeat it's sick, sick, sick! I can't take it anymore!

Warren: She had so much to give... unless he had twisted her... so destroyed her.
McGarrett: He? Who is he?
Warren: Don Miles. The boy that Wanda was involve with. He couldn't get a job, couldn't wear shoes, couldn't cut his hair. He could teach himself to hang and was teaching her. He was teaching her to hang herself... to kill herself.

Run, Johnny, Run [2.17]

Thomas: (shouting) John?! John!! I brought Mr. McGarret with me!! Mamas says "You're to trust Mr. McGarret!!"
McGarrett: (shouting) John?!! John?!! I've come as far as I'm coming!! Hide your tail out of there or the SeaPees will come and get you! John, I'm here to help you!
Thomas: There he is!
[John came from far away]
McGarrett: John.

"No Bottles, No Cans, No People [4.2]

Oporta: You know the funny thing is, it was an accident..any other time ID run to a cop

"Odd Man In

Prison Guard::Come again
Filer::Dont Count on it

The Jinn who Clears The Way [5.5]


When Wo fat is taking the device, an alarm goes off...

Wo Fat::You were to kill all the guards!
Carl Tu: We shot them all.
Wo Fat: [Furious} But you didn't kill them all...
Assassin I: [Reading telegram from Red Chinese submarine] "To Wo Fat: Our position has been detected. Per Peking instructions we are returning at once to the homeland via diversionary route 4-M. Good luck." Signed, the Captain.
Wo Fat: [Sniffing contemptuosly] Luck? Our success will not depend on luck, but on forethought.

[Glares at Carl Tu]

Wo Fat: Thanks to your bungling, we must now put Contingency Plan B into operation.
Assassin I: Sir, from Peking: "Considering trail of devastation left in your wake. Your failure is inexcusable. We are displeased. Holding you personally responsible for delivery of the device."
Wo Fat: The signature?
Assassin I: Hong Soo.
Wo Fat:General Hong Soo. So Peking is becoming sensitive about bodies, yet they expect a successful mission. They make my task difficult.

When Carl Tau is about to be executed by Wo Fat's henchmen:

TaU: I could be on a plane to Australia in a hour
Wo Fat: You could...But you Won't [As Tau is shot for incompetence]
Det. Steve McGarrett: What happened this time, Wo Fat? Your luck run out?
Wo Fat: No man is perfect, Mr. McGarrett. Every man's plans and designs are born of imperfect minds.
Det. Steve McGarrett: This is a genuine United States passport?
Wo Fat: It is.
Det. Steve McGarrett: You profess to be a U.S. citizen?
Wo Fat: I profess to be a citizen of the world... But Specifically for the moment I am as my passport declares.
Det. Steve McGarrett: Oh, that I am glad to hear... Because as a U.S. citizen, I can also charge you with treason... There's an irony for you. And with robbery and murder as well... And those charges, I guarantee, will stick.
Wo Fat: Then I should be grateful for the abolition of capital punishment, should I not?
Wo Fat: Had our places been exchanged...I would not have taken you alive...given the option however I can always count on you to preserve my life
Steve McGarrett :That I Can beleive... Theres a man who been waiting longer than I have to see you
Wo Fat: That would be Mr Jonahtan Kaye
Jonathan Kaye: There's a plane waiting to take Mr. Wo Fat to Hong Kong.
Steve McGarrett:[Rage building up] There's a what?
Jonathan Kaye: [Wo Fat is being released] Wo Fat is being returned to his government... The decision is firm.
Steve McGarrett : Jonathan, this man is a murderer... There's a string of a dozen bodies tied to him!
Jonathan Kaye: Steve, I know that as well as you do... The decision is still irrevocable.
Steve McGarrett: What do you mean it's "irrevocable"?... He committed crimes, capital crimes... This is my jurisdiction... Why is it irrevocable?
Wo Fat: [With a smile] Mr. Kaye will explain as soon as I've left. You may keep the passport and the other few items as mementos, Mr. McGarrett... I wish you continued good health.
Steve McGarrett : [after Wo Fat departs] You sold me out, Jonathan... YOU SOLD ME OUT!
Jonathan Kaye : Wait a minute, Steve... Believe me, there was no choice.
Jonathan Kaye: All right, Steve... You're entitled... There was a U2 incident.
Steve McGarrett: That was under Eisenhower!
Jonathan Kaye: Not this one... This was three years ago over China. Only this time, no one banged a shoe on a table... This time the Chinese just took the pilot and threw him into an isolation cell. And they kept him there for three years, incommunicado... Now, Steve, we tried every formal negotion there is. They wouldn't even discuss it... Until today.
Steve McGarrett: They're exchanging that pilot for Wo Fat?
Jonathan Kaye: That's right... Captain Ruassell Kempton is on his way home, Steve, today... You made it possible.

Trivia At the very end after Wo Fat and Jonathan Kaye leave, McGarrett slams a file on his desk in absolute fury...another time he was equally angry is when "Hookman" Stoner got away from him in a car chase!

Murder is a taxing affair [6/7]

  • Garrison: For 32 years I sat in that office...I've seen them all. The cheats, the sneaks, the rich ones with their loophole and their lawyers. I went back to a furnished room with three suits in the closet and 4,200 bucks in the bank. No, miss, I'm not buying what you're selling. Because from now on, I take."

30,000 Rooms and I have the Key [6/24]

  • Mcgarrett "You sent the Inviation but forgot about the address"