Hulk Hogan

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Hulk Hogan in 2005

Terry Eugene Bollea (born August 11, 1953), better known by his ring name Hulk Hogan, is an American former professional wrestler.


  • He (Benoit) was peaceful and kept to himself.
    I think it had to be something personal, a domestic problem between him and his wife.
    She was into devil-worship stuff.
    It was part of her (wrestling) character, but (she was) somebody who gets so close to their character, someone who gets into their character too much.
    Sometimes these people believe their own publicity.
  • This is a simple divorce — there’s no custody, there’s just a big pile of junk that we’ve accumulated. We should split it however the judge wants it and walk away, but, you know, my wife’s lawyer has told different magazines there’s gonna be a war... This is the money that I saved for my family, and money that Linda could walk away with, money that I saved for my children, that they’re just, they’re just wasting and burning up.
  • Hogan: I’m getting ready to cut some serious bait. [Inaudible] Brooke — my daughter, Brooke — [redacted], she jumped sides on me.
    Heather Clem: Mmm-hmm.
    Hogan: ‘Cause I shelled out two, three million bucks for her music, and [inaudible] I’ve done everything. Fucking with him day and night on the radio like a jackass, and he’s working with me to make…make work [inaudible] when [inaudible] really should call it a day and do the shit I did.
    [Eight-second redaction]
    Hogan: The son, he’s [inaudible] this black billionaire guy, Cecile. He basically did more for her in a year than anybody’s done. [Inaudible], he had one song, and after 10 months it should go to [inaudible] and [inaudible] and [inaudible]. [Inaudible sentence]. I try to be the realist, and ‘This is your option: You got a better option. [Redacted] said you can sign with [redacted].’ He’s gonna put 500 million behind [inaudible]. Right now there’s nothing else. We’re doing the best we can.
    Clem: Right.
    Hogan: So it gets to the point where…I dunno if Brooke was fucking the black guy’s son, or they’ve been hanging out. I caught them holding hands together on the tour. They were getting close to kind of [inaudible] the fucking [inaudible]. I’m not a double standard type of guy. I’m a racist to a point, y’know, fucking niggers, but then, when it comes to nice people and [redacted]
    Clem: We all are that way.
    Hogan: Yeah, cool, when it comes to nice people, you gotta…you can’t, you can’t say the…
    [Two-second redaction]
    HoganI don’t give a fuck if she [inaudible] [an eight foot tall?] basketball player.
    Clem: [laughs]
    HoganIf we’re gonna fuck with niggers, let’s get a rich one!
    Clem: [laughs]
    Hogan: I don’t care if he’s a multi-billionaire. The thing is, now that you start doing these nasty emails…so somewhere, [inaudible] relationship, and now [inaudible] doesn’t want to talk to anybody, nanananana.
  • You know, I realized that as long as I made the right choice and followed my faith more than what people are saying in the tabloids and newspapers, none of that stuff was real. The only thing that is really real is the stuff that’s gonna last forever – your faith and your belief in God.
    Once you're a Christian, you've accepted Christ as your Savior. You're not gonna perish but you're gonna have everlasting life. That belief is pretty much the only thing that is real to me.


  • I don’t know if Brooke was fucking the black guy’s son. I mean, I don’t have double standards. I mean, I am a racist, to a point, fucking niggers. But then when it comes to nice people and shit, and whatever. I mean, I’d rather if she was going to fuck some nigger, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall nigger worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player! I guess we’re all a little racist. Fucking nigger.

Quotes about Hogan

  • If you knew my father,
    you would know how hard he fought...
    and the way it brought a smile to people light, medium and dark.
    We always fight a battle
    that people never see,
    and sometimes when you're hurting, you don't think logically.
    Human isn't perfect,
    and perfect is not he,
    but I can tell you one thing, it's just not what it seems.

    Cause If you knew the dad I knew,
    you'd know he raised me well.
    He taught me folks are so much more
    than shades could ever tell.
    And If you knew my father,
    you would know he's down to earth.
    He may have slammed the giant,
    but remembers life's true worth.
    If you knew my father,
    if you just walked in his shoes...
    then you would know that microscope that comes with yellow boots.


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