Inappropriate Comedy

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Go ahead. Make me gay.

Inappropriate Comedy (stylized as inAPPropriate Comedy) is a 2013 American satirical sketch comedy film directed by Vince Offer, centered around vulgar and offensive humor.

An equal opportunity offender Taglines



Flirty Harry

  • Go ahead. Make me gay.
  • I told you before, I am not gonna wait around for a bunch of other dicks. Not when I have an opening to take those guys from the rear.
  • Yeah. I don’t think you understand. Those boys were packing heat. I mean, as soon as I came, those assholes opened up. Yeah, opened up and started spraying everywhere.
  • So I went in. Yeah, I went in deep, balls to the wall, but I unloaded into both of those assholes. And it felt good.
  • Easy now, I know you’re ready to blow. Let me just… push your stool in reeeal slow…


  • This is starting to resemble gay porn.


  • Flirty Harry: I like a nice hard finish when I squeeze each load down that barrel.
  • Flirty Harry: doesn’t really go in the sky, but… shoots kinda far.


  • Just when the recent misbegotten sketch comedy film Movie 43 had blessedly receded from memory, along comes InAPPropriate Comedy, another piece of cinematic sludge. While its predecessor at least provided the dubious pleasure of watching many of Hollywood’s biggest stars utterly humiliate themselves, this low-rent production features but one Oscar winner, Adrien Brody, here thoroughly slumming it along with Rob Schneider, Michelle Rodriguez and Lindsay Lohan.
  • This painfully unfunny assemblage of would-be comedy sketches manages to make Movie 43 look good in retrospect.
  • inAPPropriate Comedy takes its awful title from its equally idiotic framing device, which finds Offer and his creepy, wolfish grin punching buttons on a computer, each of which activates a separate sketch, each more jaw-droppingly awful than the last.
  • inAPPropriate Comedy has a reputation for being a less-classy, less-prestigious version of Movie 43. Movie 43, in turn, has a reputation for being the worst of the worst. So the notion of a movie widely considered much worse than a movie generally considered unwatchable emits a distinct train-wreck fascination. With movies like inAPPropriate Comedy, the question isn’t, “Is it good?” It’s, “How bad can it possibly be?”
  • Brody could be forgiven for phoning in his performance as Flirty Harry, yet he completely commits to the role. There’s a palpable, tragic joy to his performance; you can almost see the wheels in his head turning as he thinks up ways to make his lines filthier. The performance, while brief, permanently changed the way I see Brody. When I first saw him in Steven Soderbergh’s King Of The Hill, I thought, “Who is that guy, and why isn’t he a huge star?” Watching Brody in inAPPropriate Comedy, I thought, “What the hell is wrong with this guy, that he would want to be involved in a project like this? What strange, damaged part of his brain was attracted to the role of Flirty Harry?”
  • “Flirty Harry” is stupid, but it’s fundamentally harmless. The same cannot be said of “Blackass,” which, as its title suggests, is like Jackass, only racist. So instead of Johnny Knoxville and his gleefully homoerotic gang of testicle-abuse enthusiasts, we’re treated to a dispiriting assortment of stereotypes of black men as welfare-collecting, violent, hyper-sexual, irresponsible thugs.
  • inAPPropriate Comedy seems to be joylessly working its way through an outsized checklist of racist stereotypes. Jews are stingy Christ-killers. Asians are terrible drivers who are good at math and have small penises. Black people are violent and poor, hyper-sexual, and wildly irresponsible. Gay men are obsessed with sex and screamingly effeminate. Recycling those tropes isn’t edgy and transgressive, it’s lazy. And boring. Worst of all, it’s not funny. No, unfunny doesn’t cut it. inAPPropriate Comedy isn’t just unfunny. It’s fucking painful.





An equal opportunity offender

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