It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

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It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World is a 1963 film about the madcap pursuit of $350,000 in stolen cash by a diverse and colorful group of strangers.

Directed by Stanley Kramer. Written by William Rose and Tania Rose.
It's The Biggest Entertainment Ever To Rock The Screen With Laughter! Taglines

Captain T. G. Culpepper

  • I don't think you have to worry about that. My wife is divorcing me; my mother in-law is suing me for damages; my daughter is petitioning the court to get her name changed; my pension has been revoked, and the ONLY reason, that you ten idiots will very likely get off lightly, is because the judge will have me up throw the book at!


  • Dingy Bell: [to Benjy] What do you mean "Who's flying the plane?" Nobody's flying the plane!
  • Otto Meyer: [Spotting an angry Pike approaching] Oh, no! It's that lunatic! The one who escaped from the asylum! He's a homicidal maniac! He's got a hate complex! Go away,I'm not your nurse!
  • Hawthorne: And then there is this infantile preoccupation with bosoms! They've become the dominant theme in American culture! I'll wager you anything you like that if American women stopped wearing brassieres, your entire national economy would collapse overnight!
  • Mrs. Morgan: (A very funny line). Comedian Groucho Marx was written in to play a doctor to say a line at the end of the movie. He turned it down. He jokingly said he would be "Mrs. Morgan" in a letter to a fan.
  • Russell J. Finch: [to Mrs,Marcus] Your son Sylvester is a no-good, irresponsible, loudmouth bum. If he isn't a crook, it's only because hasn't got the brains or the ambition even to BECOME a crook!
  • Lennie Pike:(on Mrs.Marcus) "If you told me she once starred in a real crummy horror movie, I'd believe it!!"


Lennie Pike: So lets see, now, I got 1 share for being 1 person, 1 share for going down the hill, 1 share for the truck, and 1 share for being a person in the truck, but no matter how you figure it out, I still don't get as much as anybody else!
Melville Crump: Let me explain once more. [Points pen at J. Russell Finch, Mrs. Marcus, and Emmeline Marcus-Finch] Them, their group, they, those 3, they get $112,000. [Points pen at Dingy Bell and Benjy Benjamin] Those over there, them, they get $97,000. [Points pen at himself and Monica] We, we, us they get $84,000. [Points pen at Pike] And you, by yourself, you get $56,000, alone, and that's tax free money.
Lennie Pike: What do you mean "tax free"?

Benjamin: Look! We've figured it seventeen different ways, and every time we figured it, it was no good, because no matter how we figured it, somebody don't like the way we figured it! So now, there's only one way to figure it. And that is, every man, including the old bag, for himself!
Dingy Bell: and may the best man win! Benjamin: [points to Mrs. Marcus] Right! Except you, lady! You can just drop dead!
Pike: All right, now we all agree on that.

Dispatcher: Attention, all units. The Crumps are locked in a hardware store basement. Shall I let them out?
Culpepper: How the hell could they get themselves locked in a basement?!

[after they got injured by the ladder and putting the men into the hospital with bandages and casts]
Benjamin: It's all your fault, It's your fault right from beginning to end!
Col. Hawthorne: You know, even for a policeman, your behavior was ruddy outrageous!
Sylvester: Yeah, you could have taken a fair share like the rest of us, but no! You just had to go and grab up the whole scene, baby.
Dingy: We had 350,000 bucks right in our hands.
Melville Crump: 14 into $350,000...
Dingy: [groans] Oh, shut up!
Otto Meyer: I wish I knew what they're going to do to us. But no matter what happens to us... [turns to Culpeper] ...what happens to you, I hope will be worse!
Culpepper: I don't think you have to worry about that. My wife is divorcing me; my mother in-law is suing me for damages; my daughter is petitioning the court to get her name changed; my pension has been revoked, and the ONLY reason, that you ten idiots will very likely get off lightly, is because the judge will have me up throw the book at!
Cabbie (Peter Falk): Awww... that's tough! [laughs along with Cabbie (Eddie "Rochester" Anderson) who smiles to Culpepper]
Culpepper: I'd like to think that sometime, maybe 10 or 20 years from now, there will be something that I could laugh at, anything.


  • It's The Biggest Entertainment Ever To Rock The Screen With Laughter!
  • If ever this mad, mad, mad, mad world needed "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world" it's now! (1970 reissue)
  • Everybody who's ever been funny is in it!

