Last words in Lord of the Rings media

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The numerous deaths across all different media in the Lord of the Rings universe have yielded many memorable last words.

The Fellowship of the Ring


Gandalf the Grey

  • Fly, you fools!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book II: "The Bridge of Khazad-dûm"
    • Note: These are his last known words as Gandalf the Grey, before he is dragged into the abyss by the Balrog called Durin's Bane. Later, he returns as Gandalf the White.


  • Find the Halflings! FIND THE HALFLINGS!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001 New Line film)
    • Note: Lurtz and his Uruk-Hai are sent by Saruman to capture the hobbits of the Fellowship alive. Though the other Uruks manage to catch Merry and Pippin, Lurtz himself is killed by Aragorn, after fatally wounding Boromir with arrows.
  • I would have followed you, my brother... My captain... My king.
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001 New Line film)
    • Farewell, Aragorn! Go to Minas Tirith and save my people! I have failed.
    • The halflings...Orcs took them...I think they are not dead...
    • Notes: Spoken to Aragorn after being mortally wounded in battle attempting to protect the hobbits from orcs. Boromir is the older son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. Especially remarkable is that in the 2001 film, Aragorn himself is not willing to accept his kingship at the moment yet.

The Two Towers



  • Let's put a maggot-hole in your belly!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002 New Line film)
    • Curse you, you filthy little vermin! Untie your legs? I'll untie every string in your bodies. Do you think I can't search you to the bones? Search you! I'll cut you both to quivering shreds. I don't need the help of your legs to get you away — and have you all to myself!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book III: "The Uruk-hai"
    • You help me?!
    • Note: In the 2002 film, he is about to maim Merry, when he is crushed by Treebeard. In the book and 1978 film, he tries to carry off both hobbits, but one of Éomer's men catches up with him and spears him.


  • He's... dead! He took a little tumble off the cliff.
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002 New Line film)
    • Note: Sharku dies of wounds from a battle with Aragorn, but has the satisfaction of believing that Aragorn also perished. This scene is not present in the book.


  • I'm not sure...
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002 New Line film)
    • Note: Háma is scouting ahead of the refugee column when he is asked by Gamling what's making him uneasy; he is subsequently attacked and killed by a Warg. In the book, he dies at Helm's Deep, and his last words are unknown.


  • Na barad! (Sindarin: "To the keep!")
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002 New Line film)
    • Note: Haldir is ordering his Elven archers to retreat into the Hornburg when he is mortally wounded by two Uruks. In the book, Haldir is not at Helm's Deep and his fate is unknown.

The Return of the King

  • Withdraw your guard, and I shall tell you where your doom will be decided! I will not be held prisoner here!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film, extended edition)
    • Notes: Spoken to Gandalf, who is interrogating him about where Sauron will attack after the Ents take him prisoner in his tower. After he says this, Grima Wormtongue repeatedly stabs him in the back, but Legolas shoots an arrow, killing Grima. Saruman falls off the top of Orthanc onto a spiked wheel, dropping the Palantir. This scene only takes place in the Extended Release; in the original film, Gandalf decides to leave Saruman at Isengard, and his fate is left unresolved.
  • Saruman and Wormtongue
    • Gríma Wormtongue: You told me to; you made me do it.
    • Saruman: You do what Sharkey says, always, don't you, Worm? Well, now he says: follow!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book VI: "The Scouring of the Shire"
    • Note: Saruman, preparing to leave the Shire after his men have been killed or driven off by an army of hobbits, has just revealed that Gríma Wormtongue killed "Chief Shirriff" Lotho Sackville-Baggins. Immediately after saying this, he savagely kicks Wormtongue in the face, provoking Gríma to turn on his master and slash his throat. Gríma then tries to run away and is shot by hobbits.


  • We can't hold them. The city is lost.


  • Faramir...
    • So! Thou hadst already stolen half my son's love. Now thou stealest the hearts of my knights also, so that they rob me wholly of my son at the last. But in this at least thou shalt not defy my will: to rule my own end. Come hither! Come, if you are not all recreant!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book V: "The Pyre of Denethor"
    • Notes: Denethor believes his son Faramir is not going to recover from his coma. With Boromir having also died in Gandalf's company, his line is at an end, and he suspects Gandalf of plotting with Aragorn to usurp his rule, if it even survives the siege. He builds a pyre for himself and Faramir, but Gandalf rescues Faramir. In the book, Denethor makes one last attempt to stab Faramir, but Beregond, the Captain of the White Company, stands in his way. He says these words to Gandalf, and then his servants, before igniting the pyre and lying down on it. In the film, he sets on fire just as he sees Faramir's eyes open, then says his name and throws himself burning off the cliff.

The Witch King

  • You fool. No man can kill me. Die now!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film)
    • Notes: Said to Eowyn after breaking her shield and injuring her arm with his flail. Merry (a hobbit) stabs him from behind, and Eowyn finishes him off after removing her helmet and saying "I am no man!" The scene in the book is similar.


  • (Sméagol: Give us that, Déagol, my love.) Why? (Sméagol: Because it's my birthday, and I wants it.)
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film)
    • I don't care. I have given you a present already, more than I could afford. I found this, and I'm going to keep it.
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book I: "The Shadow of the Past"
    • Notes: This is Gollum's account, as interpreted by Gandalf and recounted to Frodo. "It" is the One Ring, which Déagol has found in the Anduin near where Isildur lost it two and a half thousand years before. Sméagol strangles him for it. The scene is dramatized at the start of the film of The Return of the King.


  • Form ranks, you maggots! Form ranks! Pikes in front, archers behind!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film)
    • Notes: Gothmog is ordering his orcs into formation to repel the Rohirrim's cavalry charge; he is later killed by Aragorn and Gimli in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. In the book, his last words are unknown.


  • Late as usual, pirate scum! There's knife work here that needs doing! Come on, you sea rats! Get off your ships!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film)
    • Notes: Guritz is at Harlond about to receive the Corsairs of Umbar to provide reinforcements for Sauron's armies. Instead Aragorn hops off the ships, leading the Army of the Dead who subsequently kill him.
  • I go to my fathers... in whose mighty company... I shall not now feel ashamed. Éowyn...


  • Stop your squeaking, you dunghill rat! I'm going to bleed you like a stuck pig!

The Mouth of Sauron

  • And who is this? Isildur's Heir? It takes more to make a King than a broken Elven blade.
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film, extended edition)
    • Notes: The Mouth of Sauron has lied to Frodo's friends, saying that Frodo has been killed. Aragorn angrily draws Andúril (reforged from the shards of Narsil), and decapitates the Mouth of Sauron. The character does not appear in the theatrical release. In the book, he says that Frodo is captured and taken to the Dark Tower, but not killed. He is also allowed to return through the Gate unmolested, and his fate is unknown.
  • Precious, precious, precious! My Precious! O my Precious!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, book VI: "Mount Doom"
    • Note: Gollum has bitten off Frodo's finger, on which he was wearing Gollum's "Precious", the One Ring. In his elation to be reunited with it, he blunders into the Crack of Doom.


  • Aragorn. Elessar...
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003 New Line film)
    • Note: Spoken when his Eye sees Aragorn leading the army before his gates. He is destroyed (or at least permanently vanquished) moments later, after Frodo destroys the One Ring. In the book he does not speak here.


    • In sorrow we must go, but not in despair. Behold! We are not bound for ever to the circles of the world, and beyond them is more than memory. Farewell!
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A: "Annals of the Kings and Rulers"

Gilraen, mother of Aragorn

    • Onen i-Estel Edain, ú-chebin estel anim. (Sindarin: "I gave Hope to the Dúnedain, I have kept no hope for myself.")
    • Source: The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A: "Annals of the Kings and Rulers"
    • Note: Estel is the Sindarin word for "hope". This was also the name given to Aragorn by his foster father, Elrond. Gilraen's last words are, therefore, an example of word play.