Marco De Angelis

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Marco De Angelis is an Italian cartoonist, illustrator, and journalist.



Interview with Irancartoon

  • I read a lot of newspapers, magazines, books. The news are the fundamental resource to find ideas for the satirical cartoons but also for generic themes, for gag cartoons. Now all the media can give us a big number of inspirations.
  • In these years there are a great number of debates about similar cartoons. Many ideas are similar, of course, because the themes are recurring: war, peace, pollution, society, etc. Condemning all artists isn’t right. Many of them have in fact similar ideas, at the same time even if in opposite sides of the World. It’s although important for all the authors to truly check if the idea is truly an original one… Even if checking the whole web, catalogues and magazines could be a hard task indeed.
  • plagiarism must be stigmatized, but it’s increasingly becoming some sort of “Witch Hunt” nowadays.
  • I love the art of Kambiz Derambakhsh, for his graphic synthesis and his original ideas.
  • I don’t think it would be possible to consider an author the absolute best, because each one among the best artists in the World are to remember for their own particular skills. I think that two of them, at the moment, are Vladimir Kazanewsky and Angel Boligan.
  • I remember a simple, poetic, but wonderful cartoon of the great Cheval: a turtle walking slowly carrying on its shell a slug with a happy face, with the antennas folded back by the wind. It can be considered a good example of how drawings can be simple but give a precise idea of the relativity of things.
  • I make my art on drawing paper, with Indian ink, watercolours and pastels. Nib and brush are my best friends.
  • I think it’s important that this job doesn’t lose the old handcrafted tradition, and that artists try not to rely only on a computer. The risk that can be taken is some sort of similarity among all different styles.
  • In the art world I love René Magritte, for his dreamlike and surreal view of life and the world around us. I also really do like pre-Raphaelite artists such as Dante Gabriele Rossetti.
  • (My favorite artist that uses dark humor is) the French humorist Claude Serre, with a fine graphic style and a very hard black humor can be found in his series of cartoons, like “Humour Noir & Hommes en Blanc”. Another good example that can be easily found is the book “Idées Noires”, by Franquin. Very different from his usual style, but still a little gem that is not very known to the public.