Mario Adinolfi

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Mario Adinolfi

Mario Adinolfi (C.E.1971 - living), Italian journalist, writer, blogger, and politician.

Quotes by Mario Adinolfi:



  • [...] declassifying the blog form and even the Internet as a whole as an information tool is the classic mistake made by those who do not fully experience the Internet. Blogs are not just a tool for information and denunciation. Blogs can be (and not from today) a place of politics. Not of political chatter, of theatrics, of gossip or of the perpetual lamenting of the rain-government-thief. Blogs have been a place for the aggregation of ideas and consensus, for real politics, for at least four years. That is, since a gentleman called Howard Dean and a web movement called Move On managed to raise something like seventy-eight million dollars in a few weeks to allow the former governor of Vermont to challenge the classic old Boston senator John Kerry in Heinz in the Democratic Party primaries for the 2004 US presidential elections. That model, which led Dean first to make Kerry tremble for the nomination and now to lead the organizational machine of the American Democratic Party, told the world that the web was something more than an information tool. It was an epochal novelty capable of transforming an unknown gentleman into a credible contender for the presidency of the greatest superpower on the planet. [1]
  • From blogs, where ideas aggregate consensus, consensus will aggregate money and everything will become mobilization politics. Winning, very soon. It is destined to withstand the impact of time and the decline of passions. In short, it will no longer be an emotional mobilization, as V-Day certainly was. It will be a stable construction of an alternative proposal to govern politics, skipping the mediation of professionals who are now useless and leading the world towards a new era: the era of direct democracy, made up of primaries, laws of popular initiative, propositional and abrogative referendums, of a lean and efficient executive elected directly by the citizens that will govern with a limit of two mandates.[1]
  • A new system of decision-making is emerging for the communities in which we live. Go online, don't be distracted and don't underestimate blogs. They are the vanguards of this inevitable transition to the politics of the future. [1]
  • Respect and friendship for Cuffaro who was established in Rebibbia, the Christian Democrats respect the institutions, even when they are thrown into the dust. May it be a lesson for the shame of those who reject judgments and sentences. [2]
  • Half salary, low and inconstant, we use it to pay for welfare for others: health care and pensions for our fathers. We were born after the '70s. [3]
  • With "I Want a Mom" I fight in defense of the weak: of children who have the right to a mother and a father and not to a "parent 1 and parent 2", of children who cannot be aborted to participate in a Big Brother or mistaken in the womb for the heterologous of some sloppy sorcerer's apprentice, but also of the sick elderly who cannot be eliminated with potassium chloride thinking that that is a frontier of freedom and of the Indian or Ukrainian woman who must not be forced to sell her dignity as a mother and her child because rich Westerners buy them, in short, in defense of the voiceless we erect the wall of our new resistance. From [4]
  • The Christian submissive wife is the foundation stone, the rock upon which the [[family] is built. Submissive means submissive, that is, the condition for the family to exist. A meek woman. And submissive doesn't mean there's no equality, they're two different things. [5]
  • The Cirinnà bill wants to attach the price tag to the womb of mothers. Civil rights exist, and they are the rights of children. [6]
  • I wanted to be the rebel of a bigoted society, but in a society of sluts and dicks the only possible rebellion is to be bigots. [7]
  • oral sex is not liked by women and is a very clear element of the degradation of women. You have made such a big deal out of the story of submission, I don't think there is a more violently submissive practice than that sexual practice, in which you focus exclusively on seeking the pleasure of the male with the submission of the woman. [8]

Quotes about Mario Adinolfi:

  • Adinolfi, in fact, shows little familiarity with conducting, has a strong Roman accent, is an incurable narcissus. But he's young because he has a blog. On which he writes: "I am proud to have made my work available to those who remember that the mafias have caused 2500 deaths in the last fifteen years in this battered country of ours." Wouldn't it be better to acquire some skills, in addition to the job of blogger, before tackling such important and decisive issues? (Aldo Grasso)
  • You hide behind the name of a religion because you have to cure yourself of pathologies. (Fabio Volo)
  • A fat, fascist cleric. He says terrifying things, he was also at that homophobic meeting with the pedophile priest. In this case we say cherchez l'argent, someone must have financed that newspaper he makes. Someone in the Curia needs a fanfare against the new Pope, which is wonderful. She even received a trans woman at the Vatican. There won't be any volunteers to pay for a newspaper like this. (Alessandro Cecchi Paone)


  1. a b c From Blogs? They are the vanguards of politics, letter addressed to, September 13, C.E.2007.
  2. From a post in, January 22, C.E.2011.
  3. From a post in, January 8, C.E.2012.
  4. [ 'I want a mother, Adinolfi's circles against abortion and gay marriage are born, il Fatto, April 25, C.E.2014.
  5. From the radio show La Zanzara; quoted in Mario Adinolfi at La Zanzara: "Women must be submissive" . It is polemical, but not retracted: It derives from the biblical tradition, Huffington, January 21, C.E.2015.
  6. Quoted in Andrea Riva, [ Family Day against civil unions Rejecting the Cirinnà bill, il, January 30, C.E.2016.
  7. From a tweet on July 23, C.E.2016.
  8. From an interview with Radio Cusano Camp; quoted in Spartaco Ferretti, Mario Adinolfi against Madonna: "Pom... degrading practice that humiliates women",, October 21, C.E.2016.

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