Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned

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Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned in 2010

Her Highness Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned (born April 8 1959) is the second of three wives and public consort of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, former Emir of Qatar.


  • I support all militant groups that believe in Allah. Hamas, al-Qaeda and ISIS.
  • It is not fair to accuse the Arabic language of being old-fashioned and static as if it were independent from what we mean and do, or unaffected by the outcome of our deeds. It is our language, and we are ultimately responsible for its static condition. It is our duty to restore it to its glory so that it can return to what it used to be hundreds of years ago – the language of science and literature, a language of building bridges to other civilizations, a language that affected others through its scientific and cultural achievements, pushing them to learn it.
  • To give every child the chance to be educated is a gift of promise. A gift of wonderment. A gift that opens up possibilities that can transform lives and develop thinkers, leaders, and creators of great art.

Quotes about Sheikha Mozah

  • With her chiselled cheekbones, her glamorous floor-length gowns, and her unconventionally public role in the deeply conservative Gulf, 53-year-old Sheikha Moza has secured her legacy as the matriarch of modern Qatar.
    • Simeon Kerr and Roula Kharaf, "Sheikha Moza, matriarch of the modern Gulf", Financial Times, June 28 2013