Nichole Banna

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Nichole Banna (16 February 1989) popularly known as Virgin Mary is a Nollywood actress and producer who has featured in various film. She produced the movie, Icheke Oku which is of Igbo origin.


  • I have always had principles even before joining Nollywood. And this is a place I have come to stay and I will be here for a very long time. I don’t think it is necessary for me to mess myself up. Even if I am a wayward person, I don’t think I should do it around Nollywood. As for the younger actresses who are desperate and all that, my advice is that it doesn’t pay; I don’t think having sex-for-role or paying for someone to give you a role is the ultimate way to the top; it doesn’t just make sense.
  • Please this is to encourage you, no matter what you are doing, don’t let go of God’s hands, keep striving to be better. Again for the ones that still date married men because of money, please stop because the consequences are generational. Same money you will get if you work hard and be content
  • I wouldn’t say I faced challenges; rather, I climbed stairs. And as it is with the activity of climbing staircases, the muscle is put to work. My God and my talent have been my muscle.
  • Some of the most important lessons I have learnt over the years in the course of my career include to be true to myself, live, learn and love.
  • One of the qualities that have helped me get to this stage is humility. It pays for one to be humble.
  • . I believe that one is who one is, regardless of whatever industry one finds oneself in.
  • Fame has not robbed me of anything. Rather, it has given me a formidable pedestal to be a role model to a great number of people.
  • It pays for one to be humble
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