Nupur Sharma

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Nupur Sharma (born 23 April 1985) is an Indian politician and lawyer. She was the national spokesperson of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) until June 2022. Described as brash and articulate, she frequently represented BJP on Indian television debates as an official spokesperson. In June 2022, she was suspended from the party due to controversial comments about the Islamic prophet Muhammad and the age of his third wife, Aisha, at the time of their marriage and the consummation of the marriage.


  • Should I start mocking claims of flying horses or the flat-earth theory as mentioned in your Quran? You are marrying a six year-old girl and having sex with her when she turned nine. Who did it? Prophet Muhammad. Should I start saying all these things that are mentioned in your scriptures?

Quotes about Sharma

  • “Appeasement never works. It’ll only make things worse. So, my dear friends from India, don’t be intimidated by islamic countries. Stand up for freedom and be proud and steadfast in defending your politician Nupur Sharma, who spoke the truth about Muhammad,” he said in another tweet. ... “It is ridiculous that Arab and Islamic countries are angered by Indian politician Nupur Sharma for speaking the truth about Prophet Muhammad who indeed married Aisha when she was six years old and consumed the marriage when she was nine. Why does India apologize?” he wrote on Twitter.
  • The Islamic State claimed responsibility for an attack on a Sikh temple in Afghanistan that killed one community member and a Taliban fighter, saying it was retaliation for insults against the Prophet Mohammed...
    Protests in several Muslim countries were sparked by a spokeswoman for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist party comments earlier this month about the relationship between the prophet and his youngest wife. ..
    IS said one of its fighters “penetrated a temple for Hindu and Sikh polytheists in Kabul, after killing its guard, and opened fire on the pagans inside with his machine gun and hand grenades”.
    • About a terror attack in Afghanistan in retaliation of the comments of Nupur Sharma. [3]
  • The Supreme Court on Friday came down heavily on former BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma over her Prophet remark. The top court said "her loose tongue" has "set the entire country on fire" and asked her to apologise to the nation for her remarks. While hearing a plea filed by Nupur Sharma seeking transfer of all FIRs related to her remarks to Delhi, the Supreme Court said, "She actually has a loose tongue and has made all kinds of irresponsible statements on TV and set the entire country on fire. Yet, she claims to be a lawyer of 10 years standing. She should have immediately apologised for her comments to the whole country." The court refused to entertain her plea and said she has "threatened the security of the nation". "This statement by Nupur Sharma is responsible for the unfortunate killing in Udaipur," Justice Pardiwala said, referring to the beheading of a Hindu man by two men over a social media post supporting Nupur Sharma. The court also said that her remarks against Prophet Muhammad were made either for "cheap publicity, a political agenda or for some nefarious activities". "She has a threat or she has become a security threat? The way she has ignited emotions across the country. This lady is single-handedly responsible for what is happening in the country," the court added.
    • Statements by The Supreme Court. [4]
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