Singapore general election, 2006

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The Singapore general election, 2006 was held on May 6. The following are significant quotes made by the candidates during the election period on that day.

People's Action Party


George Yeo

  • "Top of our list of priority is the lift upgrading so that the lift will stop on every floor in as many blocks as possible." George Yeo, reported 29 April 2006

Khaw Boon Wan

  • "The PAP has quality control in our 84 candidates. We have D24 durians, Sultan durians and XO durians, all different kinds but excellent durians. All are super durians. But I don't know about other political parties because some are 'ho kua bo ho jiak' and there're worms inside too. Then it will be troublesome for people." Khaw Boon Wan, 29 April 2006. [1]

Lee Hsien Loong


Lee Hsien Loong is the Secretary-General of the People's Action Party and the Prime Minister of Singapore.

  • "We need a capable government to be on top of all these issues, to look over the horizon, to respond faster than other countries, to mobilise Singaporeans so that we can work together and be something special, not just three and a half million people but one very shining red dot," Lee Hsien Loong, 24 April 2006. [1]
  • "We don't have a majority, so we will fight this election," Lee Hsien Loong, 27 April 2006, on nomination day. [2]
  • "Give me and my team a strong mandate so that I can continue to serve you. This election decides the course of Singapore for the next 15 to 20 years...many opportunities but also major challenges, must decide what the goal is and how to get there." Lee Hsien Loong, 28 April 2006. [3]
  • "I hope Low Thia Khiang will come and spend time in Ang Mo Kio. Then I might spend a bit more time there too. … But the fact that Low Thia Khiang didn't decide to come to Ang Mo Kio tells you something. He's just sending gan si dui [suicide squad]. Somebody else can do that", Lee Hsien Loong, 29 April 2006, commenting on WP's contest at Ang Mo Kio GRC with a relatively young team. Lee added that even the bookies will not take a bet on the outcome in Ang Mo Kio GRC. [4]
  • "Suppose you had 10, 15, 20 opposition members in Parliament. Instead of spending my time thinking what is the right policy for Singapore, I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?" Lee Hsien Loong, 03 May 2006. [2]
  • "Coming back from Pasir Ris-Punggol last night, I saw my son at the dinner table and asked him 'where have you been?' 'Ang Mo Kio Workers' Party rally.' 'What were you doing there?' 'Wanted to know, brought friends, 20 of them from school in uniform and went to hear.' I asked him 'what did you hear?' Don't know what they were talking about but every time they said something, they cheered - he said that. I said 'why don't you come to the PAP rally?' He said 'so boring and logical'. So I think it's okay. Many more (are) like that, want to hear but when it comes to the moment to vote and decide, I think they know what's in their interest." Lee Hsien Loong, commenting on his son going to Workers' Party rally. [3]

Lee Kuan Yew

  • "We want to have a First World parliament for Singapore, so we need to have a First World government and a First World opposition. If you want us to treat you as gentlemen, argue on the merits of your policy and our policy. Take it to a higher level and we will treat you accordingly and respond accordingly," Lee Kuan Yew, 24 April 2006. [1]
  • "You watch the nine single seats. We fielded nine male Chinese, the Opposition also fielded nine male Chinese. What does that tell you? Without group representation, no minority candidate would be elected nor any woman candidate." Lee Kuan Yew, 28 April 2006, commenting on how the GRC system ensured minority representation. [5]
  • "I want a world-class opposition, not this riffraff." Lee Kuan Yew, 28 April 2006. [6]

Singapore Democratic Alliance


The Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA) is an alliance of four political parties in Singapore, comprising of:

Desmond Lim


Desmond Lim is the assistant secretary-general of the Singapore People's Party.

  • "Ants see no obstacles. If you put a stone in front of them, they will make a detour or climb over it. We are like small ants in the political scene here. But when ants come together, they can move mountains." Desmond Lim, 6 March 2006 [7]

Chiam See Tong


Chiam See Tong is the Secretary-General of the Singapore People's Party.

  • "We don't want a parliamentary sitting to be a PAP party sitting. What we want is to hear alternative points of view," Chiam See Tong, 24 April 2006. [1]
  • "Much have been spoken of my age. I am now 71 years old. But I assure you, I still swim 25 laps in a day in the swimming pool. On top of that I can do my work because I've got the good backing of an excellent team." Chiam See Tong, 28 April 2006. [8]
  • "Do you know how they work in factories? They have got an assembly line system. Every machine, every device or any equipment, for example, a TV set, if they find that it is no good, they just throw it away and that TV set that is thrown away is called a reject. Now, that is what they are doing to our children when they were streamed in our schools. You make him do this exam and if he can't pass, you just throw him away as a reject. But that is not fair to the child. So I managed to change that." Chiam See Tong, 28 April 2006.

Steve Chia Kiah Hong


Steve Chia Kiah Hong is the Secretary-General of the National Solidarity Party.

  • "If TT Durai did not sue SPH (Singapore Press Holdings), let me ask you, will our PAP ministers still be praising the NKF, Mr TT Durai and urging people to continue donating to the old NKF? If TT Durai did not sue SPH, would they, our world class ministers, know all the wrongdoings in NKF?" Steve Chia, 29 April 2006. [4]

Yip Yew Weng

  • "In this election, we are not aiming to form the next government. Our 20 candidates are not enough to form the government so that's not an issue. What we aim to do is keep an eye on the PAP to ensure they govern Singapore well. Let the PAP form the government, let them distribute the money. But nobody is perfect and the NKF is a case in point. We must not let such an incident take place again," Yip Yew Weng, 29 April 2006. [5]

Singapore Democratic Party


Chee Soon Juan


Chee Soon Juan is the Secretary-General of the Singapore Democratic Party.

  • "Lawyers for Mr Lee Kuan Yew and Mr Lee Hsien Loong have gone as far as to sue the printer, so much so that he is so frightened he dares not publish our election material." Chee Soon Juan, 27 April 2006, commenting that the PAP's legal action against the SDP is affecting their campaign at Sembawang GRC. [9]

Chee Siok Chin

  • "We met the Sembawang GRC team from the PAP at the Nomination Centre this morning. All was amiable. All was amicable. We're very civil. Let's make it very clear — it's not personal, it's the issues that we're taking on. So, if you are expecting fistfights to break out, don't hold your breath." Chee Siok Chin, 27 April 2006, on how the SDP intends to conduct it campaign. [9]

Workers' Party of Singapore


Eric Tan

  • "If we win a GRC, you got nothing to lose. You know why? Because a GRC has at least 110,000 people. Can they afford to punish 110,000 people? Can they inflict pain and punishment on 110,000 people? Very difficult. They will try to win you back, because it is so important, and guess what? We will try to retain our seats. You will be king of the road." Eric Tan, 28 April 2006. [3]

James Gomez

  • "The PAP has a history of trying to control all political content, and now they are trying to extend that control to new media as well. It shows just how bankrupt for new ideas they have become," he added, referring to the Internet ban and the PAP's newly promulgated party manifesto." Gomez's comment to Asia Times Online regarding the regulation of political content on the Internet, reported on 24 April 2006. [10]
  • "Singaporeans and Singapore are First World. There is no doubt in my mind, but it does not mean that the government and the PAP are First World. Don't claim credit. Singaporeans and Singapore are First World, and this is the message I want to leave with you today. You are First World, Singapore is First World but the PAP government is not." James Gomez, 28 April 2006. [6]
  • "I've also been brought up with values where my parents told me to be gracious and kind and that's the way I am. And as far as the party is concerned, we're not the suing type. So I don't think l have anything more to add. I have moved on." James Gomez, 13 May 2006. [7]

Goh Meng Seng

  • "For the past year, we have at least one suicide every day. After you open a casino, what will the suicide rate be? This is not a joke. It is a social problem. I am against opening the casino.", Goh Meng Seng, reported on 29 April 2006 [8]

Low Thia Khiang


Low Thia Khiang is the Secretary-General of the Workers' Party of Singapore.

  • "I am going to tell you the heart of the WP election campaign today. They are accountability, hope for the future and First World government," Low Thia Khiang, 24 April 2006. [1]
  • "The election is supposed to be for macro issues, where you decide the future of the nation. You are deciding the future of the nation. Instead, we are talking local politics whether you get something or not… Politics here is no longer about your credibility as a candidate but depends on who is backing you. This value seems all wrong to me. Is this the sort of value that we want to carry on to the next generation of Singaporeans?" Low Thia Khiang, undated, reported 26 April 2006 [9]
  • "Last night, Mr Lee (Kuan Yew) spoke here. This morning's paper, he said that he wanted me to sue him. Tonight, I want to tell him - come and sue me. I told the reporters, Gomez wrote his own apology, I corrected it. This is the truth. I am surprised. Mr Lee is the founding father, everything is based on facts, but this time he is making baseless allegations." Low Thia Khiang, 03 May 2006 [10]
  • "Is he (Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong) trying to say that he cannot govern with 15 to 20 Opposition members? In most First World parliaments, they all have 15 to 20 opposition members, sometimes even more. Is he trying to say that he cannot withstand the WP challenge? I expect him to reply before Polling Day," Low Thia Khiang, 04 May 2006 [11]
  • "What trouble have I made in Parliament? Please list them out for the public to know. If she cannot substantiate the claims tomorrow, I will demand an apology from her. Irene Ng is not a new candidate. She knows what transpires in Parliament. I will wait for her reply." Low Thia Khiang, 04 May 2006 [12]

Sylvia Lim


Sylvia Lim is Chairman of Workers' Party

  • "(Upgrading) is a pressing problem for the nation. What message are you sending to people?....Think of yourself, whether you're upgraded or not. Vote for the PAP for your self-interest, that's the message. And is this the message and the value we want for Singapore? We will discuss it at our rally...So it's an issue. It's not localised issue, it's a national issue." Sylvia Lim, 29 April 2006
  • "What does he (Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong) mean by 'fix'? Is he trying to say that he will destroy us? But these Opposition MPs are voted into Parliament by you. They are your voice. By saying that, is he trying to say he wants to fix you too?" Sylvia Lim, 04 May 2006 [13]

Yaw Shin Leong

  • "In some quarters, my team is considered as the 'dare to die' team. Let me make this clear. Life is sacred, life is precious and politics is serious. More importantly, my courageous team-mates and myself are mentally prepared to lose but that does not mean we are push-overs. It's because we have confidence in you, the people of Singapore," Yaw Shin Leong, 29 April 2006. [14]



