Talk:Edward Norton

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Latest comment: 15 years ago by Antiquary in topic Unsourced
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Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Edward Norton. --Antiquary 18:59, 21 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • I almost forgot what it's like to be proud of my government.
  • It's dismaying to see the unilateralism that the government is doing.
  • First of all, you never make all things for all people and can't always pander to the broadest denominator. I keep an eye toward doing the themes that interest me. Do they move me? Interest me? Make me think? When I run across something that is provocative in an unsettling way, it appeals to me.
  • It's a nice position to be in; I'm lucky. At the same time, all the excitement of that has been put into stark perspective ... In some ways, the highs of it have been blunted, which in a way, is a gift.
  • The more you can create that magic bubble, that suspension of disbelief, for a while, the better.
  • I'm an actor and, each time out, I'm trying to convince the audience that I'm this character. Every little thing that people know about you as a person impedes your ability to achieve that kind of terrific suspension of disbelief that happens when an audience goes with an actor and character [he's] playing.
  • I've never felt any particular encroachment of the 'celebrity' stuff into my life.
  • Fame is very corrosive and you have to guard very strictly against it.
  • If I ever have to stop taking the subway, I'm gonna have a heart attack.
  • Life, like poker has an element of risk. It shouldn't be avoided. It should be faced.
  • I don't smoke and I don't want to smoke. I am not a fan of gratuitous smoking in films.
  • Acting? It's a longstanding compulsion I've had since I was about five or six years old. I can literally identify the moment it struck me. I went to see a play [If I Were a Princess] in which a babysitter of mine [Betsy True, who later acted on Broadway] was performing. I was completely shell-shocked by the magic of this little community-theater play; it just riveted me.

About Edward Norton


On American History X

  • Norton is perfect for the role. Even in the grip of passion, he acts as though he's a reasonable guy, leading from his head.
    • The San Francisco Chronicle
  • One of the movie's chief assets is a magnetic lead performance by Edward Norton. He has been loudly heralded in the past for his showy work in Primal Fear and The People vs. Larry Flynt, but I think the actor has really proven himself this year. In Rounders he was a perfectly wiry, likable Ratzo Rizzo-style heel who easily seduced golden boy Matt Damon into his grifting schemes. Here, he does a remarkable turnabout as an intensely charismatic, beefed-up skinhead who lives by his own twisted, hatefully bigoted rhetoric.
    • Mr. Showbiz
  • There's scarcely a false note to the performance of either Furlong or Norton, the latter an almost certain Academy Award nominee.
    • Box Office Magazine

On Rounders

  • Norton is electrifyingly good. He's genuinely scary and that gives the audience every reason to fear for Mike's safety.
    • Louis B. Hobson: Calgary Sun
  • terrific as the bottom-feeding Worm, simultaneously funny and infuriating.
    • Kansas City Star
  • Norton is superb in one of the bad-boy roles that will probably color the shape of his career.
    • The Washington Post
  • Norton energizes virtually every scene he's in. The guy's been in four movies and he's been great in each of them as totally different characters: a psycho in "Primal Fear," a green but likable lawyer in "The People vs. Larry Flynt," a young Manhattanite in love in "Everyone Says I Love You" and now this lowlife gambler. He's utterly natural, as is Damon, but in a completely different way. Norton's a chameleon who turns into whatever character he's playing.
    • The Post-Gazette

On Everyone Says I Love You

  • a joy to watch. He is genuinely befuddled as his character gets swept away by the emotions that make him want to sing.
    • Box Office Magazine

On Primal Fear

  • He brilliantly mixes timidity and rage in developing a character who is at once sympathetic and scary. Audiences are likely to find they can't get enough of his exceptional performance, as well as his coy smile.
    • The San Francisco Chronicle

On "The Illusionist"