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Hollywood‎ 21:16 −397‎ ‎Philip Cross talk (rm non-RS; Ron Unz has become an explicit Holocaust denier in recent years)

  • Removal of the follow quote from the Unz - which is apparently true, but probably a "forbidden topic" (by the thought police) sure does seems like censorship:
  • For decades, Hollywood has sanctified the Holocaust, and in our deeply secular society accusations of Holocaust Denial are a bit like shouting “Witch!” in Old Salem or leveling accusations of Trotskyism in the Court of the Red Czar.

There's no question that countless billion$ have been spent on movies designed to encourage sympathy for the victims of the Holocaust. Hollywood has been paid billions to sanctify the Holocaust. That to many people seems to be waaaay over done.
The wikipedia designation of RS is clearly a tool that should be questioned, not blindly accepted without discussion or debate, especially by those who are tired of the same old BS from those in power who fear democracy, discourse, truth, and change (and their faithful, mindless minions, the information domination workers). 21:36, 28 February 2023 (UTC)Reply

For reasons, I specified in my edit summary, the Ron Unz quote is an undesirable presence on this website. A explicit Holocaust denier like Unz is far from the mainstream and should not be quoted here, and certainly not in a thematic article. Philip Cross (talk) 21:46, 28 February 2023 (UTC)Reply
See Wikiquote:Policies and guidelines#Policies and guidelines from Wikipedia": "In addition to the generally accepted Wikiquote policies and guidelines listed above, policies and guidelines from the Wikipedia project usually apply equally well to Wikiquote." Philip Cross (talk) 19:44, 2 March 2023 (UTC)Reply