The Art of Racing in the Rain (film)

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The Art of Racing in the Rain is a 2019 American comedy-drama film about a race car driver named Denny Swift adopts a puppy named Enzo and marries a woman named Eve, with whom he has a daughter. Now a widower, Denny must fight hard for custody of his only daughter.

Directed by Simon Curtis, Produced by Patrick Dempsey, Tania Landau, Neal H. Moritz, Screenplay by Mark Bomback, Based on the 2008 novel of the same name by Garth Stein
Meet the dog who will show the world how to be human.


  • [narrating the first lines of the movie] Gestures are all that I have. I have no words I can rely on, because my tongue was designed long and flat and is therefore an ineffective tool for making complicated polysyllabic sounds And that is why I'm here now, waiting for Denny to come home, lying in a puddle of my own making.
  • He picked me out of a pile of pups, a tangled mass of paws and tails. He'd stopped at the farm on his way home from the speedway at Yakima. Even back then, I knew I was different than other dogs. My soul just felt more human.
  • [about Denny and Eve's wedding] They we're married at a magnificent palace with its very own ocean. The kind of place I had assumed only existed on television. I tried my best to be helpful. I minded my manners, resisted snacking on the trays of exquisite appetizers and made sure to do my business in the flowerbed farthest from the festivities. The place belonged to Eve's parents, Trish and Maxwell, who I confess I first mistook for twins.


[Denny has arrived home from Daytona for his and Eve's newborn baby daughter named Zoë]
Denny: Yeah.
Eve: She's been waiting for her daddy.
Denny: I should've been here.
Eve: Honey, she's a day old.
Denny: I know, but still...
Eve: You're here now. That's why we met to make this perfect little thing.

[Zoë's stuffed animals were just destroyed by a possessed stuffed zebra, whom Enzo first encountered, which Enzo was thought to be the perpetrator]
Eve: [gasps in shock] Zoë?!
Zoë: [from upstairs] Something happened to my animals! [Denny and Eve rush upstairs with Enzo following behind]
Denny: This is a mess. I don't understand why he'd do this. Zoë, stop crying. I'm gonna go find him. [angrily advances towards Enzo] Get over here. [grabs Enzo by the collar and drags Enzo to Zoë's bedroom] Get over here! Bad dog! Come on! Look what you did! LOOK WHAT YOU DID! You see that?! Why would you do that?! BAD DOG! YOU STUPID DOG!
Eve: Denny, stop! What are you doing? [Denny leaves the bedroom]
Enzo: [narrating] I had only one thought: The zebra must have reassembled itself and attacked the remaining animals after I left. I should've destroyed the demon when I had the chance. I should've eaten it, even if it killed me.

Trish: Maxwell, you promised me you wouldn't!
Denny: [reads the letter] Are you kidding me? I just buried my wife and you're suing me for custody of my daughter?!
Trish: Denny, I'm so sorry. This is not at all what we thought...
Zoë: [arrives] Finished my egg.
Denny: Sweetheart, go inside and pack your things. We're gonna go home right now.
Maxwell. Evverything's fine, honey. Your dad has some things to take care of, so you'll stay with us for now.
Denny: Zoë, go and get your stuff. We're leaving. Who the hell do you think you are?
Maxwell: You can't do this alone, and you know it. What happens when you're back to disappearing for days on end at those races of yours? You're on a plane every weekend. You missed her birth, for Christ's sakes! [Denny shoves the letter against Maxwell's chest and Maxwell aggressively grabs Denny by the arm] You're not taking her. [Denny, in response, retracts the arm from Maxwell's grasp by force, causing Maxwell to fall and break a rib]

