The Boss Baby

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The Boss Baby is a 2017 American 3D computer-animated comedy film about a baby who is a secret agent in the secret war between babies and puppies.

Directed by Tom McGrath. Written by Michael McCullers, loosely based on the 2010 picture book of the same name written and illustrated by Marla Frazee.
Born leader (taglines)

Boss Baby[edit]

  • (to Jimbo) Put that cookie down! Cookies are for closers.
  • Let's just say I'm the boss.


Survival of the fittest.
It's the law of the jungle.
There's always someone's trying to take what's yours.
How do I know?
It almost happened to me.
Tim Templeton... quit monkeying around.
Hot dogs are getting cold.
Hot dogs?
At least, this is how I remember it.
All right buddy, let's eat.
You see, I was seven years old...


  • Survival of the fittest — a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment.
  • monkeying around — To do things that are not useful or serious:
    • to waste time
  • You see — when you are explaining something


Tim: [about the baby] Look at him! He wears a suit!
Janice: I know. Isn't it cute? He's like a little man!
Tim: He carries a briefcase! Does no one else think that's... oh, I don't know... a little freaky?
Ted: Well, you carried Lam-Lam around until you were like-
Tim: This is not about Lam-Lam.
[Boss Baby snickers]

Tim: We could share.
Boss Baby: You obviously didn't go to business school.

Boss Baby: (to Jimbo) Put that cookie down! Cookies are for closers.

Eugene: [after Francis Francis turns back into a baby, and is asleep. Clearing his voice and speaking for the first time] This time, we'll raise him right.

Boss Baby: I could be fired! [whimpers]
Tim: [snaps his fingers; condescendingly] Pry like that. [holds up Boss Baby's briefcase] You better start packing!
Boss Baby: [enraged] WHAT?!?! [violently throws Senor Squeaky into Tim's groin]
Tim: [in a high-pitch voice] Ohh!

Tim: You can talk!
Boss Baby: Uhhh... Goo-goo-ga-ga!
Tim: No! You can really talk! I heard you!
Boss Baby: Fine! I can talk. Now let's see if you can listen. Give me a double espresso and see if there's someplace around here with decent sushi, I'd KILL for a spicy tuna roll right about now. [gives Tim some money] Get yourself a little something.
Tim: Who are you?
Boss Baby: Let's just say.. I'm the boss.
Tim: The boss? You're a baby. You wear a diaper.

Boss Baby: So that's how you want to play it, Huh? Let's see. Templeton, Timothy, middle name. [laughs] I'm sorry, Leslie! Mostly C's.
Tim: How do you know all that?
Boss Baby: Can't ride a bike without training wheels? Even bears can ride a bike wihout training wheels, Leslie.

Tim: Mom, Dad! The baby can talk!
B.B.: Oh! Can he now? [turns to Tim on a chair]
Tim: Wait, how did you...
B.B.: Hand over the tape, Timmy, or Lam-Lam gets it, see? [grabs a stapler, Tim watches in horror, to see the baby torturing his toy] What's that, Lam-Lam? Oh, you want a nose ring? Well, it's really not my scene, but who am I to judge? [staples Lam-Lam's nose]
Tim: Eee!
B.B.: And an eyebrow ring. Seems like a little bit too much, Lam-Lam! [staples Lam-Lam's eyebrow]
Tim: [terrified] AHH!
B.B.: How is that going to look in a job interview?
B.B.: The tape, Timmy! Or I'm gonna rip, rip, rip, rip, rip, rip, rip, rip...
Tim: NOOOOO! [grabs Lam-Lam and they tug at her] Let go!
B.B.: You let go!
Tim: You let go!
B.B.: Give me the tape!
Tim: Give me Lam-Lam! [gasps in horror, to see Lam-Lam ripped]
B.B.: Whoops! Too far!
[Tim grabs Boss Baby]
Boss Baby: Templeton, Templeton! Let’s be reasonable. We can be reasonable, right? What are you doing?! [Tim throws Boss Baby in a baby jumper and opens the curtains]
Tim: You’ve been asking for this since you got here! [he puts the baby bouncer up on the window]
Boss Baby: We can talk about this over a juice box! [Tim pulls the baby jumper back as a slingshot]
Tim: Time for juice boxes is over!
Boss Baby: No, no, Templeton! You wouldn’t!
Tim: Say bye-bye, baby! You’re fired!
Ted: Tim, what are you doing?
Tim: Nothing.
[Boss Baby look at Ted, and then cries, and Tim lets go of the jumper, and the tape shoots out the window, and it lands on the road, then a car runs over it]
Tim: [horrified] My proof! [Boss Baby grins triumphantly]
Janice: Tim! [takes Boss Baby] Explain yourself!
Ted: Yes, explain yourself!
Tim: It wasn’t me! It was the baby’s fault!
Ted: The baby’s fault?
Tim: It’s true! He can talk! They all can talk! They’re having a meeting! There’s something about puppies! It’s one big baby con-spy-racy!
Janice: Timothy Leslie Templeton! [Boss Baby snickers]
Ted: We are very disappointed in you!
Janice: [corrects Ted] No, we're mad at you!
Ted: Exactly, we're mad at you!
Tim: [heartbroken] Mad?
Ted: You need a time-out!
Janice: [corrects Ted again] You're grounded!
Ted: Yes, grounded.. for 2?
Janice: 3!
Ted: 3... days?
Janice: Weeks!
Ted: Weeks! 3 weeks!
Janice: For 3... EVERS!!!
Tim: Grounded?
Janice: You're gonna stay in this house with your baby brother... until you learn to get along!
Boss Baby: [disappointed] Oh, great.

Tim: My life was perfect until you showed up!
Boss Baby: Oh, believe me, kid. The feeling is mutual. I wish I never met you!
[Boss Baby is shocked by Tim's harsh words. He straightens his tie, and leaves.]
Tim: Where are you going? FINE!!


  • Born leader
  • He means business. March 2017.
  • He's the Boss. March 2017.
  • Ruthless and Toothless!
  • Cookies are for Closers!
  • Who's the Boss?



External Links[edit]

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