The Decameron

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The Decameron (Italian: Il Decameron) is a 1971 anthology film written and directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, based on the 14th-century allegory by Giovanni Boccaccio. It is the first film of Pasolini's Trilogy of Life, the others being The Canterbury Tales and Arabian Nights. Each film was an adaptation of a different piece of classical literature focusing on ribald and often irreligious themes.


  • I'm in mortal sin because of you!
Then so am I, because of you.
Holy Virgin, forgive us!
What's one sin more or less? Let's do it again.
  • Every woman who visits us says there's no greater pleasure on earth than what a woman does with a man.
Don't you know we've pledged our virginity to God?
We make promises to God every day that we never keep!
  • Folks, let me tell this the Neapolitan way.
Now, then, what happened in that convent?
A nice plump nun fell in love with a handsome youth and would wait for nightfall to let him into her cell. But one night, the other nuns - the jealous sort - found out and caught them going at it. They went to get the Mother Superior, but she was in bed with the priest! When they knocked, she was so flustered that she mistook the priest's drawers for her veil.

See also
