The Hand That Rocks the Cradle

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The Hand That Rocks The Cradle is a 1992 film about a widow who seeks vengenance after her doctor husband shoots himself for being charged with molesting female patients. She plots her vengeance on the Bartel family, whose mother was the first to report the bad doctor, by getting a job as their nanny.

Directed by Curtis Hanson. Written by Amanda Silver.

Claire Bartel

  • (punches out Mrs. Mott) She's Dr. Mott's widow, Michael.

Mrs. Mott

  • I got a message for you, Roth! LEAVE EMMA ALONE! Look at me - if you don't, I'm gonna rip your fucking head off!
  • When your husband makes love to you, it's my face he sees! When your baby is hungry, it's my breast that feeds him. Look at you. When push comes to shove, you can't even breathe.

Marlene Craven

  • The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.
  • You've got a Harvard education, make something up!


Marty: (after seeing Mrs. Mott for the first time) Maybe we should have children!


Mrs. Mott: My husband was my only family. He's the only one who really understood me... He took care of me. He was murdered.
Claire: Murdered?
Mrs. Mott: They never caught who did it. But I firmly believe, what goes around comes around.

Mrs. Mott: Are you a retard?
Solomon: No
Mrs. Mott: Did you like looking at me? (more intense) Did you like looking at me? (slaps Solomon) Don't fuck with me, retard. My version of the story will be better than yours.
Solomon: (Talking to himself about Mrs. Mott) I won't let you hurt them! They're my friends. I won't let you hurt them. Oh, boy!

Mrs. Mott answers the phone
Mrs. Mott: Who is this?
Marlene: Marlene Craven, you want me to spell it?

Mrs. Mott: Marlene, is everything all right?
Marlene: No! I need a doctor. Know of any Mrs. Mott?
Mrs. Mott: You give me my baby or I'll BASH YOUR SKULL IN!!!
Solomon: No!


  • the hand that rules the world.
  • Trust is her weapon. Innocence her opportunity. Revenge her only desire.
  • Behind a beautiful face, beneath a dangerous smile, lies a revenge that can't be stopped.
  • Get Rocked January 10th!

