Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies

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Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies is the 1999 horror sequel of the Wishmaster series.

Directed by Jack Sholder. Written by Peter Atkins.
Evil has been summoned... again. (Taglines)

The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest

  • [to an old woman] Too bad, you just crapped out. [the woman fills with coins and then defecates all of them out]


Cop: Freeze!
The Djinn: Did I hear you say freeze?
Cop: Yeah. You're goddamn right I said freeze!
The Djinn: Done. [freezes the cop]

Cop: You want to explain this to me?
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: [referring to the frozen cop] He needed to chill out.

Prisoner: I'm gonna do you a big favor, because you're new and you're ignorant, and I'll rip the buckskin tongue outta your mouth for talking to me.
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: I'm going to do you a favor, because you're an unjustly imprisoned man. I would like to see your lawyer pay for all the pain and suffering he's put you through, yes?
Prisoner: Yo, man, are you tripping? Who the fuck are you?
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: I am the Wishmaster. I make wishes come true.
Prisoner: Oh yeah? Well, you'd better wish for some buckskin sense, real quick!
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: I believe you said you'd like to see your lawyer go fuck himself. I could arrange that.
Prisoner: Yo, man, you aren't playing for real. My boy here's...
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: I only play for real.
Prisoner: What's in it for you?
The Djinn as Nathaniel Demarest: Your soul.
Prisoner: Dang it, man. Make it happen.

The Djinn: Eric, I can help you.
Eric: Back off.
The Djinn: I can give you life everlasting if you wish it. I can end your pain. Would you wish that?
Eric: I wish I'd never been born.
The Djinn: As you wish. [reverses Eric's aging process until he disappears completely] Done.


  • Evil has been summoned... again.