Women in Egypt

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The role of women in Egypt has changed throughout history, from ancient to modern times. The legal rights of women expanded throughout the 20th century. However, some legal inequality persists in marriage and divorce rights.


  • The better sort of Women here, and all the Kingdom over, weare Rings of gold or silver, through the hollow of their noses, both endes of their mouthes, and in their under lips; hanging rich pearles, and precious stones to them; wearing also about their armes faire Bracelets, and about their ancles below, broad bonds of gold or silver. To which if the baser sort can not attayne unto, then they counterfeit their Betters, with Rings, Bracelets, and bonds of Brasse, Copper, Lead, and white Iron, and thinke themselves not worthy to live, unlesse they weare these badges.
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