Yu-Gi-Oh! (season 2)

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Seasons: 1 / 2 / 3 Enter the Shadow Realm / 4 Waking with Dragons / 5 Grand Championship, Capsule Monsters and Dawn of the Duel | Movies: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light / The Dark Side of Dimensions / Bonds Beyond Time | Main

The Mystery Duelist[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Bandit Keith: I see that this Millennium Item now belongs... TO ME! [kicks the fortune telling table face on at Yugi and Tea]
Yugi: My Millennium Puzzle! [he and Tea fall away and Bandit Keith runs off laughing while the crystal ball shatters on the ground] Come back here!

Yugi: If I have to duel, I'm gonna need the spirit of the Puzzle to help me.
Pharaoh: I can barely hear you, Yugi. Our bond is weak. It's hard to maintain contact. I'm afraid I won't be able to help you with this duel. You'll have to fight him...alone.
Yugi: Alone!? But I've never fought a duel without you! And if I'm defeated I'll lose you forever!
Pharaoh: You can defeat him! Just trust yourself and your deck, and you'll find the way.
Yugi: Alright.
Pharaoh: Be very careful, Yugi. I sense a great evil.
Yugi: Spirit!!

Part 2[edit]

Bandit Keith: I'm back! [runs across the duel arena and raises the Millennium Puzzle] I've got to destroy it! If I can't have this Puzzle, no one can!
Yugi: No! Keith, wait! Don't! [Bandit Keith slams the Millennium Puzzle against the console, making Yugi horrified] NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

[Marik has just attempted to regain control of Bandit Keith]
Marik Ishtar: It seems the Duel is not yet done. You can still win the match and claim my Millennium prize!
Bandit Keith: [gets up] STOP!!! STOP TALKING TO ME!!! [picks up a length of pipe and swings it ravenously in an attempt to stop Marik] Where are ya?! Show yourself!
Marik Ishtar: Obey me and duel!
Yugi: Keith, stop! No!
[Keith attacks the images until he hits a control box, causing sparks and live wires to split, which they laid on tanks of gasoline then explodes, causing a warehouse fire]

Tristan: Yeah, brilliant, putting the rod in the hole and pulling really hard.
Joey: Say what!?
Tristan: Say nothing! [he and Joey argue]
Yugi: Knock it off, guys, or I won't share my hospital food with you.
Joey: We'll be good.

Yugi: I've got to solve the Millennium Puzzle and fast!! Time is running out! And this fire is getting worse! Focus! If I solve the Puzzle, I save the spirit! Even if I don't make it out, at least he will!

Tea (thinking): I'm glad those guys are OK, but I'm not. I mean, someone's after Yugi's Millennium Puzzle. And because of that, I almost lost him today. Ever since Yugi first solved that Puzzle and bonded with the spirit inside, everyone's been trying to get their hands on it lately. And I know we haven't seen the last of whoever it is who's after Yugi.

The Past is Present[edit]

  • This marks the debut appearance of Ishizu Ishtar.

Ishizu: Kaiba, do you believe in destiny?
Kaiba: Does it matter?
Ishizu: Ancient Egyptians thought that the true path of one's life is predetermined because history repeats itself throughout the ages in a neverending circle. They would say it was not your choice to come here for it was destined for the two of us would meet.
Kaiba: Look, all that nonsense may interest you, but I didn't come here for Egyptian history 101. I came here because you said it will be worth my while, but it looks like you're wasting my time. If there's a point to all of this, let's get to it already, I have a company to run. You said you have a exclusive offer for me.
(Back to when Ishizu is talking to Kaiba on the phone)
Kaiba: I know everything about Duel Monsters and there is nothing like Exodia. So quit the charade and tell me what's going on.
Ishizu: All in good time, Kaiba. Duel Monsters is based upon a 5000-year-old game, it was played by Ancient Egyptians for power and was extremely dangerous.
Kaiba: Who cares?
Ishizu: Maximillion Pegasus did, he fell in love with the game and decided to reinvented for modern times.
Kaiba: What's your point?
Ishizu: I get it, unbeknownst to most duelists. Pegasus created a series of all powerful cards that were never released to the public. It was no surprise that he kept the best monsters for himself.

(In the Domino Museum)
Ishizu: I've secured the most precious artifacts here. We've recovered stone carvings that depict the earliest known games played in Egypt. I'm sure you'll find it most familiar. Kaiba, behold the origin of Duel Monsters!
(Kaiba enters when suddenly he sees a stone tablet sealed in display)
Kaiba: It can't be... These carvings look like Duel Monsters Cards! Then that means your story is true!
Ishizu: I see you've come to your senses. Furthermore there's a theory that in ancient times these monsters were real. Egyptian sorcerers summoned monsters to earth to do their bidding, but they soon realized that the monsters could not be control. They destroyed villages and brought earth to the brink of destruction. The citizens turned to the pharaoh for help, though he could not defeat the monsters. He managed to use his magic to seal them away in stone tablets and brought peace to the world. However, overtime evil sorcerers learned how to control the monsters and released them from the tablets. With their army of powerful monsters, the sorcerers were confident that no one could stand in their way. They betrayed the pharaoh and wage an all-out war against him. This is the one you must look at.
Kaiba: Hm?
Ishizu: This carving is the reason I called you here tonight. It depicts one of the main conflicts in the war between the pharaoh and his greatest opponent, closely examine this artifact. After this moment, Kaiba, your life will never be the same.
Kaiba: [sees the Pharaoh figure that looks like Yugi] That's the Pharaoh?! But, that's Yugi! And the monster carved above him is the Dark Magician!
Ishizu: On the left is the sorcerer fighting against him. (Kaiba is shocked to see that the pharaoh's greatest opponent is none other than an ancient Egyptian version of himself) That's you, Kaiba! If you still have any doubt, look at his monster. It's the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Ishizu: The hieroglyphics read that the mighty sorcerer marched into the Pharaoh's chambers and challenged him and his legion of loyal magicians to a legendary duel with the fate of the world at stake. The Pharaoh accepted the sorcerer's challenge, and their epic battle began. Today, five thousand years later, the this epic battle is played out once again. Do you see? Now do you believe in destiny, Kaiba?
Kaiba: This is ridiculous! This piece of rock has got to be a fake!!
Ishizu: If you won't trust my word, then you must see into the past and glimpse a part of the battle firsthand, which I can help you do with my Millennium Necklace. Now, open your mind and see into the past!

Ishizu: The duel raged on with neither side showing any mercy. They summoned monsters that were increasingly more powerful and dangerous. The winner of the duel is written here, but as you can see, the hieroglyphics have been worn away.
Kaiba: I see.
Ishizu: But although we do not know the outcome, we can deduce who was victorious.

Yugi: I wish we knew more about our new enemy. He said he was familiar with the power of a Millennium Item. I bet he has one.
Pharaoh: That must be how he controls people's minds.
Yugi: But who is he?
Pharaoh: I don't know.
Yugi: Then how can we stop him!?
Pharaoh: Don't worry. As long as we stay connected, you and I can face anything.
Yugi: Maybe. But what if I...fail again? How do I know that I won't lose you?
Pharaoh: I believe in you, Yugi.

Steppin' Out[edit]

[Joey and Tristan were mopping the floor of the hall corridor]
Tristan Taylor: Joey, we're on mop duty. What are you so happy about anyway?
Joey Wheeler: Well, my sister Serenity's finally getting an eye operation, and it's all thanks to the 3 million bucks that Yugi won at Duelist Kingdom. She's gonna get her sight back again!
Tristan Taylor: That's sweet! So when do we visit?
Joey Wheeler: It's not that easy. My mom's gonna be there. And every since Serenity and I were separated as kids, my mom and I haven't seen eye to eye.
Tristan Taylor: [yanks Joey by the neck with his arm] She won't go without you. My only concern is whether or not Serenity likes me.
Joey Wheeler: Don't get any funny ideas.
Tristan Taylor: Tell me which hospital she's in and I'll go visit sweet Serenity alone. You'd be a third wheel.
Joey Wheeler: [frustrated] Tristan! I'll send you to the hospital! [puts Tristan in a leg-lock]

Yugi: Ready or not, Spirit, this is where you take over.
Yami: [Shouting at the Millennium Puzzle] Hey Yugi... I'm not... you can't... this isn't a duel! [Sees Tea watching] Oh, hello.

Obelisk the Tormentor[edit]

Ishizu: Welcome, Yami. I've been expecting you.
Pharaoh: who are you?
Ishizu: I am Ishizu. And I've uncovered many mysteries about you and these ancient carvings using the magic of my Millennium Necklace.
Pharaoh: Another Millennium Item.
Ishizu: Like your Millennium Puzzle, this necklace affords me certain powers. With it, I have gazed five thousand years into the past, to a time when evil sorcerers threatened to destroy the entire world.

Stalked by the Rare Hunters[edit]

  • This marks the debut appearance of Joey Wheeler's younger sister Serenity.

Joey: And now, for your worst nightmare!! The moment I've been waitin' for! I summon...RED-EYES BLACK DRAGON!!

Yugi vs. the Rare Hunter[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Joey Wheeler: Speakin' of brains, I almost let that Duel Disk distract me from checking on my little sister. [dials the phone and the phone picks up the signal]
Tristan Taylor: [picks up the phone] Hello. Serenity Wheeler's room.
Joey Wheeler: [stunned] WHAAAT?!?! Tristan, is that you?!
Tristan Taylor: Joey, what a coincidence! Serenity and I were just talking about you.
Joey Wheeler: You were? What do you think you're doin' in my sister's room?
Tristan Taylor: Well, I knew how busy you are getting ready for the Battle City tournament, so I thought I should keep Serenity company. Right, pal?
Joey Wheeler: [angrily shouts] YOU'RE THE LAST THING SHE NEEDS, ROMEO!!
Serenity Wheeler: Hi there, Joey. Why didn't you ever tell me that Tristan taught you everything you know about Duel Monsters...
Joey Wheeler: What?!
Serenity Wheeler: ...or you finished second at Duelist Kingdom thanks to his training?
Joey Wheeler: WHAT?!
Serenity Wheeler: And you never mentioned that if it weren't for Tristan, you wouldn't have won the $3 million dollars to pay for my surgery. [Joey gives a smirking grin on the phone] You're so lucky to have such a sweet, caring guy as your friend.
Tristan Taylor: [chuckles nervously and comes back on the line] Best of luck in Battle City, and don't forget about that super three-card combo I taught you. Bye. [hangs up the phone, leaving Joey speechless]
Joey Wheeler: [turns furious and vehemently screams in the phone] TRISTAAAAAAN!!!!! GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I'LL KICK YOUR LYIN' BUTT!!!!!

Rare Hunter: My first move will be... [draws] Just what I suspected! Graceful Charity lets me draw three cards, and I discard two!

Part 2[edit]

The ESP Duelist[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Part 2[edit]

Master of Magicians[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Arkana: Welcome, Yugi Muto. I am the illusionist known as Arkana, and soon your favorite card will be dueling for me! [laughs sinisterly] Only a true master of illusion deserves to hold a Dark Magician. You will never understand its full potential.
Yami-Yugi: That is enough, Arkana!
Arkana: Sorry, Yugi. I know it must be hard to think of your favorite card in another duelist's deck. Well, I challenge you to a duel! The winner will take the loser's Dark Magician!
Yami-Yugi: And I accept. You must know that when a duelist builds his deck, he chooses his favorites from many different types of cards. But sometimes a card can choose a duelist. The two are connected, and the duelist can tap into the card's true power because each is bound by the heart of the cards! [shuffles his deck] And the Dark Magician has chosen me. He has never let me down, and I place my complete trust in my Dark Magician.
Arkana: So it's true. The great Yugi Muto never backs down from a challenge. Very impressive, but this room's a little cramped, don't you think? Fortunately, I know of a special duel ring close by. Follow me. Hurry. It's almost curtain time. I have special orders from my superiors to make this a real spectacle.
Yami-Yugi: Huh? What do you mean, you have orders from your superiors? Just who is it that you're working for, Arkana?
Arkana: Relax and enjoy the show. Forget who's backstage. Just worry about me.

Arkana: Relax. We're both locked in, which means neither of us can escape. See, there's an extra twist. We're not just playing for what's inside your deck, we're playing for what's inside your mind!
Yami-Yugi: What's that?
Arkana: It's a dark energy disc, Yugi, and I wouldn't get too close. One touch, and your mind's banished to the Shadow Realm! Don't worry, Yugi. I'll explain the rules to you before you lose. See the numbers written above the energy discs?
Yami-Yugi: Those are Life Points. The closer the number gets to zero, the closer the disc gets to us!
Arkana: Precisely! And then you can say hello to the Shadow Realm! All right. Now look down between you feet. You'll see each of us has a key box.
Yami-Yugi: A key box?
Arkana: Yes, and inside is a key to unlock the shackles around your legs. Your box displays your opponent's Life Points and will only open if you win the duel! [laughs] Only then can you save yourself!
Yami-Yugi: You're insane!
Arkana: Think of it as a hope chest, really, because that key is your only hope! [laughs]
Yami-Yugi: What kind of person would toy with someone's mind? Are you some kind of demented madman?
Arkana: No. I'm a man who's undefeated.
Yami-Yugi: Not for long, Arkana! You've met your match, so get ready! It's time for us to duel, Arkana!
Arkana: The spotlight's on us! It's showtime!
Yami-Yugi: Then draw your cards!
Arkana: As you wish, Yugi. [thinking] There it is, as expected-- my Dark Magician. Won't Yugi be surprised when he sees how easily I drew it? Sure, card tricks may be for amateurs, but as a duelist, learning how to draw any card anytime comes in very handy. Yugi will never guess that I've manipulated my deck. It's so simple. All I had to do was trim the edge of certain cards to make them slightly smaller than the rest. And since I trimmed my Dark Magician, it showed up right on top when Yugi cut my deck, exactly as I planned it would. Now Yugi will learn how dangerous it is to play games with a magician, especially when the stakes are so high! [laughs]
Yami-Yugi: And now, I'll start this duel by placing one card facedown… And then, I'll summon Alpha, the Magnet Warrior in defense mode!
Arkana: [draws] Brace yourself. I'll summon my Legion the Fiend Jester, also in defense mode! [thinking] Once I have another monster on the field, I'll sacrifice them both to summon my all-powerful Dark Magician!
Yami-Yugi: You won't be smiling for long! [thinking] To defeat this trickster, I'll have to think like a trickster.

Part 2[edit]

Yami-Yugi: Why don't you set us both free and end this madness, Arkana?! My Dark Magician has already taken out more than half of your Life Points! One more attack and that dark energy disc will send your mind right to the Shadow Realm!
Arkana: My mind? Never! Listen, Yugi, I promised you a spectacle… and I never disappoint. Not only will I win, I'll take your precious Dark Magician from you and send you to mental oblivion! [thinking] Yugi obviously doesn't know a master magician's first rule: Always save the best trick for the finale! You should stop worrying about me and take care of yourself, Yugi. It's my show, remember, I can't lose.
Yami-Yugi: I gave you a chance to save yourself, but you've left me with no choice... Prepare to lose it all, Arkana!

Arkana: No one will ever find us here, so you'll be alone when you lose it all! [draws; thinking] I've got to defend myself from another direct attack by Yugi's Dark Magician or it'll be curtains for me! This'll do. Mystic Tomato in defense mode! And I'll place one card facedown. Let's get on with the show!
Yugi: [thinking] Arkana's Mystic Tomato is a weak defense. If I summon another monster and destroy it, I can mount an attack on his Life Points and win this duel!
Arkana: [thinking] Take the bait, Yugi! I know you want to summon another monster, and when you do, I'll have a surprise waiting!
Yami-Yugi: Here's where it ends! I summon Beta the Magnet Warrior! Attack, now!
Arkana: Not so fast, Yugi!
Yami-Yugi: What are you up to?!
Arkana: You've activated my trap-- Dark Renewal! It takes a monster from each player and sends them to the graveyard, but in return, it brings back one monster that was lost by the card holder, in this case, that means me! [laughs wickedly]
Yami-Yugi: You want your Dark Magician back!
Arkana: Very perceptive. That will give me a second chance to annihilate you! [laughs] Welcome back, my Dark Magician!
Yami-Yugi: You have your wish. It's Dark Magician vs. Dark Magician. Let's find out who the real master is!

Part 3[edit]

Playing with a Parasite[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Weevil: [revealing himself] Looking for someone?
Joey: I thought I smelled a dung beetle!
Weevil: That's my greeting after all this time? [laughs sinisterly]
Joey: You stole that little kid's cards, didn't you, worm-breath?!
Weevil: I don't remember stealing any cards.
Tristan: [cracking his knuckles] Well then, maybe I can help refresh your memory.
Joey: Tristan, wait. We'll settle this fair and square with a duel!
Tea: Be really careful, Joey. Remember when Weevil threw Yugi's Exodia cards off the boat to Duelist Island? This guy's a major cheater!
Weevil: [laughing sinisterly] Careful where you point that finger, Téa. It might get bitten by one of my pets.
Tea: [disgusted] Gross!
Joey: Alright, let's do this!
Weevil: That's fine with me, but we'll duel for two locator cards!
Joey: Two of them?
Tea: But if you lose both locator cards, you'll have no way of getting to the finals!
Tristan: It's way too risky, Joey.
Weevil: That's if even have two!
Joey: That's it!
Tea: Be careful, Joey!
Joey: Yugi squashed this creepy little bug the first time they squared off at Duelist Kingdom. Now I guess it's my turn to do the same! How many locator cards do you have?
Weevil: Two!
Joey: Then once I step on you and take them both, plus your rarest card, I'll be personally responsible for your ugly mug out of the tournament! Just like Yugi did last time! [He and Weevil activate their duel disks] Let's do this!
Both: It's time to duel!
Joey: First, I'll play… my Swordsman of Landstar in attack mode! Then I'll leave this little number facedown for later. Take your best shot!
Weevil: Your "Swordsman" looks like he popped out of a toybox!
Joey: This toy's gonna slice and dice your hive!
Weevil: Well, is that so? Not if I play a much more powerful Flying Kamakiri #1! Now my flying friend, attack! Crush his mini-monster!
Joey: Uh-uh. Watch this. It's my Shield and Sword magic card! It swaps the attack and defense points of both our monsters, making my Swordsman's attack strength a cut above your bug's!
Weevil: [groans then laughs] Nice try! But when Flying Kamakiri #1 is sent to the graveyard, it automatically summons an even more powerful warrior to take its place! The dreaded Flying Kamakiri #2!

Solomon: Insect cards can be very, very tricky. I'm afraid Joey is going to have to be ready for anything.

Weevil: Okay, Wheeler, enough playing around! Up until this point, I've been going easy on you. But you're starting to bug me, so the time has come to unleash the fury of my ultimate monster! I summon the Larvae Moth!
Joey: It's…the bug that Weevil used against Yugi!
Weevil: [snickers] I see your memory's better than your dueling, Wheeler. Then you probably know that you're about to get demolished! Once I wrap my terrifying Larvae in the all-powerful Cocoon of Evolution!
Joey: [exclaims] This isn't good!
Weevil: [laughs] Over the next five turns, the Cocoon of Evolution will transform my mere Larvae Moth into a huge beast known as the Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth!

Part 2[edit]

Weevil: My Moth! My precious, precious Great Moth! You've squashed it like a common fly! YOU'LL PAY! This duel isn't over yet, Wheeler, not by a mile!
Joey: Ha! Bring it on, Weevil! I'll exterminate all your little critters.
Weevil: You won that round. But my next surprise will win me the duel and send you packing.
Joey: We'll just see about that, Weevil.
Weevil: Yes, we will. Ha! First, I'll play this! Ta-da! My Insect Soldiers of the Sky! Next comes a magic card! Eradicating Aerosol! This card has the power to destroy any insect card in the field, and since all of your parasite-infected monsters are still insects, I could take one of them out, but I've got bigger plans. So I play Pinch Hopper! And now I can destroy my own insect!
Tristan: What gives?
Solomon: Once Pinch Hopper goes to the graveyard, Weevil can summon any monster from his hand!
Joey: Any monster?!
Weevil: Yes! Eradicating Aerosol, now! Destroy my Pinch Hopper! Now I can summon a creature whose attack power is virtually limitless! Ha, ha! Insect Queen! She's my rarest card, and if played the right way, is totally unstoppable! Prepare to lose it all, Wheeler! You may have defeated my Great Moth, but my queen will trounce your puny defense and wipe out your Life Points! Now you will face a power like no other! Say goodbye to Battle City! If you think my Insect Queen is powerful now, just wait until you see her special function! She absorbs the attack points of every insect on the field!
Joey: It's still got less than your Moth, and I creamed that thing.
Weevil: You weren't listening. She absorbs the points of every insect, yours included!
Joey: Mine? That's right! My monsters are still considered insects because of that stinking parasite!
Weevil: Exactly! Now absorb their power, my queen!
Joey: That's a thousand more attack points!

Mime Control[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Yugi: Marik keeps talking about "wanting the power of the Pharaoh." But you are the Pharaoh. If you really all this power inside you, don't you think that we would know about it? I guess you must if saved the world. But what happened?
Yami: It's all still unclear.

Yami-Yugi: You and your mind slave will never win my Puzzle, Marik!
Strings/Marik: I disagree. And now, I set one card facedown. And play this monster in attack mode. Meet Humanoid Slime! This is the beginning of the end for you, Pharaoh. So make your move and prepare to lose everything!
Yami-Yugi: You will fail! (thinking) [sighs] Since he played a really weak monster I bet he wants me to attack it. Then he'll use his facedown card to destroy my monster. Well there's no way I'm gonna let him get away with it! I also set one card facedown. And then I'll summon a monster known as Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts in attack mode! A stronger beast than yours.
Strings/Marik: Yes, your monster is almost twice as strong as mine. But don't be so confident that your Gazelle will prevail.
Yami-Yugi: I'm well aware of that.
Strings/Marik: Then you won't be surprised when my Humanoid Slime annihilates your monster.
Yami-Yugi: I'd like to see you try that, Marik.
Strings/Marik: Very well. I summon… Worm Drake! Now watch what happens when I activate my magic card. Time for Polymerization! I'll use it to fuse Humanoid Slime and Worm Drake together into a diabolical new monster! Behold, my new weapon: Humanoid Worm Drake! Its 2200 attack points are more than enough to destroy your Gazelle as well as a portion of your Life Points!
Yami-Yugi: When you fuse two monsters together, you must wait one turn before you can attack. So you've left yourself wide open, Marik.
Strings/Marik: That's of no concern to me. Rules are meant to be manipulated. And my facedown card will take care of that task for me. I've simply outsmarted you, Pharaoh.
Yami-Yugi: Let's see!
Strings/Marik: Just as you wish! Reveal facedown card; the Quick Attack magic card!
Yami-Yugi: You can attack now!
Strings/Marik: Very perceptive. Quick Attack allows my monster to attack in the same turn it was formed! You've underestimated me as a duelist… and for that, you must pay a price, so watch as I destroy your monster and move one step closer to relieving you of your Millennium Puzzle forever!

Strings/Marik: Very impressive dueling. But I'm just testing out your strengths and weaknesses so that I can ultimately destroy you and take away all that you possess! It's time for round two and this duel is about to get interesting. Are you ready? [draws] The card I now hold is like nothing you've ever seen before. It is a creature that simply cannot be destroyed.
Marik: It's a shapeless being made completely of plasma with no solid mass. Making it utterly indestructible and the perfect defense against enemy attack.
Strings/Marik: So prepare to experience… Revival Jam in defense mode! Just try to attack it! You will fail, I tell you!
Yami-Yugi: It looks weak to me, Marik.
Strings/Marik: It looks weak, does it? Well, take a look at this! It's my Jam Breeding Machine! And it begins the countdown to your destruction!

Part 2[edit]

Part 3[edit]

Legendary Fisherman[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Part 2[edit]

Double Duel[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Part 2[edit]

Part 3[edit]

Part 4[edit]

The Rescue[edit]

Friends 'till the End[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Marik: Now come and fight me, little Yugi; for the last duel you'll ever fight!

Part 2[edit]

Yugi: Tea's right! I have an idea!
Pharaoh: What is it?
Yugi: I may have come up with a way to save Joey, and get us outta this mess!
Pharaoh: What's that?
Yugi: Well, it came to me when Tea reminded us of our friendship. There's a chance we can break through to the real Joey. I think you should let me duel in your place.
Pharaoh: But why?
Yugi: Because through thick and thin, Joey and I have always shared a really strong bond. A bond I think might break through to him now. We've been through so much together, like the time when he rescued me from that fire. Joey and Tristan risked their lives for me, and now it's my turn.
Pharaoh: This is a very dangerous match, Yugi.
Yugi: I know it is. But I can't let that stop me. I feel in my heart that if there's anyone in the world who can get through to Joey right now, it's me.
Pharaoh: But, Yugi...
Yugi: I'm ready to go in there and do whatever I have to do! Joey's my best friend and I know he'd do the exact same thing for me. Please understand, Yami. This isn't something I want to do, it's something I feel I have to do.
The Pharaoh: Well, Yugi, if you feel that strongly...Then go. Go and rescue your best friend and know that I will be right here should you need me.
(the two switch spirits)
Yugi: OK, Joey, it's just us now!

Marik: What!? No!! I want the Pharaoh! Not this little runt! I want to defeat the ancient ruler!! That spineless coward! He sent little Yugi to protect himself!! You cheat!! I want to destroy the Pharaoh!! But then again, this may be just what I needed. I can win this duel with ease now that I'm up against little Yugi instead of the Pharaoh. And it doesn't really matter which one of them I defeat. I'll still win the Millennium Puzzle and Slifer the Sky Dragon!!

Yugi: And now, I sacrifice my two monsters so I can summon this to the field!! RED-EYES BLACK DRAGON!! (The arrival of the Red-Eyes Black Dragon suddenly triggers Joey's memories)
Joey: It's my Red-Eyes!
Yugi: Come on, Joey! I know you remember your Red-Eyes!
Joey: I remember! My dragon!
Kaiba: That Red-Eyes Black Dragon seems to be affecting Wheeler's mind.

Pharaoh: Yugi, this is getting too dangerous!! I'm taking over!
Yugi: No! I can't let you, Yami! I need to do this myself.
Pharaoh: But Yugi-
Yugi: You have to trust me on this one 'cause I know I can save him. Since the day I solved the Millennium Puzzle, you've given hope, courage, and confidence. You even helped me to make new friends. But I can't go through my life depending on you. I need to know that even without the Millennium Puzzle I can still be on my own if I have to. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can be like you without you.

Part 3[edit]

Part 4[edit]

Joey: Hey, Yuge, I'm that Millennium Puzzle is back where it belongs.
Yugi: That reminds me. I owe a big thanks to you too, Yami. You trusted me to handle this on my own. I could never have broken through to Joey if you didn't believe in me. You and I make a great team, but it's nice to know that I have the strength to hold my own if I have to. And you helped me find that strength inside myself.
Mai: Will you get a grip, please?!

Shadow of a Duel[edit]

[Solomon Muto tries to wake up Bakura at the hospital]
Solomon: BAKURA!!!
Bakura: [wakes up and is immediately taken over by Yami Bakura]

Solomon: Ooh. Thank goodness you're alright. You were shouting and tossing around. Yami Bakura: [pretending to be the normal Bakura] I'm fine. It was only a nightmare. Solomon: Well, you've been through at lot. This will cheer you up. Yugi and Joey called while you were asleep and they've both qualified for the Battle City Tournament Finals. Yami Bakura: [still pretending to be the normal Bakura] Hmm... that is excellent news but I'm not surprised. Did they happen to mention where the finals are being held? Solomon: Oh? I was so excited by the news that I forgot to ask about that. Yami Bakura: [grunts] Solomon: Yep. I'm really proud of those boys, especially since only eight duelists can make it to the finals and to think I've trained to of 'em by myself. Yami Bakura: [grunts and is getting up from the bed] Solomon: Wait, you must lie down! Yami Bakura: I've got work to do. Solomon: You need rest and you haven't got your test results yet. Yami Bakura: [angrily] BACK OFF, OLD MAN! [The Millenium Ring starts to shine] Solomon: [terrified] AAAAHH! Yami Bakura: I don't have time for this foolishness for my destiny awaits. Solomon: Who are you? [Yami Bakura laughs evilly while the power of the Millenium Ring makes Solomon Muto to pass out] Solomon: Ooh! No! Not again! Yami Bakura: That ought hold him for a while. [grins evilly, while thinking] Now I must obtain six locator cards to qualify for the Battle City Finals , then I deliver my winnings to Marik and the greatest power of the world will be mine! [Steals a Duel Disk and a locator card from a duelist off-screen] Duelist: Help! No! Please, give me back my stuff! Yami Bakura: I'm afraid they belong to me. Your Duel Disk and your locator card are exactly what I'm looking for. Duelist: Please don't! I need those so I can keep dueling. Yami Bakura: Stop crawling, it's pitiful. [puts the locator card to his pants pocket] Your Battle City days are over. Now then, let's see what kind of deck you have [pulls the duelist's deck out of the Duel Disk and gets totally unimpressed by the cards in the deck] What? And you call yourself a duelist? It's pathetic! [throws the cards to the ground] Duelist: My cards! [pitifully] I'll never get to the finals now!

[Yami Bakura is dueling Bonz in a cemetery]
Yami Bakura: Time to begin our Duel, so get ready. [Draws a card] Are you aware of the legend of this cemetery?
Bonz: What legend?
Yami Bakura: Listen, this very cemetery is haunted by the ghost of a knight who lost his head in battle. [Discreetly places a monster card on his duel disk]
Bonz: [Nervously] What?
Yami Bakura: When the clock strikes midnight, he rises up from his grave in search of his missing head.
Bonz: [Nervously] I... don't believe you.
[Yami Bakura's "Headless Knight" monster bursts from the ground, with 1450 Attack points]
Yami Bakura: [Laughs evilly] Meet "Headless Knight"!

[Bonz destroys Yami Bakura's "Headless Knight" with his "Snake Hair"]

Bonz: So, it looks like your knight lost a lot more than his head.

Yami Bakura: Wrong. I assure you, you haven't seen the last of my "Headless Knight", so, observe and learn. I reveal my face-down card and it's "Shallow Grave" ["Shallow Grave" is activated and Yami Bakura uses it to revive "Headless Knight"]

[Bakura has destroyed Bonz's fusion monster "Great Mammoth of Goldfine" and Bonz's life points have reduced down to 600 due to the battle damage and the additional damage from his own trap card "Skull Invitation"]

Yami Bakura: The end is near and when I win you and your friends will be trapped here.

Zygor: What do you mean by that?

Yami Bakura: [laughs] Just look around, you fools! We have been dueling in the Shadow Realm. I transported us here when I first arrived. What do you think? [shadowy figures start to crawl around the graveyard they're dueling in]

Bonz, Zygor and Sid: [terrified] WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS?

Yami Bakura: Those are lost souls trapped forever in the darkness and soon you will join them. Your souls doomed to wonder the darkness of the Shadow Realm.

[Bonz has activated the magic card "Nightmare Steelcage" to prevent Yami Bakura from attacking him.]

Yami Bakura: I draw one card. [draws a card from his deck, looks at it and grunts, seemingly disappointed]

Sid: [mockingly] Aww, disappointed because you can't move?

Yami Bakura: On the contrary. I'm disappointed because this duel has to end and I wanted to prolong your misery.

Bonz: [dumbfounded] What are you talking about? As long as "Nightmare Steelcage" remains on the field, you cannot attack for two whole turns!

Yami Bakura: That's only partially true. There is one card that can penetrate your cage. [places the magic card "Ectoplasmer" on the field card slot on his Duel Disk] Activate "Ectoplasmer". [Ectoplasmer is activated and starts to absord the spirit of Yami Bakura's face-up monster "Earl of Demise"] "Ectoplasmer" extracts the very soul of my monster and transforms it into an energy so powerful it can penetrate your cage and destroy the rest of your lifepoints!

Bonz: [terrified] Aah! No way!
Yami Bakura: Yes! Now, go, "Ectoplasmer" and finish these fools of NOW!
[The spirit of "Earl of Demise" turned into an ectoplasmer rushes straight towards Bonz who is now totally terrified. Bonz loses the duel]

Lights, Camera, Duel[edit]

Let the Finals Begin![edit]

The Dark Spirit Revealed[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Yami-Bakura: I hold a card in my hand with dark powers beyond your wildest imagination. But first, before I could play this all-powerful card, I needed a bit of assistance. Thanks for helping me destroy you. Three of my monsters needed to be destroyed before I could bring forth my Dark Destructor. You made that possible. Now I summon the beast that will cause your demise, Dark Necrofear! [summons Dark Necrofear] You have no idea what you are about to experience!
Pharaoh: I knew you planning something!
Yami-Bakura: It doesn't matter. You still fell into my trap, and now you're about to pay the ultimate price! [laughs] This is it. You're finished, Yugi!
Tristan: What is it? That monster's creeping me out.
Joey: Me too, Tristan. And if he was willing to lose all those life points to bring it out, it must be powerful.
Yami-Bakura: Dark Necrofear is one of the most destructive cards in my deck. You'll never stop it.
Kaiba: I know a card in Yugi's deck that can-- his Egyptian God card, the mighty Slifer the Sky Dragon. It all depends on whether or not Yugi has the courage to use it.
Yami-Bakura: Stare into the face of defeat! You see, not only is my monster strong… possessing more attack points than either of your monsters… but it also possess a dark magic hidden within, waiting to activate and destroy you!
Pharaoh: Your monster may be powerful, but it's not unbeatable!
Kaiba: (thinking) This Dark Necrofear must possess incredible powers if Bakura risked losing the finals just to summon it. He led Yugi through this duel like a dog on a leash, and now Bakura has him exactly where he wants him. So, what will you do now, Yugi?

Part 2[edit]

Part 3[edit]

Yami Bakura: Marik, I must step in!! I still need Bakura and I can't risk his health! He holds the Millennium Ring and my spirit!! I must protect him for the moment!!

Yugi: The Millennium Ring is a lot like my Puzzle. It holds an ancient spirit who depends on someone else so it can exist. And even though the spirit of the Ring is evil and controls Bakura against his will, it seems to still need Bakura in order to survive. But there's big difference between Bakura and I, Yami.
Pharaoh: What's that?
Yugi: The spirit inside my item is my friend. And you and I are always there to support each other. You were there to help me when my grandfather was in trouble, and now I'm here to help you rescue the world from evil.

Rage of the Egyptian Gods[edit]

Awakening of Evil[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Joey: (thinking) I'll make this wacko wish he never tried to control my noggin'! Yo! Listen up, you bald-headed freak! According to my math, you're gonna be all washed up in nine turns! That's if you can count!
Duke: Where'd he come up with nine?
Tristan: Look, with Joey, you don't ask.
Serenity: My brother's so awesome, he's got this whole duel calculated in his head already.
Mai: That's right, Serenity. You just keep believing everything he says.
Joey: [as Odion pulls out a replica of the Millennium Rod and holds it in front of him; shocked] That must be what he used to control me!
Yugi: (thinking) The Millennium Rod! I knew Marik would use it to win this duel! That coward can't win on his own!
Joey: Point that thing somewhere else and duel like a man!
Odion: Very well.
Joey: Look, Marik… Did you say, "very well?"
Yugi: (thinking) That's a relief. Marik must have realized that Joey's mind is too strong to be controlled. That's why the Millennium Rod didn't work last time.
Marik: (thinking) Little do they know that Odion's Millennium Rod is merely a replica of the original item held by me. These fools will never suspect that I am the one they fear and despise so greatly! And while I hide safely in the shadows, Odion will fight my battles for me. But something else concerns me. It's Seto Kaiba and his role in this struggle. Little Yugi isn't the only one standing between me and the power of the Pharaoh, for the ancient tablets also depict a sorcerer, who bears a striking resemblance to Kaiba. And what concerns me even more is what appears to be my Millennium Rod in the hands of this sorcerer! So I'll keep an eye on him as well. And before the finals are over, Kaiba's Egyptian God card, Obelisk the Tormentor, will belong to me! Kaiba could never comprehend that card's power! And as long as Odion continues to deceive everyone into believing he is me, my plan to obtain the two remaining Egyptian God cards and Yugi's Millennium Puzzle should be simple. I'll show Seto Kaiba what true power is all about.
Mokuba: Hey, Seto. If Marik really is the leader of the rare hunters, he must have, like, a ton of rare cards in his deck.
Kaiba: There's only one card in his deck I care about and that's his Egyptian God card, the Winged Dragon of Ra. And hopefully that hack, Joey Wheeler will last long enough in this duel for me to see how Marik's card works so I can win it for myself.
Marik: (thinking) Listen to me, Odion. If you can't defeat this pathetic fool, Joey Wheeler, then you don't stand a chance against the Pharaoh! So unless you'd like to take an unexpected journey to the Shadow Realm, I'd suggest you refrain from disappointing me.
Odion: (thinking) Yes, Master Marik. I pledge my word that I shall defeat this worthless opponent.
Joey: Let's do this, Marik!
Odion: It's time to duel and destroy you!
Roland: Gentlemen, let the duel begin!
Odion: Prepare for defeat!
Joey: Don't count on it, Marik! I'm not scared of you!

Odion: I'll play Temple of the Kings-- a card like none you've ever seen!
Joey: What's going on? What's the deal with that building, Marik?
Odion: The structure behind me is the ancient temple of the Kings. Within this 5,000-year-old sanctuary lie the greatest treasures of the Kings of Egypt.
Joey: And what does that big shack do?
Odion: To protect the Kings' treasure, it limits the number of magic and trap cards you can play in one turn.
Joey: Aw, man.
Odion: And in front of the temple, I'll lay two cards facedown as an extra boundary of protection. And with this move, I end my turn. So try to attack me if you dare. You have no idea what danger lurks within these temple walls.
Tea: Marik hasn't even summoned one monster!

Joey: All right! You're not gonna know what hit you! Here it comes right now! I summon Rocket Warrior! You asked for it! I don't care how many trap cards you got on the field 'cause I didn't come to the finals to watch! I fought my way here to duel like a man and to win this, Marik! Now, Rocket Warrior, attack his Life Points directly! Seek and destroy!
Yugi: Joey, this is a big mistake!
Odion: Activate trap card-- Eye of Ujat! Now that the Eye of Ujat appears on the front of your Rocket Warrior, it is under my control, and I shall redirect its attack toward one of your monsters!
Joey: No way!
Odion: Rocket Warrior, attack his Alligator's Sword!
Joey: I don't think that's gonna work! I got a facedown card, too! Activate Fairy Box!
Odion: (thinking) What's this? He's activated a trap card to hide his monster?
Joey: Thanks to Fairy Box, Rocket Warrior's plan of attack has been short-circuited! Time to play peek-a-boo!

Odion: You can insult me all you want. But the truth is, you've already fallen into another one of my traps.
Joey: What?!
Marik: Enough talk, Odion! Finish him off so we can move on to more important matters!
Joey: What do you mean I've fallen into another trap?
Odion: [chuckles] You're about to see what I mean firsthand. You see, while I may be short on monsters, I possess a trap card that is both a trap and a monster!
Joey: I think the barber clipped some of your brain when he was cutting your hair.
Odion: Prepare to experience the power of an extremely rare breed of card that's known as a trap-monster!
Yugi: But is there such a card?
Mai: Well, I've never heard of it.
Odion: Not only do I possess a rare trap-monster card, but you attacked, you activated it! And now, feel the rage of card like none you've ever seen before!
Joey: It can't be!
Odion: It is! There's no escaping from Embodiment of Apophis! My card activates like a trap but attacks like a monster! I'd say this card disproves your theory about my deck and it's weakness, Mr. Wheeler.
Mai: So it's true? Marik has a card that does the job of a trap and a monster at the exact same time?

Part 2[edit]

Tristan: Come on, man.
Yugi: Joey's Life Points are low, so he's got to protect himself. Marik may attack with his three serpents in his next turn, and Joey has to be ready!
Serenity: Hey, guys, what Joey do to get rid of those gross things?
Mai: It's not easy. The first thing that boy has to do is keep his Life Points safe.
Odion: Your chances of victory have vanished. You'll never recover from the triple onslaught of my Embodiments of Apophis!
Joey: Oh, yeah? I'm gonna have to disagree with you. So take this. I place one card facedown and change Alligator's Sword from attack to defense mode.
Odion: That seems like a final desperate move to me.
Joey: Well, we'll just see. (thinking) As soon as Mr. Personality over here attacks me, I'll activate my Scapegoat magic card. It'll absorb the hits of all three of his slimy reptiles, leaving me safe and sound.
Odion: You're about to feel what real power can accomplish, Mr. Wheeler. Now, my three beasts, attack!
Yugi: Joey, NO!
Joey: Marik, you're in for a surprise! Go, Scapegoat! My Scapegoats will absorb all three of your snake attacks!
Tristan: Yeah!
Mai: Joey's smarter than I thought.
Odion: I see. Good move, but not good enough!
Joey: Eh?! What's that?
Odion: Observe, my Magic Jammer!
Joey: No way!
Mai: Bad news, guys. I'm afraid Marik's Magic Jammer trap card cancels out the effect of Joey's Scapegoat magic card.
Tea: That evil creep can't win this!
Odion: It's time to say farewell to your furry friends and hello to my serpents!
Joey: Then I'm toast!
Odion: Apophis, attack! Destroy Rocket Warrior and Alligator's Sword! Now, attack his Life Points directly!
Serenity: JOEY!
[Joey falls to his knees as his Life Points drop down to 200 after getting a direct attack from Odion's Apophis]
Yugi: Get up, pal!
Tristan: He almost lost the rest of his Life Points!
Odion: You've lost all your monsters. And now, you're down to 200 Life Points. One more attack and it's over.
Yugi: You can do this, Joey! You promised to help me defeat Marik. And if you win this duel, he's finished!
Marik: (thinking) Wrong, you fool! I'm Marik. And your friend's about to lose at the hands of my servant, Odion!
Odion: The end's near.
Kaiba: (thinking) This duel can't end until Marik plays his Egyptian God card! I must see it!

Odion: Make your move.
Joey: Gladly. Here goes. I may not be able to attack, but I can still do this. I sacrifice my Battle Warrior in order to summon The Legendary Fisherman! (thinking) I know how much this card meant to you, Mako, and I promised you I'd use it well. And before I end my turn, I'll switch all three of my monsters to defense mode.

Joey: Time to bring back a monster from my graveyard with Monster Reborn! Bring back my Alligator's Sword! And now, I sacrifice my Alligator's Sword and my Swordsman of Landstar so I can summon this-- my Insect Queen! I won this card from a feisty little germ named Weevil Underwood. (thinking after summoning three monsters he won from every opponent he faced) Every one of my Battle City victories is paying off right now. Those duels got my three incredible monsters!
Kaiba: [satisfied] My tournament's done wonders for Wheeler's deck.
Mai: [impressed] Look at that! Joey was able to summon every rare monster he won in the tournament all at once.
Yami-Yugi: Yes. Joey has come a long way as a duelist since the Battle City tournament began, Mai.

Part 3[edit]

Part 4[edit]

Kaiba: (thinking) Looks like Wheeler's dumb luck saved him again. And I empathize dumb. But what happened to Marik's Egyptian God card? Why didn't it attack? I know there wasn't a glitch in his duel disk because I've spared no expense to make sure my equipment is problem-free. That card should have worked unless… his card was a fake!

Mind Games[edit]

Part 1[edit]

[The gang are all in Odion's room after his duel with Joey, when Marik fooled everyone into thinking he is him]
Joey: So, what's the diagnosis, Doc?
Doctor: Well so far, Odion's heart rate is steady. His tests were fine. But I'm afraid all the mental stress he's gone through has left him unconscious.
Joey: Yeah, I could use a nap, too.
Tea: The doctor means he's been knocked out, Joey. You should be really thankful you're not in the same state.
Joey: You got a good point there. I mean, he and I were both standing right there when his Egyptian God monster went all kablooey. But I'm perfectly fine…
Tristan: Aside from the brain damage you had going into it.
Joey: Zip it!
Duke: I guess that means we're not gonna find who this guy is until he's able to wake up.
Pharaoh: That's right, but there is one thing we do know for sure… he was determined to protect Marik for as long as he could.

Roland: Attention! It's time to choose the next two duelists for the third match of the Battle City finals!
Mai: (thinking) Looks like Marik's missing in action. And still, no sign of that eighth duelist.
Joey: Hey, before we start, I was thinking…since Marik entered this thing with a fake name, shouldn't he be disqualified?
Kaiba: Wishful thinking. But this contest is about skills and not names.
Joey: What's that mean?
Kaiba: It means to get rid of the competition, you should be man enough to use your deck and not some trivial technicality. (thinking) Besides, to obtain the Winged Dragon of Ra, I must defeat Marik, not disqualify him. Only then will I be able to return to the glory I once knew.

Mai: [making the first move] Hmm… Not too bad. I play Dunames Dark Witch in attack mode! Take it away, sweetheart.
Yami-Marik: Starting things off quickly, are we? I see. Now let's see what my deck has in store for me, rather us. [draws] Excellent. Now I'll summon my Revival Jam in defense mode.

Mai: All right, tough guy, check it out! I play this-- the magic card, Harpie's Feather Duster! It blows away all your trap and magic cards! Sorry, Marik, but I saw your dirty little plan, so I swept it right up!
Joey: Yeah!
Yugi: (thinking) Mai sure handled that fast, but she's in for much worse if he summons his Egyptian God card!

Part 2[edit]

Tea: Try and hang in there, Mai! You can do it! [Mai turns to see her invisible silhouette] We're all here for you!
Mai: [puzzled and confused] That's weird. Whose voice is that? And where's it coming from?
Tea: What's wrong? She's not answering me, and what's with that blank stare?
Yugi: (thinking) It's true! Tea's been erased from Mai's mind!

Joey: Marik's almost down to 1,000 life points!
Yami-Marik: [laughs evilly] A small price to pay… to have you caught deep within my trap!
Mai: [shocked] Huh? A trap?!
Yami-Marik: That's right. Reveal Card of Last Will!
Mai: Card of Last Will?
Yami-Marik: Yes! It allows me to draw five new cards into my hand when one of my monster's attack points is decreased.
Yugi: (thinking) Now Marik gets a brand-new hand! This could change everything!
Yami-Marik: [draws five new cards from his deck] I offer you my gratitude. Gaining five new cards isn't all you've allowed me to do. By destroying Makyura, you've activated its special ability. Now I'll play a card that will surely annihilate you! This shadow game's quite amusing. Now, prepare to live out your worst nightmare! By the way of the trap card, Nightmare Wheel! [activates Nightmare Wheel, trapping Mai's Amazon Fighter] Not only does it trap your Amazon Fighter… [laughs] but the Nightmare Wheel will also take 500 life points from you every turn.
Mai: I wasn't expecting something I couldn't handle.
Yami-Marik: Pardon?
Mai: I thought you'd try something like this Marik. So I play this card, [reveals her trap card] Rescue Operation! This trap card allows me to rescue my Amazon Fighter from your trap. It also let's me summon a new monster to the field now.
Mokuba: Do you know what this means?!
Yami-Marik: So, are you going to summon the Egyptian God Card you took from me?
Mai: Of course not, I paid attention the last time it was played. And I know if I summoned it now without sacrificing any monsters first, it would have zero attack points. But not to worry, I'll play that Winged Dragon by the end of my next turn.
Joey: She crazy? How's she ever gonna pull that off, Yugi?
Mai: But first things first. Amazon Fighter, return to my hand now! [Amazon Fighter springs free from Marik's trap and back to her hand] And now to summon a new monster. Ah, this ought to do. I summon Cyber Harpie!
Joey: Yeah! Mai's favorite!
Mai: Now, I just need one card. Let's hope this is it. (thinking) If I draw the right card, I'll be able to summon the Winged Dragon of Ra! [draws] Come on… This'll help. I play Graceful Charity! Now! A magic card that lets me draw three new cards from my deck, and then I discard two from my hand. (thinking) First I'll get rid of these… And now let's see if I drew the card I need! Oh, I am so good.

Part 3[edit]

A Duel with Destiny[edit]

Part 1[edit]

[The gang are all in Mai's room after her duel with Marik by trapping her mind in the Shadow Realm]
Serenity: Joey, she's not waking up.
Joey: Mai?
Tea: She can't hear you. Marik trapped her mind in the Shadow Realm.
Serenity: [worried] Poor Mai.
Joey: This tournament's gotten way out of hand! You know why?
Duke: 'Cause there's a mind-warping psycho on board? Just being honest.

Roland: If duelist #8 does not arrive in the next five minutes, an automatic victory will be awarded to Seto Kaiba.
Yami-Yugi: Kaiba, I must speak to you right away!
Kaiba: Save it, Yugi.
Yami-Yugi: Kaiba!
Kaiba: Yugi, let me guess: you want to request and emergency landing to get your friend to a hospital? You can forget it! I told you already, when your friend Bakura couldn't deal with his injury! MY tournament stops for no one, got it?
Joey: Kaiba, the guys's got a heart-of-gold, right?
Tristan: Yeah, his cheeks must hurt from smiling so much.
Joey: Well, Mr. Sunshine's gonna advance to the next round if his opponent doesn't show.

Kaiba: (thinking) It looks like my competition came to his senses and decided to back out. Winning this duel was even easier than I thought. [elevator rises up] Wait a minute, someone's arriving! The 8th duelist is HERE!
Roland: It seems this duel will take place! Seto Kaiba will face, uh...he will face...[clears throat]
[The elevator doors open, revealing duelist #8]
Kaiba: You've got some nerve showing up late to duel me! Were you scared? Did the thought of facing a duelist superior as myself make you second guess your own abilities?

Kaiba: This is quite a surprise.
Ishizu: Yes, we meet again, Seto Kaiba.
Kaiba: So, you've come to win back Obelisk?
Ishizu: What I've come for is of greater importance. I've come here to save my brother.
Kaiba: Brother?!
Ishizu: Yes. For the past 5,000 years, an Ishtar has stood guard over the Pharaoh's tomb. Only Marik, he turned against us and the evil within him is even stronger now. He is my brother.
Joey: Oh, boy. One Ishtar was bad enough. Who needs two?
Tristan: She can’t be any worse than Marik.
Duke: Well, for once, you’re right.

Ishizu: If you remember, Kaiba, my Millennium Necklace has the power to show the events that are yet to come, and right now it tells me you will lose this duel to me!
Kaiba: Enough with the Millennium items! I don't believe in that nonsense, is that clear?! And as for this duel, just because you were foolish to hand me Obelisk the Tormentor, doesn't mean that I won't use it to destroy you now. And I don't appreciate you using my tournament to solve your personal family issues. I plan this with one goal in mind, to reclaim my place as the number one duelist in the world!
Ishizu: Have you forgotten that it was my idea for you to organize the battle city tournament? To lure duelists…like Marik.
Joey: Say what?!
Ishizu: And my plan worked, for my brother is here. But the hardest task is yet to come. The evil within him must be stopped. And this mission can only be accomplished with the help of the great Pharaoh, which is precisely why Yugi needed to enter this tournament as well. For this ancient Pharaoh dwells within Yugi's Millennium Puzzle.
Kaiba: How lame. You went through all of that trouble just because of some Egyptian fairy tale? I'm surrounded by super stitious nitwits.
Ishizu: Do not deny your heritage. As I've shown you before, you too, can trace your origins back to ancient Egypt.
Kaiba: Alright! That is enough! I know who I am! I'm a far better duelist than you, and I plan to win this tournament! Regardless of what you and your demented brother may believe. You made two mistakes: The first was handing Obelisk to me. The second was expecting it back. That card is mine. And soon, I'll possess the other two Egyptian God cards. Then I'll have the world's most powerful deck! And you can do a favor for me, take your hocus pocus nonsense to someone else's tournament! 'Cause to me, it's a colossal waste of time. Let's go, Roland. Begin this duel at once!
Roland: Yes, sir! Begin NOW!
[Duel commences]
Kaiba: All right.
Ishizu: (thinking) My Millennium Necklace predicts that Kaiba's lack of faith will be his downfall.
Kaiba: [draws] I'll go first. I don't need a magic trick to predict your demise. So, I will summon the mighty Vorse Raider! [plays Vorse Raider in attack mode]
Ishizu: (thinking) Now, he'll place a card facedown.
Kaiba: And now, I'll place one card facedown. That ends my turn.

Yugi: (thinking) Kaiba may be a skilled duelist, but he's no match for the power of a Millennium item. There's no way he can win!

Ishizu: I summon Keldo. [summons Keldo in defense position without looking]
Joey: Whoa. Hey, Yug, did you see that, man? She didn't even look at that card!
Yami-Yugi: That's right, Joey. Her Millennium Necklace shows her events before they occur.
Tea: So she knows everything that's gonna happen before it happens!
Joey: Hey, hang on! This sounds like that trick Espa Roba played on me!
Yami-Yugi: Yes, Joey, but I can assure you that this is not a trick. Ishizu's power is very much real.
Yami-Marik: What those fools don't realize is that my sister's power has limits.
Ishizu: I will now activate a powerful magic card, Michizure of Doom!
Kaiba: (thinking) [shocked] Oh, no! That card allows her to select two cards from my hand and discard them! But then I get to do the same thing to her hand!
Ishizu: I choose Polymerization and Kaiser Glider.
Kaiba: (thinking) She couldn't possibly have known I had those two cards in my hand! Unless, of course, she's cheating. Enough trickey! Show me your cards right now! You'll regret ever having played that magic card! [Ishizu shows him her cards] Time for you to discard Revival Magic and Monster Reborn!
Ishizu: As you wish. That ends my turn.

Yami-Marik: (thinking) I don't blame Seto Kaiba for his frustration. I, too, am growing tired of Ishizu's speech.
Ishizu: I will now play the magic card, Sword of Dagra! It increases the attack strength of my Mudora by 500 points! Now, attack his Vorse Raider!
Kaiba: (thinking) Why, thank you. Facedown cards, GO! [activates his Shrink and Crush Card Virus combination] You're finished! First up is my Shrink card! This cuts my Vorse Raider's attack points in half!
Yugi: (thinking) In order to activate his Crush Card, Kaiba had to first lower his own monster's attack points!
Kaiba: And as if that weren't enough, watch as my Crush Card destroys both monsters on the field as well as every powerful monster in your entire deck! [laughs wickedly]
Joey: Oh, man! Kaiba's move was brutal! If I were Ishizu, I'd trade in that Millenium Necklace for a crystal ball or something!
Yugi: (thinking) Joey's right. If she can see the future, why didn't she see that coming?
Kaiba: [snickering] Now every monster in your deck with 1500 attack points goes to the graveyard!
Ishizu: Yes, I know.
Kaiba: Looks like you're left with nothing but a deck full of worthless monsters who pose absolutely no threat to me!
Ishizu: According to my Millennium Necklace, I don't need a powerful monster to defeat you.

Part 2[edit]

Kaiba: So, do you still think I'm gonna lose?
Ishizu: I do. You've played into my hands, Kaiba. Now, you’ve sealed your own fate.
Kaiba: Nonsense. I've heard enough of your false predictions!
Ishizu: My predictions are quite real. And now, you've fallen into my trap!
Kaiba: But how?! You're cards…they're gone!
Ishizu: I still have my trap cards! Reveal, Exchange of the Spirit! This trap card will be the beginning of your downward spiral toward defeat, Kaiba! At a cost of 1,000 life points, my trap card replaces the cards in each of our decks with those in our graveyards.
Kaiba: (thinking) But, that leaves me with a deck of only six cards! How could I have let this happen?!
Yugi: (thinking) By playing Exchange of the Spirit, Ishizu brought all of her powerful monster cards back from the graveyard, and destroyed Kaiba's deck at the same time!
Yami-Marik: (thinking) Ishizu hasn't lost her touch. She strung Kaiba along just as she used to string me along as a child.
Yami-Yugi: Earlier, Kaiba sent almost every monster in Ishizu's deck right to the graveyard. Now, she gets them all back, along with the magic card she lost last turn. But Kaiba's not so lucky. He had only six cards in his graveyard. Once he uses them up, his deck will be empty, and he'll lose the duel!

[After Kaiba has received a vision of Kisara from the Millenium Rod, prompting him to change tactics in his Duel against Ishizu]
Kaiba: Observe as I activate my Magic Card "Silent Doom". [activates "Silent Doom"] Which lets me summon a card from my Graveyard. "Gadget Soldier" in Defense Mode! ["Gadget Soldier" materialises on Kaiba's side of the field in Defense Mode]
Ishizu (thinking): [stunned] This isn't the future my Necklace predicted! Everything has changed!
Kaiba: Before I can summon my "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", I must sacrifice two monsters. First this! [lays his fingers on the "Obelisk the Tormentor" card on his duel disk]
Ishizu: Oh no!
Kaiba: That's right! It's my Egyptian god Card!
Yami Marik: Ridiculous!
Joey: No way, man!
Téa: What's he thinking?!
Yami Yugi: It can't be!
Kaiba: Hear me now! I won't be controlled! I decide my future! So now I sacrifice my monsters! [removes both Monster Cards from his duel disk] "Obelisk" and "Gadget Soldier", I send you to the card Graveyard! ["Obelisk the Tormentor" and "Gadget Soldier" disappear from the field as Kaiba sacrifices them]
Ishizu (thinking): [petrified] But how could my Millenium Necklace have been wrong?
Kaiba: You're so quiet, Ishizu. Where's your magic now? Or have you realised that there's no such thing as destiny?! Now observe as I summon my "Blue-Eyes"! [summons his "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"] Show yourself! ["Blue-Eyes White Dragon" materialises on Kaiba's side of the field in Attack Mode]
Ishizu: So somehow Kaiba was able to change the future, by summoning his "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"!
Yami Marik: But how? What did he see?!
Ishizu (thinking): Something from Kaiba's past must have awakened inside him. For he was the ancient keeper of the "Blue-Eyes".
Kaiba: Ishizu, if you could foresee all my moves, how did "Blue-Eyes" surprise you? Unless of course, you're nothing but a fake, as I suspected!
Ishizu (thinking): [smiling] Soon he shall see the truth.
Kaiba: Time to finish you off now! "Blue-Eyes White Dragon", attack! Wipe out her Life Points, with White Lightning Attack! Farewell.
["Blue-Eyes White Dragon" attacks Ishizu directly, depleting her Life Points from 1400 to 0, winning Kaiba the Duel]
Kaiba: Victory is mine. That's it.

The Tomb Keeper's Secret[edit]

Ishizu: There is hope ahead. For where there is evil, there is also good. Marik was good once. He began life as an innocent child like everyone does, but that innocence disappeared, leaving my brother to walk a path of pure darkness. I remember when this evil was born.

Ishizu: I knew I had a grave mistake. As keepers of the Pharaoh's tomb, we were forbidden to see the world, and I was beginning to understand why. I was about to pay the price for my actions. I exposed Marik to a world he should never have seen. And this caused Marik to reject our family, and his evil side grew.

Showdown in the Shadows[edit]

Part 1[edit]

Marik: Just stand back and do as I say!
Yami-Bakura: Silence! There's business to discuss first. I'll help you to reclaim your body but I have a price!
Marik: Very well then. If we win the duel, I'll give you the Millennium Rod.
Yami-Bakura: Sorry, Marik. That's our old deal. Now I need more. What's that I heard about you seeking the power of the Pharaoh? Is there a magic stronger than that of the seven Millennium Items that you haven't told me about? I want to know what secrets you're keeping from me, Marik. Tell me everything and we have a deal.
Marik: If we win, I'll tell you all.
Yami-Bakura: Then let's begin. I don't trust you at all but this time I know you need me.
Marik: Then let's duel!
Yami-Bakura: You heard your better half, you fiend. Now prepare for a one-way trip to the Shadow Realm! [laughs]
Yami-Marik: Seems you're a bit confused. I'm going to bring the darkness of the Shadow Realm right here so it can consume you piece by piece! [laughs] Blackness, surrounded us! Prepare for a battle like no other! For in this duel, the eternal darkness of the Shadow Realm will slowly devour the loser as his life points diminish!
Yami-Bakura: What do you mean?
Yami-Marik: Just wait and see.
Yami-Bakura: Very well. Let's duel! And now, let the destruction commence! [draws] I see the cards in my deck are already showing you no mercy.
Yami-Marik: (thinking) Mercy is for the weak, like you, my friend!
Yami-Bakura: First off, I'll place this facedown. Then, I shall summon the terrifying Goblin Zombie in attack mode! Are you scared yet?
Yami-Marik: Ha! Scared of that? No! [draws] I'll place a card facedown, and summon Drillago! Attack him, NOW!
Yami-Bakura: Fool! You've activated my trap card, Fearful Earthbound!
Yami-Marik: NO!
Yami-Bakura: Yes, you're first mistake! Your first of many!
Yami-Marik: What the point of this?!
Yami-Bakura: I knew you wouldn't be able to resist attacking my zombie, and now, I'm going to punish you for your fatal error by weakening your life points!

Yami-Bakura: Sounds to me like you didn't draw what you needed. Fortunately, I can give you one more chance at it. That is, if you don't mind my help. Open Facedown card, Multiple Destruction!
Yami-Marik: What does that do?
Yami-Bakura: My trap card forces both players to discard their hands to the graveyard, then let's us draw five new cards from our decks. Of course, there is a downside to playing this card. The duelist who uses it loses 100 life points for each card he throws away.
Yami-Marik: (thinking) Is this a trick?! Why is he destroying himself?!
Yami-Bakura: Who's stalling now? It's your move.
Yami-Marik: Still no Winged Dragon! I've failed again!

Part 2[edit]

Yami Marik: Get ready to enter the darkness at the hands of Ra!
Yami Bakura: Don't you realize that I am the darkness!?
Yami Marik: [Chuckles] What's that supposed to mean?
Yami Bakura: It's quite simple. It means I can't be destroyed! You haven't seen the last of me! [laughs evilly while his body disappears into the Shadow Realm, leaving only the Millenium Ring behind, which falls to the ground]





External links[edit]
