101 Dalmatians (1996 film)

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101 Dalmatians is a 1996 American family comedy film produced by Walt Disney Pictures, and a live-action remake of the animated 1961 Disney film of the same name, which in turn was based on Dodie Smith's 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians.

Cruella De Vil[edit]

  • I live for fur, I worship fur. After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn't?
  • [To Anita] More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, [[w:disease and disaster. You have talent, darling. Don't squander it.
  • [To a racoon who has just stolen her hat and is wearing it] Darling, red isn't your color. Give me the hat. Give me the hat, or you will become a hat. GIVE IT TO ME!
  • My faith in your limited intelligence is momentarily restored.
  • [Menacingly whispers] Oh, yes! I love the smell of near extinction!
  • [Cruella has spotted the dogs running away across a field] Bingo! [Sarcastically] Poor little things. I'm gonna cut you off, then cut you up! [Sinisterly chuckles]
  • And you must be Rufus.
  • [Walking through a farmyard] This is extraordinary. I am reduced to tramping through SEWAGE! Because my two imbeciles can't keep track of a bunch of infant dogs!
  • [To Jasper, who is on the roof] Get down from there, and CATCH THOSE PUPPIES!


  • Fools aren't born, Pongo; pretty girls make them in their spare time.
  • Do you want another cup of marriage, uh, tea?


  • [Horace is about to get out of the car, but gets caught on Jasper's mask who assumes Horace is trying to take it] Fetch your own!
  • [Grabbing one of the puppies by the scruff of its neck after it bites him, then stuffing it into a bag; speaks through his gritting teeth at first] All right, come here, you... spotty little... dog!

Woman On Park Bench #1[edit]

  • [Pongo runs hard enough to break his leash from Roger's bike, causing it to continue rolling downhill until hitting the bench; catapulting him into the pond] I don't think he wanted to do that.

Police Officer #1[edit]

  • [After the police rescue the puppies, a police officer is making a report over a walkie talkie] We've got a hundred here, sir. [Seeing Lucky approaching, with Kipper by his side] Uh, make that one hundred and one Dalmatians, sir.


Television News Reporter: [On TV] We're all familiar with the illegal poaching of endangered animals in the wild, but never before has an animal in captivity been slaughtered for its pelt. Animal protection groups that monitor the international trade in game contraband have further told us that a white Siberian tiger is so rare that the offer of a pelt would surely draw the attention of law enforcement agencies. [Perdy whimpers] Shortly before dawn this morning security staff at London Zoo discovered the excoriated carcass of its prized three-year-old female Siberian tiger, Sue Ling. [Perdy growls] Police sources have suggested that the killing was contracted by a private collector.
Anita: Oh, isn't that horrible? Who'd do a thing like that?
Television News Reporter: If the battle to preserve endangered species has moved into the urban zoological park, we must ask ourselves if any animal in the world is safe. This is Tim Ryan, reporting from London Zoo.

Anita: [After believing Roger is taking Perdy, holding up her purse] Now, release my dog, or I'll hit you again!
Roger: Your dog?
Anita: Yes. That is my dog, will you let her go?
Roger: Excuse me. [Lifts Perdy's leg as Pongo hides his head, turns back to Anita] He's a she.
Anita: [Nods] Mm-hmm.
Roger: [Pongo appears from behind Anita; miserably] Hello, Pongo. [Pongo whines]

Horace: [Kipper awakens Horace] Did you hear that?
Jasper: What?
Horace: That noise!
Jasper: What noise?
Horace: That noise I just heard. Did you hear it?
Jasper: [Sarcastically] Oh yeah. Yeah, it sounds like an irritating Berk asking me so many irritating questions. Oh good it has stopped now.

Jasper: Now there are two things you must not do to the skinner. One: do not look at the horrendous scar on this neck. Two: don't talk to him, understand? Not a word.
Horace: Right. [Skinner answers the door and is surprised] OH! Look at the size of that scar! [Jasper rolls his eyes in annoyance] No bloody wonder you can't talk, mate! [Skinner growls]
Jasper: Excuse me just a minute, would you? [Closes the door and angrily punches Horace with him falling down]

Frederick: I thought we liked stripes this year.
Cruella: What kind of sycophant are you?
Frederick: Uh... what kind of sycophant would you like me to be?

Cruella De Vil: Alonzo. The drawing. [Alonzo merely nods his head nonchalantly and she shrieks startling him and Anita] Take the drawing from Anita, and hand it to me! Is that difficult?! [Alonzo picks up the drawing and holds it out with Cruella snatching it] Thank you. Now go and stand somewhere until I need you.

Cruella De Vil: Be sure to let me know when the blessed event occurs.
Anita: [Assuming that Cruella is referring to her fetus] It won't be for another 8 months.
Cruella De Vil: The puppies, darling. I have no use for babies.

Anita: Cruella, the puppies have to be with their mother for several weeks. They're not ready to leave.
Cruella: Fine. Put the little brutes on reserve for me. How much would you like?
Roger: They're not for sale.
Cruella: Oh? You've come into some money, have you? Did you design some silly game that will drive the delinquent kiddies into frenzies of video delight?
Roger: As a matter of fact, I have...
Anita: No, no, what Roger means to say is that we're not sure we're going to sell the puppies.
Cruella: Anita, don't be ridiculous! You can't possibly afford to keep them. [offers to buy the puppies] I'll pay you twice what they're worth. Come now. I'm being more than generous. £500. [writes out a check] £7,500! Fair? £2 per spot.
Anita: But, Cruella, what would you do with 15 puppies?
Roger: That's irrelevant, Anita. She can't have any 'cause they're not for sale!
Cruella: I'm getting very tired of you, Roland.
Roger: Roger.
Cruella: Whatever. [Holds out a £7,500 check] Take it.
[Roger and Anita do not respond; Cruella shows them the check]
Cruella: [Quietly] Take it.
[Roger and Anita still do not respond]
Cruella: [Loudly] TAKE IT!!!
Anita: [Calmly] Cruella, the puppies are not for sale.
Cruella: [Resignedly] You're quite sure?
Roger and Anita: Yes.
Cruella: [Furiously] All right. Keep the little beasts. Do what you want with them. Drown them, for all I care. You're a fool, Anita! I've no use for fools. [Rips the check] You're fired. You're finished. You'll never work in fashion again! I'm through with all of you! I'll get even! Just you wait. You'll be very sorry! You fools! You IDIOTS! [Exits]

Jasper: [Trying to start the van] You just had to let those puppies get away, didn't you? Never paying attention.
Horace: Well, where was you?
Jasper: Where was? I was not splashing about in the pond. You've infuriated the old bag, and if we don't get those puppies back it is quite literally our heads! [Trying to start the engine again] Oh, come on! Right, you better get out and check the tailpipe. We've got a condensation problem.
Horace: [Threateningly] One of these days I'm gonna be full up of you! [Gets out]
Jasper: [Makes a face at him; Horace walks around to the back of the van, squats down and peers into the exhaust pipe, while Jasper desperately tries again to start the engine] Oh, do come on! [Taps the gas pedal. The exhaust pipe explodes sending a clogged pear and a lot of exhaust into Horace's face] There, ya see?

Horace: You know, this house is creepy. I'm starving hungry, and so far we haven't been paid one bloody quid.
Jasper: Oh, will you stop moaning?

Cruella De Vil: [To Skinner on the phone] Mr. Skinner, suspicions are mounting. Police are everywhere. I want the job done tonight. Can you do it?
Skinner: [Uses scalpel to tap on the speaker several times to communicate] I can. How do you like it done?
Cruella De Vil: [Over the phone] Mr. Skinner, suspicions are mounting. Police are everywhere. I want the job done tonight. Can you do it? [Skinner taps one of the keys on the phone several times to communicate] Any way you want. Poison them, drown them, bash them on the head. Got any chloroform? I don't care how you kill the little beasts! Just do it, and do it NOW!

Horace: [To Jasper] I'll be honest with you mate. This job is fast losing it's charm. The housing stinks, the food's lousy, the lavatory facilities are appalling and so far we haven't made as much as one quid.
Jasper: [Annoyed] Oh you will stop moaning? Look this time tomorrow night it's all over. We get our boodle, we'll be out of here before you can say dead puppies. Now go to sleep.

Horace: [Still cold after falling through the frozen pond] Turn on the heat!
Jasper: No. Now with this thing acting the way she is.
Horace: I can't stand the cold no more! I want heat! [Turns the heat on himself; the system shorts and the car catches on fire from the heater] TOO HOT! TOO HOT!

Arresting Officer: Ms. Devil?
Cruella De Vil: Yes?
Arresting Officer: We have a warrant for your arrest.
Cruella De Vil: Oh. Is there something wrong?

[Cruella, Horace, Jasper and Skinner are taken into custody]
Cruella: [Sarcastically] Congratulations. You've [just won gold, silver, and bronze in the Morons' Olympics. [Long pause]
Horace: Who won the gold?
Cruella: SHUT UP! My business, my reputation, my life, has been ruined, because you three incompetent twits let yourselves be outsmarted by a bunch of dumb animals! And you call yourselves men. HA! I've seen more intelligent pieces of carpet! [She suddenly notices a skunk which she mistook for her purse, who sprays; all four scream]

Horace: [Horace and Jasper turn themselves in and are sitting locked up in a police van] This is lovely.
Jasper: Isn't it? Nice and warm.
Horace: No animals neither. [Horace hears a growl and looks round terrified and nudges Jasper. Skinner is also arrested and it is implied he was attacked by Kipper. He stares at them in a threating manner. Both Horace and Jasper nervously grin sheepishly]

Nanny: And speaking of children...
Anita: Roger, darling, I've got the most wonderful news.

Jasper: [Sees that there are raccoons in his truck and honking his horn] OI! Get out of my truck!
Horace: YEAH!

Anita: Why are you all wet?
Roger: [Little guilty] I went swimming in the pond.
Anita: Oh, you should've had. The water's filthy.
Roger: Yeah, and it tastes like fish.
Anita': And you've lost a shoe, did you know that?
Roger: Yes, I did. As a matter of fact I did. I noticed it running down the gravel path.
Anita: I'm so sorry, I mean, you know I thought if you were silly enough to go swimming in a dirty pond you'd be silly enough to not realize that you've lost a shoe.
Roger: Actually I crashed my bicycle in the pond. The only part of my body that wasn't injured was my head. But now, thanks to you, I got the complete set of bodily injuries. Well, it was nice being assaulted by you miss...
Anita: [She and Roger shake hands] My name's Anita, and yours is Roger. I read it on your dog's identification.
Roger: Oh, well, nice meeting you. I-- I hope I didn't alarm you.

Horace: [Surprised] Look... . tracks.
Jasper: [Discovers alongside Horace the dalmatian's footsteps] I love you.

Roger: Did Anita tell you the news?
Cruella De Vil: [Smiles]
Roger: She's going to have a baby.
Cruella De Vil: [Frowns with a disgusted look] Is this true?
Anita: Yes.
Cruella De Vil: Oh you poor thing. I'm so sorry.
Anita: We're very excited about it Cruella.
Cruella De Vil: You can't be serious.
Roger: She is.
Cruella De Vil: Well what can I say? Accidents will happen.

Horace: Did you hear that?
Jasper: What?
Horace: That noise.
Jasper: What noise?
Horace: That noise I just heard. Do you hear it?
Jasper: Oh yeah. Sounded like an complete burk asking me irritating questions. Oh, good, it's stopped now.

Skinner: [Opens up the trunk and pulls up a coffin]
Jasper: [Holding a tool] God, bloody gruesome line of work you're in, Skinner.
Horace: [Looks at the killed animals] Sight of all these deceased creatures gives me a shrinky winky.
Skinner: [Looks at Horace and he keeps looking while holding a suitcase, and hands over to Jasper]
Jasper: Much obliged, sunshine.
Horace: [Smiles at Skinner]

Nanny: [Realizing Something] Oh my goodness.
Anita: What is it Nanny?
Nanny: [Looks at Perdy and Anita and realizes they both are pregnant] Anita I think you're going to have a puppy.
Anita: I... I... [She faints and falls off her chair and onto the ground]


External links[edit]

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