Happily Ever After (1990 film)

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Happily Ever After is a 1990 American animated musical fantasy film, a sequel to the fairy tale Snow White. In the film, Snow White and the Prince are about to be married, but a threat appears in the form of the late evil Queen's vengeful brother Lord Maliss. The film replaces the Dwarfs with their female cousins, called the Dwarfelles, who aid Snow White against Maliss.

Directed by John Howley. Produced by Lou Scheimer. Written by Robby London and Martha Moran.
The Snow White story continues... (taglines)
  • Just as love can bring the greatest joy, it can also bring the greatest sorrow. But then, it is love that makes people the most special of all my creatures.


  • The Prince: I've never seen such magic as this. Who are you, what do you want!
  • Sunburn: Huh. Talking looking glasses, tricky queens, secret doors. This place burns me up!
  • Muddy: Oooh, it's about time something good happened on this trip! [chuckles happily]


Snow White: Why, you're not the seven dwarfs!
Sunburn: I should say not!
Snow White: But the seven dwarfs live in that cottage!
Muddy: Not anymore! They moved into a new mine way over the next kingdom!
Snow White: Well, then, who are you?
Muddy: We're their cousins, the seven dwarfelles! They gave us their cottage!

[Snow White and the seven Dwarfelles camp around a campfire in the Realm of Doom. A lizard-like creature goes up to a rock beside Critterina and squawks]
Critterina: Nice little lu, lo, er thing.
[Critterina tries to touch the lizard but it almost bites her finger. Critterina moves away her finger in the nick of time]
Critterina: Now, now! Mother Nature wouldn't like that!

Lord Malice: Looking glass upon the wall, at my command you will show me all.
The Looking Glass: [yawns] Keep it down, you noisy creep. You're ruining my beauty sleep.
Lord Malice: How dare you!

Batso: Hey, Scowl, you really gotta quit smoking, it's gonna kill you.
Scowl: I'm about to be owl stew, and he's worried about smoking. Batso, quick! Shake a wing!
Batso: Okay.
[Batso squeaks as he dances]
Scowl: No! Blow out the candle!
Batso: Oh, sure thing, Scowl.
Scowl: What are you waiting for?
Batso: I can't decide what to wish for.
Scowl: Blow it out!

[Inside a cave leading to the Realm of Doom, the Shadow Man lands a boulder on Snow White and the seven dwarfelles to prevent them going to Lord Maliss' castle]
Muddy: Hey, look, there's someone in the shadows!
[The Shadow Man, seen at the very top of a ledge, backs away]
Sunburn: Hey! Hey, who was he, there he goes!
Muddy: Get that Shadow Man!

Blossom: Hmm, I tell you, darlings, it looks awfully dark in there!
Snow White: We need light. Sunburn can you help us?
Sunburn: They don't call me Sunburn for nothing!


  • The Snow White story continues...
  • Whatever happened to Snow White? Find out May 28th
  • Filmation presents Snow White. The most beloved fairy tale of all... continues!

