Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie

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Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie is a 2005 American animated direct-to-video film produced by DisneyToon Studios, featuring the characters from Winnie the Pooh franchise and the sequel to Pooh's Heffalump Movie. This is the first Pooh film since the death of Paul Winchell in June 2005. It is also the final film to feature John Fiedler providing the voice of Piglet, as Fiedler died three months earlier on June 25, 2005.


[first lines]
[A live action shot shows a boy's bedroom in a house]
Narrator.: This could be the room of any small boy. But it just happened to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin. Now, Christopher Robin had many toy animals to play with, but his very best friend was a bear, named Winnie the Pooh. [The book opens as the narrator continue] Together, Pooh and his friends shared many grand adventures. But one of their most unusual began on an early autumn morning.[scene switches to the hundred acre wood] It was that time of year again. That magical time when leaves fall and pumpkins grin, and Spookables roam free. Halloween had come to the Hundred Acre Wood.

Tigger: If I didn't know any better I'd say you fellas are scaredy.
Pooh: We are.
Eeyore: We are.
Tigger: Well I'm not! Now quit climbing up all over me buddy bear we got piglets to find.
Pooh: I think I have had a thought. If we put our costumes on when we find the Spookables they shall think we're them and we shall think they're us so we can save Piglet and no one will be the wiser!

Eeyore: Trick or treat again.
Pooh: We're on our way to Piglet's to have a Hallowasn't.

Tigger: Don't Heffalumps have Heffaween, I mean Halloween?
Lumpy: Well, we have Trumplet Trumpet day, Flapadoodle Eve. But that's it.

Lumpy: I want to go home.
Roo: What if we leave now... you will miss out how great Halloween is.

Rabbit: Piglet, fetch some candy.
Piglet: Oh-oh, yes, sir. Rabbit, sir.
Rabbit: [Sees everybody looking at him] Oh. Yes, I know. [Chuckles] You're all surprised. "No candy until tonight," I said. But special occasions call for sweets. So, Piglet, one piece of candy each.
Piglet: R-r-rabbit?
Rabbit: Yes, Piglet. The candy, if you please. Well, what is it, Piglet? Spit it out! Well, uh, there's, uh, no candy left, Rabbit, sir.
Piglet: Oh, d-d-dear. That's just it.
Rabbit: Well, what is it, Piglet? Spit it out!
Piglet: Well, uh, there's, uh, no candy left, Rabbit, sir.
Rabbit: What do you mean, "no candy left"? Why, there's sacks and sacks of it over the... [sees that Pooh at everything] Aah! Pooh Bear? You ate all are candy?
Tigger: Mighty impressive for one bear though. Hoo-hoo!
Pooh: I don't know what happened. I only wanted one, but... my tummy kept asking for more.
Roo: There's gotta be some left here somewhere. [searches unsuccessfully] We can't have Halloween without candy.
Tigger: Well, I'll betcha Rabbit has a few sweets tucked away. Don't ya, Long-Ears?
Rabbit: [Sighs] I'm afraid not, Tigger. [Sadly sits down] You see, I've collected every bit of candy - from the Hundred Acre Wood. I'm afraid...there will be no trick-or-treating this year.
Pooh: Oh, bother. My tummy says it's sorry.

Roo: We tried to catch the Gobloon, and we found his tree but I got scared and ran away, then the Gobloon turned him into a jaggedy lantern. [The others freezes for a beat as crickets chirp]
Tigger: Could you start again from that 1st Gobloon?!

Tigger: Hello, gorgeous.
Rabbit: Hmm. Doesn't look like me at all.
Eeyore: Why the long face?
Pooh: Oh, look, Piglet. It's me and my very best friend.
Piglet: Oh, mine too!
Roo: Look, Lumpy! There's even one for me!
Lumpy: Wow!
Roo: But where's yours?
Kanga: I'm so sorry, Lumpy. I did make one for you, but it must have fallen off my wheelbarrow.
[After a long pause, Roo and Lumpy realize the misunderstanding and laugh.]

[Last lines]
Roo: See? I told you: Halloween is the most fun ever!
Lumpy: You were right! I love Hallowoon! Hallow-woo... Hallow... Oh, whatever. As long as we're together!?

