Bully (video game)

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Bully, also known as Canis Canem Edit (Latin for "dog eat dog") in the PAL region, is a video game developed by Rockstar Vancouver and published by Rockstar Games. The player controls Jimmy Hopkins, who ends up enrolled at Bullworth Academy, من a fictional boarding school, when his newly married mother and fifth new stepfather go on her year-long honeymoon cruise.

Gary Smith

  • You're too trusting, Jimmy. From the start you were pathetically naive... Poor little Jimmy, all alone at big scary Bullworth. Under fire from Russell and his goons, desperate for help. So sad, so hopeless, just needing a friend. Any friend. You were so easy to manipulate, Jimmy. Once we were friends, it was all so clear. You had your lust for power, but without the intelligence to back it up. Using you as pawn was so wonderfully obvious! Let Jimmy have his fun. Let him play his childish little games with Earnest, Ted, Derby, Johnny and Edgar, and just wait for the right moment to swoop in and take it all. It was like lining up dominoes. It all fell together so perfectly. While you were off wasting your time with whores like Lola, I was in the dorm, planning. While you were racing bikes, while you were playing at the carnival like a child, my plan was coming together... Any regrets, Jimmy? Looking forward to the wasteland that your life is about to become? After you're expelled for your antics over the last few weeks you won't have anywhere left to go.


Jimmy: GARY!
Gary: MORON!
Jimmy: Why'd you do it, Gary?
Gary: Why not? I won! I tricked everyone, starting with you, the head, the loser kids in town, *and* the prefects. Me! I won!
Jimmy: You are sad, man!
Gary: I might be sad but I run your world, moron, and don't you forget it. You did all my dirty work for me, Hopkins. You're like a puppet. Only dumber!
Jimmy: Whatever. Let's finish this!

Gary: The thing is - if I win, you're just another punk. You win and you'll get sent away even quicker for beating up the Head Boy!
Jimmy: Why'd you do it, Gary?!
Gary: Because I can! Because making little people like you and the morons who run this place eat out of the palm of my hand feels great!
Jimmy: But I never did anything to you!
Gary: You would have - if I'd given you a chance. Face it! I'm SMARTER than you! HA HA!
Jimmy: Oh, congratulations! You're smarter than me! You hate everyone and everyone hates you. Genius!
Gary: The Head likes me. I tied him up, turned his dumb school into a battleground, got kids expelled - unfairly- put several others into therapy, and he still likes me!
Jimmy: [shoves Gary] You're such a loser!
Gary: [shoves back] Well, at least my mom doesn't make a living on her back!
Jimmy: [enraged] YOU'RE DEAD! [He pushes Gary hard, and they fall off the bell tower to 3 scaffoldings a few feet below.]