Digimon Adventure

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Digimon Adventure is a 1999 Japanese anime television series created by Akiyoshi Hongo, and produced by Toei Animation in cooperation with WiZ, Bandai and Fuji Television. It is the first anime series in the Digimon franchise, based on the virtual pet series.

Digimon Adventure 1 and 2


Taichi "Tai" Kamiya/Yagami

  • (introducing Joe) "Oh, and the this is Joe. Don't scare him. He'd probably wet his pants."
  • "Hey, don't worry. We'll find him."
  • "Get 'em, Greymon!"
  • "Hey, back off!"
  • (angrily) "How dare you say that, Matt! We're all friends here!"
  • (upon finding T.K.) "T.K.!"
  • "That's Princess Meanie!"
  • "Kari? Kari!"
  • "Hey, I'm home."
  • "You've picked on the wrong Guy's little sister, Mr. Fang-Face."
  • "WHAMON!!!"
  • "My Digi-Vice is going off again."
  • "After him, guys!"
  • (Japanese sub) "I'm taking this kid back!"
  • "He's staying with us!"
  • (Japanese sub) "Your opponent is... Greymon!"
  • "Oh, I'm so scared! Get him, Greymon!"
  • "A man must first face himself before he faces his enemies."
  • "Never trust anything without feet!"
  • "Who are you calling a jerk, jerk?"
  • "Sure, let's go for a hike. Then after that we'll hike. And then we can hike some more."
  • "Matt must be around here somewhere. Matt!"
  • "Or, we could stand here frozen until the monster gets us!"
  • "Sora!"
  • "I have a foolproof plan: first we'll eat something, then after that... I'm open to suggestions!"
  • (sarcastically) "I'm glad we never hear you complaining..."
  • "Matt! Can you hear me, Matt?"
  • "Matt, I'm here!"
  • [holding TK] "That could have been a snake, or worse,"
  • "Matt! Are you out there?"
  • "When we get back, this is gonna make one great story. Yup... but... of course, not a single soul will ever believe me."
  • [talking about Frigimon] "Yup, this is him. He happened to see you fall on this island and he got us here in no time."
  • "When we had to survive on our own, we grew up very fast... except for Joe, he just threw up very fast..."
  • "But my dad likes his mess where it is..."
  • "Matt!"
  • "You can do it, and even if you can't, we won't think any less of you, man!"
  • [looking at Agumon in his poor disguise] "Yeah. That's real inconspicuous."
  • "I thought we'd never find you guys! It is sure lucky we met up with Frigimon."
  • [About Keramon] "Maybe we should tell someone important like the principal or Bill Gates or something..."
  • "That is the last time I eat camp food!"
  • "Matt! Gabumon!"
  • "Oh, yeah? Try it, you tincan!"
  • "Well, come on!"

Yamato "Matt" Ishida

  • "Great! Anybody bring a helicopter?"
  • "We've sacrificed too much to give up now!"
  • "Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food."
  • "Boy, that's productive. This thing puts the pieces together, and then it takes them apart."
  • "I finally got it figured out. If I'm ever gonna change, I have to do it on my own. On my own. The others can't help me."
  • "If she wants to cry, let her."
  • "Be quiet, T.K.!"
  • "I've never let anyone get close to me before."
  • "No question, man, you are the dude of doodles!"
  • "Just be quiet and come with me!"
  • "You're a thief, we worked to pay for a trip to Hawaii!"
  • "Put your fists down when you talk to me and stop acting like you can bully your way into being the leader!"
  • "Moving right along, folks... keep it moving... Our next stop on the tour will be the forest of irrelevant road signs. No pictures, please."
  • "Computer guys can never just tell you something. They have to spend all day explaining it to you..."
  • "I swore I would never let anyone see me cry. But really, all I ever wanted to do was cry." [Gabumon: Then cry.] "I hate being alone..."
  • "Guys, the closest thing our grandmother has to computer is an egg timer..."
  • "They're not weird, they're my best friends! [Quietly] Considering this is the only computer in town..."
  • "I'm sick of all your blabbering Davis, you're the only one who hasn't tried yet, so just get in the hole!"
  • "First I'll take a little stroll over to our old refrigerator and take a peek at what's not expired..."
  • "Is that a ring in your nose or is that an allergic reaction?"
  • "Garururmon!"
  • "Stop that!"
  • "Did it all of a sudden get sunnier - or is it just Tai's sunny disposition?"
  • (To TK and Tokomon) "Remember, it's an amusement park - so like ... amuse yourselves.
  • (The recipe for something really hot he's cooked up for him and TK) "It's a secret but I'll tell you... A little bit of hot sauce, a little wasabi and a mystery meat I found in the freezer covered in green fuzz!"
  • "Oh, man...after I accused him and yelled at him...he still risked himself for T.K."
  • "T.K.!"
  • "WereGarurumon!"
  • "Hang on, pal!"
  • (Japanese sub) "You okay?"
  • "That was close!"
  • "Atta boy."
  • (Japanese sub) "Wh-what the...?"
  • "The black gears!"
  • {Japanese sub} "This is bad! Run, Garurumon!"
  • "No! Turn back, or he'll beat you to a pulp!"
  • "MetalGarurumon!"
  • "Well, at least my cat's not stuck in a tree!"
  • "We all know you're tight Tai but just give us a little space!"

Mimi Tachikawa

  • "(Gasps) Wow! Why didn't I pack my fluffy pink snow boots?"
  • "Togemon!"
  • "I'm gonna sit here and stare at the flowers until everyone starts getting along."
  • "Lillymon!"
  • "HELP! Somebody please find us!"
  • "We're going to be okay, just keep moving along."
  • [places her pink cowboy hat on Palmon's head] "Here, you wear my hat for a while. You need it more than I do,"
  • "This beach would be a lot more popular if it had a lot more things, like an ocean, a gentle breeze, a snack bar, a hunky lifeguard, you know?"
  • [about the village] "Maybe they'll have hats for sale, half-off."
  • [about the money the group had]"Whoops, we went and spent it all."
  • "Now remember T.K., don't move!"

Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi

  • (repeated line) "Prodigious!"
  • "Do you have Internet access?"
  • "You're going to need a password! You can use mine to get on the Internet: 'Prodigious'!"
  • "Potato chips, chocolate chips... anything but computer chips!"
  • [To Tentomon] "I love you."
  • "I'm one step ahead of you, Tai."
  • "It's Alive!"
  • "She appears to be conversing with herself."

Sora Takenouchi

  • "Too bad your brain isn't as big as your hair."
  • "Oh, like that's gonna help."
  • "Now that you boys have holes in your heads, maybe your brains will get more oxygen."
  • "I don't care what you're faster than! As long as you're faster than a gigantic, rolling teddy bear!"


  • "I'm gonna build the biggest snowman!"
  • "Help me! I can't swim so good, Patamon!"
  • "Matt, help!"
  • "Oh, no!"
  • "Patamon, help!"
  • "Oh, no! Poor Patamon!"
  • "Hiya, Matt!"
  • "I thought I'd never see you again,"
  • "Matt!"
  • "Hey! Let's play a game with the baby Digimon!"
  • {Japanese sub} "What's wrong? [Do you need to/did you] poop?"
  • "Okay, so you don't want to play a game!"
  • "My parents are still mad at me, for the time I painted our kitty cat."
  • "I don't want to fight, ever!"
  • {Japanese sub} "What do we do, Patamon?"
  • "What was that?"
  • "Joe?"
  • {Japanese sub} "Patamon, we gotta save him!"
  • "Joe? Joe?"
  • "Matt, brother...I need you..."
  • {Japanese sub} "Big brother!"
  • "You came in time!"
  • "I wanna take him home with me,"
  • "Be careful!"
  • "Angemon!"
  • "Matt! Somebody, get me down!"
  • "Joe! He's caught!"
  • "Matt, help me!"
  • "Matt, I'm gonna tell Mom that you were fighting!"
  • "Big Bro...you're the best!"


  • "Gomamon, get a grip! The last thing we need is any more fighting around here!"
  • "Tentomon digivolve to - Kabu never mind..."


  • "Very persiptive of you."
  • "How nice, your little brother decided to hang around,"


  • [while holding T.K. hostage] "Call off your beast!"
  • "Hey! Back off, furball, or the kid's lunchmeat! Got it?"


  • "Look out!"
  • "I don't know, Kari. I hope so,"

Joe Kido

  • "You gotta believe me, Matt."
  • "Attack, I'm fine."
  • "Have we seen a bad Digimon? No!"
  • "Would you please stop taunting the deranged android?"
  • "Tai, I'm so glad to see you, but don't break anything."
  • "Oh, uh...Matt's around back."
  • "That's going too far! I've had it."


  • "Then our friends must be nearby. It did the same thing we found T.K."
  • "Tai, stop that!"
  • "Matt, Tai, quit it!"
  • "Pepper breath!"
  • "Bug up the nose? That's a bad thing?"
  • "Agumon digivolve to - Greymon! Greymon! Greymon, yeah, I'm Greymon! I'm big and I'm bad..."


  • "T.K."
  • "Gabumon and Matt! Boy, is Joe ever going to be glad to see you!"
  • [popping out of Joe's gym bag] "Ta-da! Fresh air."
  • "I make a mean PB & J,"
  • "Yeah, he's here, but...Joe can tell you about it."
  • "Marching fishes!"

Hikari "Kari" Kamiya

  • "It looks like a flip-flop with a bent nail in it."
  • "My light will guide us toward the others."
  • "Being a Digidestined means that sometimes you have to save the world, even if you're the one who caused the problem."

Miyako "Yolei" Inoue

  • "Let's go get that evil, cute guy!"
  • "This helmet makes my glasses look smaller!"
  • "Perfecto!" ("Bingo!" in the Japanese version)
  • (about Ken) "I didn't say I wanted to kiss him, duh, I just wanna marry him!"

Ken Ichijouji

  • "Hero time, Wormmon!"
  • "AH-HA! HA! HA! HA! HA-Oh, it's not that funny!
  • "Aaaaauuuuhhh!"
  • (grabs Cody by the leg mid-fall) "I've got you Cody!"
  • "He...called me a punk."
  • "Uh, Davis... What are you doing?"
  • (thinking sarcastically) "Thanks a lot, Davis. Great, no pressure."
  • "This Christmas party was a bad idea... I should forget the whole thing. But what am I going to do with all that eggnog?"
  • "What could you digivolve into? A giant butterfly with scary looking wings?"


  • (Before jumping off cliff to get to Kari) Eh, what the heck. I've got nine lives.
  • "What in the DigiWorld is she doing?"
  • "Kari!"
  • "She's losing it."


  • The sky will be darkened by the wings of many bats.The fallen people will invoke the name of the undead Digimon king and when the clock strikes the hour of the beast, the undead king will reveal himself in his true form as the beast.Then angels will shoot arrows of hope and light at the loved ones of those they've been sent to protect, and a miracle will happen. Please always recycle.


Metalseadramon: This my moment to shine! Does my hair look alright?
Divermon: Ya.

T.k Takaishi: How boring. I'm not having any fun at all!
Puppetmon: (aghast) What? I'm the life of the party...I put the fun in fungus.
TK Takaishi: (scoffs) HA! You just play the same game over and over again...boring!
Puppetmon: (distraught) I'm not boring!

T.k Takaishi: (Being held at eye level by Matt) Gee, Matt, you look different, have you done something with your hair?
Matt: (deadpan) No, I'm just not using as much hair gel that's all.

Sora: What kinda sicko turns people into keychains?
Piedmon: I'm not a sicko. I'm a collector, and these new items have such sentimental value to me.

Kari Kamiya: His smile makes him look so gentle.
TK Takaishi: Yeah, but his hair makes him look a bit' like you, Kari.

Kari: I can't leave now, there's a magician coming over and I've already promised to get sawed in half!
Tai: Well, make sure the half with feet comes home as soon as possible!

Mimi: Ew, what's that awful smell?
Tai: Heh, sorry. I guess now we know why they call them sweat socks huh?

Tentomon: Whenever my skin gets dirty, I just shed it.
Izzy Izumi: That would be difficult for me.

Ken: You will bow down before me.
T.K. Takashi: Sorry, the floor's kind of dirty.

T.K. Takashi: When you can't think of anything to say, do you always resort to fighting?
Ken: I guess...
T.K. Takashi: That's your problem. You don't know when to talk and when to fight. Now's a good time to talk... on the other hand... it's also a good time to fight! (punches Ken).

[about Piedmon]
Joe: He made them all disappear.
Tentomon: Well, at least he didn't saw them in half.

Matt: I've been living a lie.
Gabumon: You're not a real blonde?

Cherrymon: Behold the face of your rival!
Matt: So you're saying... I have to fight Tai, is that it? [laughs] Nice try, foliage face! You had me going there! You'll have to do better than that!
Cherrymon: I had nothing to do with it. The Lake of Truth reflects only what is in a person's heart, hence the name.
Matt: You gotta be kidding.
Cherrymon: Sorry, kid. It's never wrong.
Matt: That right? Well, I got news for you. It's off this time, way off!

BlackWarGreymon: I'm going to a place were all things get lost.
Davis: You should try my sock drawer.

Davis: Sorry I'm late. I was supposed to get a haircut but when I looked in the mirror, I realized my hair was already perfect.
Yolei: The only thing is he was staring in the mirror for over an hour.

Arukenimon: Oh, don't go anywhere. I'll be back to destroy you in a minute.
Mummymon: Ditto that.
Davis: Destiny Stones can break my bones, but you guys are real losers!

Davis: Alright, if you're gonna destroy me, then will you please proceed to wash your hands first? I like to keep things clean.
Veemon: Good thing he hasn't seen your room...

Ken: (Thinking) It looks like Cody still hates me. Well, here it goes.
Cody: (Thinking) It looks like Ken still hates me. Well, here he comes.
Ken: Here you go, Cody. You're invited, too.
Cody: Really? I'm glad I made your list!

Ken: Ahem. I request the honor of your presence at a holiday celebration. That is...
TK: Say no more. You're having a Christmas party. We're in!
Veemon: Hey Ken, can we come?
Ken: Of course! Maybe you'll even catch Gatomon under the mistletoe!

Ken: Come on, Davis! Can't we move any faster?
Davis: Don't be a backseat driver, Ken!

Davis: Hey, it's getting pretty dark in these woods. Here, Kari, I'll hold your hand so you won't get scared.
Kari: I'm not scared.
T.K.: And it's not her hand... it's mine.

[Joe is doubled up on the floor in pain and clutching his stomach]
Kari: Joe, what is it?
Joe: My stomach.
Kari: What's wrong does it hurt?
Joe: No. I'm just doing this 'cause it's fun.

Mimi: Everyone's being so nice, so sweet!
Palmon: Must be because of your charming personality!
Ogremon: Something tells me we should just nod our heads and go along.
Meramon: Yeah, right.
Gomamon: Come on, admit it Joe! Say it! She's charming!
Joe: (blushing) SHE'S NOT CHARMING! I mean she is! I'm... not going to have this conversation!

Sora: Cheer up. Tell me how you like your eggs and I'll do the best I can.
Joe: I prefer my eggs to be covered in salt and pepper, but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Tai: I like soy sauce.
Matt: How about salsa?
Sora: How about a reality check?
Izzy: I'll have mine with mustard and jellybeans, please.
Matt: How gross!
T.K.: Jellybeans. That sounds good.
Mimi: What? You're all weird! My favorite is eggs covered in maple syrup! Sometimes I like to eat them with cherries on top!
Tai: Now that's weird!
T.K.: But I bet it's good.
Joe: You guys are completely making me lose my appetite! I mean, come on. Jellybeans and cherries on eggs? That's just crazy talk! Salt and pepper is all they need. Keep it simple. That's always been my motto.

Tai: Be ready when I give the signal.
Izzy: Roger.
Mimi: He forgot his name!

Joe: [looking at a picture of Gommamon] Alright, look at Gommamon!
Gomamon: I'm cuter in person.

Gennai: You must never forget that you are the Digidestined.
Joe: I'll never forget this stomachache.

Koromon: How did you know my card was the fake, Tai?
Tai: I didn't. I kept your card because you're my friend.
Koromon: (sarcastically) Oh, how nice.

Sora: There are millions of kids like us in the world.
Biyomon: You mean there are millions of Soras?
Sora: (yelling) There's only one of me!

Tai: Did you find anything down there, Izzy?
Tentomon: You could say that, Tai, but the thing is we're up here and you're down there.
Agumon: I think you guys may need glasses. We're way up here above you.
Izzy: But that can't be! That's scientifically impossible!

Davis: See that guys? I got a noogie! It means I'm one of the guys now!
Demiveemon: Davis? If you're one of the guys now, does that means you were one of the girls before? Why can't you humans ever make up your minds? I'm so confused...

Davis: Let's go, T.A.!
TK Takashi: T.A.?
Kari: He forgot how to spell T.K.!

Tentomon: Exactly, but TK and Kari not only have moms and dads, they have something else too.
Izzy's Father: They have brothers.
Tentomon: In a word, bingo!
Izzy: Why would you want them shooting arrows at your loved ones? Sounds kind of dangerous to me.
Izzy's Mother: They're angels, Izzy. Maybe they're like Cupid, he was sort of like an angel. When he shot arrows, they were arrows of love.
Izzy: Mom, isn't that a little corny?
Tentomon: It may be corny, but I believe it. All we have to do is get Angemon and Angewomon to hit you guys with their arrows of love.
Izzy: Hey! Let's not be too hasty here!
Matt Ishida: Well, what do you think?
Tai: It's worth a shot. Kari!
Matt: T.K.!
T.K.: You sure you wanna?
Tai: Let's see these arrows of hope and light!
Matt: You two have got to get them to shoot at us.
Tai: They'll only do it if you tell them to.
Kari: You really want them to shoot you?
TK: What if you get, like, dead or something?
Matt: Never happen.
Kari: Okay. Angewomon!
TK: Angemon, listen up! I know this maybe sounds crazy but shoot Matt and Tai with your arrows.
Kari: You too, Angewomon.
Angemon: He's right.
Angewomon: Sounds crazy, but...
Gabumon: Wait! You sure about this??
Agumon: What if that prophecy's all wrong?
Tai: You guys want a miracle to happen or not?
Matt: Yeah, miracles require a little faith. Scared, Tai?
Tai: No, no at all. How 'bout you, Matt?
Matt: Course not! Piece of cake! (Matt takes Tai's hang) But maybe I'll just hang onto you to make sure you don't chicken out or anything.
Tai: Yeah. right. I'll do the same for you, buddy. (Their crests start to glow)
Angemon: One miracle...!
Angewomon: ...comin' up!

[Joe catches Gomamon eating]
Joe: Did I just hear you eating again?
Gomamon: Uh-huh.
Joe: Didn't I tell you not to eat all the food, since we don't know when we'll find land?! I told you that we need to ration, which means save food for later, as in "much later".
Gomamon: But it is later Joe. You told me that 20 minutes ago.
Joe: [shakes his partner] 20 minutes is not much later! Please tell me there is still some food in the bag!
Gomamon: Well, no. Since you can't handle eating and floating on the ocean at the same time, I ate it all. Besides, I need food to Digivolve in case we run into bad Digimon.
Joe: [shakes his partner again] So, have we seen any bad Digimon?! NO! If I starve, who are you gonna protect?!
[he retches and heaves over the side of the bed]
Gomamon: That's enough about food. Things'll get better soon. Hang in there buddy.
[both see a crate coming near the bed]
Gomamon: That crate is gonna hit us!
Joe: Maybe it's full of fruit, vegetables, bread, milk, cereal, hot dogs, cookies, candy, and soda?
Gomamon: I wish!
Joe: [shakes his partner yet again] You wish?! We wouldn't need more food if you hadn't eaten ours!
Gomamon: You're strong when you're hungry!
Joe: Starvation is a good motivator. Looks like we'll need a jackhammer to open this.

Yolei: I hate Go Fish. Can't we play something else?
Davis: Sure, let's play strip-

Patamon: Aren't cats supposed to land on their feet?
Gatomon: Oh, shut up.

Veemon: Now that Ken's run Tentomon out of his tree, maybe we can climb it and have a look around.
Davis: You bet!
Tentomon: Stay out of my tree! I know exactly how many pieces of bark are on it.

[After Davis makes an unamusing joke about cutting ShogunGekomon's hair]
Kari: Davis, sometimes you're so insensitive.
Davis: (jumps around flailing his arms) I'm so sensitive that I use a special toothpaste so my teeth don't hurt when I eat ice cream! Ahhh!
[Kari giggles and laughs]

Apocalymon: Do you think it's fair that I have to live with all this agony? Why should you get to laugh, while I am forced to cry? Why do you get to taste the best that life has to offer, while all I do is choke on its leftovers? Answer me this! WHY DO ALL OF YOU GET THE PIZZA, WHILE I GET THE CRUST?!?!
Mimi: Ahh, I can't take all these metaphors!
Izzy: Boy, this guy really holds a grudge.
Apocalymon: I will rule the world and plunge it into darkness, so that I don't have to be alone anymore in my misery! [laughs madly] Wait a minute, what am I laughing at? I'm supposed to be depressed!

Mimi: Oh my! I would just love to take on home and put it on my bed with all my other stuffed animals!
Matt: There she goes again. Do you think Mimi hears the same things we hear? I'm not so sure anymore.
Izzy: Maybe she's an alien spy.

T.K: Smells better than broccoli. Who knows, it might taste better.
Matt: Has anybody noticed? We talk a lot about food.
Sora: Nah, I'm not hungry.
Joe: I'm skipping this one too. I just don't like to eat on an empty stomach. Besides, I don't even know what that stuff is, but I'm sure I'm allergic to it.

Agumon: Now let's try some solo performances, starting with Mimi.
Tai: Mimi?
Sora: Mimi?
Izzy: Mimi?
Matt: Singing?
Mimi: Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam... (Singing badly)
Joe: Avoiding your song.
Mimi: Oh come on I had singing lessons for three years.
T.K: Oh you did? Did it help?
Izzy: Mimi, you should get a refund. That's what I think.

Kari: [after Wizardmon sacrificed himself to save her and Gatomon] Wizardmon, you're gonna be all right. Please don't leave! Wizardmon!
Wizardmon: [weakly] Are you all right, Gatomon?
Gatomon: [in tears] You saved me. I'm sorry.
Wizardmon: About what?
Gatomon: I'm sorry that I got you involved in this.
Wizardmon: Don't be sorry. I don't have any regrets. If I wouldn't met you, my life would have no meaning. I'm glad you and I were friends.
Gatomon: That's forever.
Wizardmon: Thank you for everything, Gatomon. [dies]

Gotsumon: [Pumpkinmon runs right into a teenager who falls down on the ground] Wow, you hit down some kind of monster!
Pumpkinmon: Even worse, I think I hit down a teenager!

Matt: You're a thief! We worked so hard we could afford a trip to Hawaii!
Digitamamon: [Growing furiously] Hawaii is not on the schedule, but if you insist I'll send you to the moon! [Attacks]

Myotismon: [To Wizardmon] Did you really think you could betray me and get away with it?
Wizardmon: [Protecting Gatomon] How could I betray you? I was never on your side to start with!

[non American dub] (while Angewomon and Deviwomon (LadyDevimon) are slapping each other)
Taichi: Is that how women fight?
Koushirou: Yeah, they must slap each other to death!

(The bitter fight between Angewomon and Deviwomon (LadyDevimon) has become a heated, and comical, slapping catfight. The guys all stare.)
Tai: Wow... Look at 'em go.
Izzy: I know I shouldn't be watching, but I can't take my eyes off them.
Kari: Get her Angewomon! That's right! Knock that witch's block off! Go!

Angewomon: Vamdemon. Not only did you interfere with the Chosen Children's mission, but you have invaded the real world and killed my friend, Wizarmon. Learn the full weight of your sins!
Vamdemon: I will change everything in this world into darkness! After fusing this place with the Digital World, I will become its sole ruler! I only did what I was destined to do!
Angemon: Vamdemon. Does this mean you have no intent of repenting for your sins?
Vamdemon: Hmph. Dead-
Angewomon: Saint Air!
Vamdemon: Ugh!
MetalGreymon: My strength is being restored!
WereGarurumon: Now!
Garudamon: Give our power to Angewomon!
AtlurKabuterimon: Horn Buster!
Lillymon: Flower Cannon!
Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer!
WereGarurumon: Wolf Claw!
Garudamon: Wing Blade!
MetalGreymon: Giga Blaster!
Angemon: Hand of Fate!
Angewomon: Celestial Arrow!
Vamdemon: Don't! Uuuu... Uuuuaaarrrghhh!

Izzy: Hey, Tai! This isn't your normal behavior.
Tai: It's Kari, she almost died once before because of me.
Izzy, Tentomon and Agumon: Huh!?
Tai: It happened when she was four or five, just a little kid. She stayed home from kindergarten one day because she was sick. I mean, I knew she was sick, but all I could think about on the way home was playing soccer.
Young Tai: Hey, I'm home!
Tai: I wanted to go out and play, but I didn't want to leave her by herself, so I took her outside with me. She seemed okay, really she did.
Young Tai: Now watch me, just like that. (Kari kicks the ball in the wrong direction) No, that's not right (sees that Kari has collapsed)...Kari? Kari!
Mrs. Kamiya (after slapping Young Tai in the face): What could you have been thinking!? You knew she was sick! (begins to cry)
Tai: She ended up with pneumonia, or something. She almost didn't make it, but what really kills me is what she said when they brought her home from the hospital. The first words out of her mouth...
Young Kari: Tai, I'm sorry I can't kick the ball very good. You'll probably never want to play with me again. (Young Tai begins to cry)
Tai: That's her, that's Kari. She never thinks about herself. It doesn't matter if she feels bad or if she's bummed out about other stuff, she's always worried about the other kids. She wouldn't be sick, she'd be just fine if she never came to this stupid place, but she came because she knew that we needed her help. She never thought about what she wanted. She never does!

(American dub)

Angewomon: Myotismon. You've tried to destroy the Digidestined and attempted to conquer Earth. In doing so, you have ruined the lives of Digimon and humans alike. How can you justify yourself??
Vamdemon: I don't have to explain myself to the likes of you!! It is my destiny to plunge this world into darkness and become king of the Digital World! And no angel or Digimon has the power to stop me!!
Angemon: Myotismon, don't you have any regrets for the things you have done??
Vamdemon: Hmph. Nightmare-
Angewomon: Heaven's Charm!!!
Vamdemon: Ugh!
MetalGreymon: My power! It's...it's growing!!
WereGarurumon: Now!
Garudamon: Everyone, give your power to Angewomon!
AtlurKabuterimon: Horn Buster!
Lillymon: Flower Cannon!
Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer!
WereGarurumon: Wolf Claw!
Garudamon: Wing Blade!
MetalGreymon: Giga Blaster!
Angemon: Hand of Fate!
Angewomon: Celestial Arrow!
Vamdemon: Don't! Uuuu... Uuuuaaarrrghhh!

(When they first meet Gennai)

Gennai: I'm old, not deaf!

Joe: Whatever they are, they're aggrivating my hay-fever.
Matt: Hey Joe. Is there anything you don't complain about?

Cherrymon: (to Matt) What's the matter? Never seen a talking tree?
Matt: Not many.

Phone Operator This number only exists in your imagination. Please hang up, and don't call back.
Matt: What planet did I dial?

Phone Operator: Tomorrow's forecast calls for clear skies with occasional ice cream
Mimi: What do you wear for that?

Joe: Tai knows what he's doing. He knows where he fits in, and so do you. So do the others. But I don't!! Look, I know that we're in for the fight of our lives, and part of me knows that I should stay and help. But I...I want you to count on me. If I'm unreliable, then Gomamon can't fully Digivolve. We're like circus clowns; we just get in the way. Don't look at me like that; you know it's true!! I'm gonna figure this out!! They don't call me old reliable for nothin'!
Gomamon: But they don't.
Joe: I'll ignore that.

Joe: Don't come any closer! Shoo! Go away!
Gomamon: Relax! It's just an image.
Sora: Yeah, save your screaming for the real thing.
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